/* orxonox - the future of 3D-vertical-scrollers Copyright (C) 2004 orx This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. ### File Specific: main-programmer: Patrick Boenzli co-programmer: ... */ #include "game_loader.h" #include "campaign.h" #include "world.h" #include "player.h" #include "orxonox.h" #include "camera.h" #include "command_node.h" #include "vector.h" #include using namespace std; GameLoader* GameLoader::singletonRef = 0; GameLoader::GameLoader () {} GameLoader::~GameLoader () {} /** \brief this class is a singleton class \returns an instance of itself if you are unsure about singleton classes, check the theory out on the internet :) */ GameLoader* GameLoader::getInstance() { if(singletonRef == NULL) singletonRef = new GameLoader(); return singletonRef; } ErrorMessage GameLoader::init() { if(this->currentCampaign != NULL) this->currentCampaign->init(); } /** \brief reads a campaign definition file into a campaign class \param filename to be loaded \returns the loaded campaign this will interprete the map/campaign files and recursivly load a tree of worlds/campaigns */ ErrorMessage GameLoader::loadCampaign(char* name) { ErrorMessage errorCode; this->currentCampaign = this->fileToCampaign(name); } /** \brief loads a debug campaign for test purposes only. \param the identifier of the campaign. \returns error message if not able to do so. */ ErrorMessage GameLoader::loadDebugCampaign(Uint32 campaignID) { switch(campaignID) { /* Debug Level 0: Debug level used to test the base frame work. As you can see, all storyentity data is allocated before game start. the storyentity will load themselfs shortly before start through the StoryEntity::init() funtion. */ case DEBUG_CAMPAIGN_0: { Campaign* debugCampaign = new Campaign(); World* world0 = new World(DEBUG_WORLD_0); world0->setNextStoryID(WORLD_ID_1); debugCampaign->addEntity(world0, WORLD_ID_0); World* world1 = new World(DEBUG_WORLD_1); world1->setNextStoryID(WORLD_ID_GAMEEND); debugCampaign->addEntity(world1, WORLD_ID_1); this->currentCampaign = debugCampaign; break; } } } ErrorMessage GameLoader::start() { if(this->currentCampaign != NULL) this->currentCampaign->start(); } ErrorMessage GameLoader::stop() { if(this->currentCampaign != NULL) this->currentCampaign->stop(); this->currentCampaign = NULL; } ErrorMessage GameLoader::pause() { this->isPaused = true; if(this->currentCampaign != NULL) this->currentCampaign->pause(); } ErrorMessage GameLoader::resume() { this->isPaused = false; if(this->currentCampaign != NULL) this->currentCampaign->resume(); } /** \brief release the mem */ ErrorMessage GameLoader::destroy() {} /** \brief reads a campaign definition file into a campaign class \param filename to be loaded \returns the loaded campaign this will interprete the map/campaign files and recursivly load a tree of worlds/campaigns */ Campaign* GameLoader::fileToCampaign(char *name) { /* do not entirely load the campaign. just the current world before start of each world, it has to be initialized so it can load everything it needs into memory then. */ } /** \brief handle keyboard commands \param cmd: the command to handle \returns true if the command was handled by the system */ bool GameLoader::worldCommand (Command* cmd) { if( !strcmp( cmd->cmd, "up_world")) { if( !cmd->bUp) { this->nextLevel(); } return true; } else if( !strcmp( cmd->cmd, "down_world")) { if( !cmd->bUp) { this->previousLevel(); } return true; } else if( !strcmp( cmd->cmd, "pause")) { if( !cmd->bUp) { if(this->isPaused) this->resume(); else this->pause(); } return true; } else if( !strcmp( cmd->cmd, "quit")) { if( !cmd->bUp) this->stop(); return true; } return false; } /* \brief this changes to the next level */ void GameLoader::nextLevel() { if(this->currentCampaign != NULL) this->currentCampaign->nextLevel(); } /* \brief change to the previous level - not implemented this propably useless */ void GameLoader::previousLevel() { if(this->currentCampaign != NULL) this->currentCampaign->previousLevel(); }