#ifndef _NPC_H #define _NPC_H #include "world_entity.h" #include "world_entities/weapons/weapon_manager.h" #include "track/action_box.h" class ActionboxEnemy : public WorldEntity { ObjectListDeclaration(ActionboxEnemy); public: ActionboxEnemy(const TiXmlElement* root = NULL); virtual ~ActionboxEnemy (); virtual void tick(float dt); virtual void draw() const; virtual void loadParams(const TiXmlElement* root); virtual void destroy( WorldEntity* killer ); private: bool isActive; float pitch; // rotate angle around x-axix float dPitch; // change pitch += dPitch*dt Quaternion qPitch; float acceleration; float maxSpeed; float speed; Quaternion myDir; Vector myCoor; bool bFire; Vector escapePoint; bool onEscape; void attackPlayer( ActionBox* box, float dt ); void moveTowardsBox( ActionBox* box, float dt ); void moveTowards( Vector targetPos, Vector targetDir, float dt ); WeaponManager weaponMan; //!< the weapon manager: managing a list of energy weapons to wepaon-slot mapping }; #endif