/*! * @file space_ship.h * Implements the Control of a Spaceship * Space Ships are the core class for all types of ships in Orxonox */ #ifndef _SPACE_SHIP_H #define _SPACE_SHIP_H #include "playable.h" #include "extendable.h" // Forward Declaration template class tList; class Vector; class Event; class ParticleEmitter; class ParticleSystem; class SpaceShip : public Playable { ObjectListDeclaration(SpaceShip); public: SpaceShip(const std::string& fileName); SpaceShip(const TiXmlElement* root = NULL); virtual ~SpaceShip(); virtual void loadParams(const TiXmlElement* root); virtual void setPlayDirection(const Quaternion& rot, float speed = 0.0f); void setTravelSpeed(float travelSpeed); void setTravelHeight(float travelHeight); void setTravelDistance(const Vector2D& distance); void setTravelDistance(float x, float y); void setAirFriction(float friction) { this->airFriction = friction; }; virtual void enter(); virtual void leave(); virtual void reset(); virtual void postSpawn(); virtual void leftWorld(); virtual void destroy(WorldEntity* killer); virtual void respawn(); virtual void collidesWith(WorldEntity* entity, const Vector& location); virtual void tick(float time); virtual void draw() const; virtual void process(const Event &event); inline WeaponManager getWeaponManagerSecondary() { return this->secWeaponMan; }; //Functions for GUI inline float getShieldCur() { return this->shieldCur; }; //!< returns current shield value inline float getShieldMax() { return this->shieldMax; }; //!< returns maximum shield value inline float getArmorCur() { return this->armorCur; }; //!< returns current armor value inline float getArmorMax() { return this->armorMax; }; //!< returns current armor value inline float getElectronicCur() { return this->electronicCur; }; //!< returns current electronic value inline float getElectronicMax() { return this->electronicMax; }; //!< returns current electronic value //damage handler virtual void damage(float pDamage, float eDamage); //!< pDamage physical damage, eDamage electronic damage virtual void enterPlaymode(Playable::Playmode playmode); virtual void movement (float dt); private: void init(); void calculateVelocity(float time); void regen(float time); //!< handler for shield and electronic regeneration void weaponRegen(float time); //!< weapon energy regeneration //WeaponManager weaponMan; //!< the primary weapon manager: managing a list of energy weapons to wepaon-slot mapping WeaponManager secWeaponMan; //!< the secondary weapon manager: managing a list of special weapons to weapon-slot mapping short supportedPlaymodes; //!< What Playmodes are Supported in this Playable. Playable::Playmode playmode; //!< The current playmode. bool bSecFire; //ship atributes float shieldCur; //!< current shield float shieldMax; //!< maximum shield float shieldEnergyShare; //!< percentage of reactor output float shieldRegen; //!< shield regeneration rate per second float shieldTH; //!< shield threshhold for reactivation bool shieldActive; //!< wheather the shield is working float armorCur; //!< current armor float armorMax; //!< maximum armor float armorRegen; //!< armor regeneration per tick (usable on bioships?) float electronicCur; //!< current electronic float electronicMax; //!< maximum electronic float electronicRegen; //!< electronic regenration rate per tick float engineSpeedCur; //!< speed output for movement = speed base + energy share part float engineSpeedBase; //!< speed base int enginePowerConsume; //!< energy needed float engineEnergyShare; //!< percentage of reactor output int weaponEnergySlot; //!< number of energy weapon slots int weaponEnergyUsed; float weaponEnergyShare; float weaponEnergyRegen; int weaponSpecialSlot; //!< number of special weapon slots int weaponSpecialUsed; float reactorOutput; //!< reactor output float reactorCapacity; //!< reactor capacity int curWeaponPrimary; //!< current primary weapon config int curWeaponSecondary; //!< current secondary weapon config bool bUp; //!< up button pressed. bool bDown; //!< down button pressed. bool bLeft; //!< left button pressed. bool bRight; //!< right button pressed. bool bAscend; //!< ascend button pressed. bool bDescend; //!< descend button presses. // bool bFire; //!< fire button pressed.(moved to playable) bool bRollL; //!< rolling button pressed (left) bool bRollR; //!< rolling button pressed (right) float xMouse; //!< mouse moved in x-Direction float yMouse; //!< mouse moved in y-Direction float mouseSensitivity; //!< the mouse sensitivity int yInvert; int controlVelocityX; int controlVelocityY; // float cycle; //!< hovercycle Vector velocity; //!< the velocity of the player. Vector oldVelocity; //!< the velocity the player had last synced // 2D-traveling PNode* travelNode; float travelSpeed; //!< the current speed of the Ship (to make soft movement) // Camera PNode cameraNode; float cameraLook; float rotation; /* Quaternion mouseDir; //!< the direction where the player wants to fly Quaternion oldMouseDir; //!< the direction where the player wanted to fly float shipInertia; //!< the inertia of the ship(how fast the ship reacts to a mouse input) Quaternion rotQuat; Quaternion pitchDir; float dogdeSpeed; //!< the dogde Speed of the ship. */ Quaternion direction; //!< the direction of the ship. float acceleration; //!< the acceleration of the ship. float airFriction; //!< AirFriction. float airViscosity; byte oldMask; //!< used for synchronisation ParticleEmitter* burstEmitter; ParticleSystem* burstSystem; }; #endif /* _SPACE_SHIPS_H */