/* orxonox - the future of 3D-vertical-scrollers Copyright (C) 2004 orx This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. ### File Specific: main-programmer: Patrick Boenzli */ #define DEBUG_SPECIAL_MODULE DEBUG_MODULE_OBJECT_MANAGER #include "object_manager.h" #include "garbage_collector.h" #include "list.h" #include "projectile.h" using namespace std; /** \brief standard constructor */ ObjectManager::ObjectManager () { this->setClassName ("ObjectManager"); //this->managedObjectList = new BaseObject*[CL_NUMBER]; this->managedObjectList = new tList*[CL_NUMBER]; this->garbageCollector = GarbageCollector::getInstance(); } /** \brief the singleton reference to this class */ ObjectManager* ObjectManager::singletonRef = NULL; /** \returns a Pointer to this Class */ ObjectManager* ObjectManager::getInstance(void) { if (!ObjectManager::singletonRef) ObjectManager::singletonRef = new ObjectManager(); return ObjectManager::singletonRef; } /** \brief standard deconstructor */ ObjectManager::~ObjectManager () { ObjectManager::singletonRef = NULL; } /* void ObjectManager::cache(classList index, int number, Projectile* copyObject) { //this->managedObjectList[index] = new BaseObject[number]; this->managedObjectList[index] = new tList(); for(int i = 0; i < number; ++i) { this->managedObjectList[index]->add(new Projectile(*copyObject)); } } */ void ObjectManager::addToDeadList(classList index, BaseObject* object) { if( likely(this->managedObjectList[index] != NULL)) this->managedObjectList[index]->add(object); else PRINTF(0)(" Error: unable to add object to the list nr. %i: no list initialized - ignoring\n", index); } BaseObject* ObjectManager::getFromDeadList(classList index, int number) { if( likely(this->managedObjectList[index] != NULL)) { BaseObject* obj = this->managedObjectList[index]->firstElement(); this->managedObjectList[index]->remove(obj); return obj; } else PRINTF(0)(" Error: unable to get object from the list nr. %i: no elements initialized - ignoring\n", index); } void ObjectManager::debug() { PRINT(0)("\n==========================| ObjectManager::debug() |===\n"); PRINT(0)("= Number of registerable classes: %i\n", CL_NUMBER ); PRINT(0)("= Currently cached objects: \n"); for(int i = 0; i < CL_NUMBER; ++i) { if(this->managedObjectList[i] != NULL) PRINT(0)("= o Class Nr. %i has cached %i object(s)\n", i, this->managedObjectList[i]->getSize()); else PRINT(0)("= o Class Nr. %i has cached 0 object(s)\n", i); } PRINT(0)("=======================================================\n"); }