/*! * @file network_monitor.h * a class to monitor the network: throughput, network nodes */ #ifndef _NETWORK_MONITOR_H #define _NETWORK_MONITOR_H #include "base_object.h" #include "synchronizeable.h" #include "shared_network_data.h" #include "ip.h" #include "network_node.h" #include class NetworkStream; class PeerInfo; namespace OrxGui { class GLGuiBox; }; //!< a class that monitors the whole network. it tries to gather all informations its able to from the network class NetworkMonitor : public Synchronizeable { public: NetworkMonitor(NetworkStream* networkStream); virtual ~NetworkMonitor(); /* client/masterserver/proxyserver addition/removal interface */ void addNetworkNode(NetworkNode* node); void removeNetworkNode(NetworkNode* node); void addNode(PeerInfo* pInfo); void addNode(const IP& ip, int nodeType); void addNode(NetworkNode* node) { this->nodeList.push_back(node); } void addNode(NetworkNode* node, PeerInfo* pInfo); /** adds to @param node a network node @param pInfo a new client */ inline void addClient(NetworkNode* node, PeerInfo* pInfo) { node->addClient(new NetworkNode(pInfo)); } /** adds to @param node a network node @param pInfo a new proxy server */ inline void addActiveProxyServer(NetworkNode* node, PeerInfo* pInfo) { node->addActiveProxyServer(new NetworkNode(pInfo)); } /** adds to @param node a network node @param pInfo a new proxy server */ inline void addPassiveProxyServer(NetworkNode* node, PeerInfo* pInfo) { node->addPassiveProxyServer(new NetworkNode(pInfo)); } /** adds to @param node a network node @param pInfo a new master server*/ inline void addMasterServer(NetworkNode* node, PeerInfo* pInfo) { node->addMasterServer(new NetworkNode(pInfo)); } void removeNode(PeerInfo* pInfo); void removeNode(NetworkNode* node, PeerInfo* pInfo); inline void removeClient(NetworkNode* node, int userId) { node->removeClient(userId); } inline void removeActiveProxyServer(NetworkNode* node, int userId) { node->removeActiveProxyServer(userId); } inline void removePassiveProxyServer(NetworkNode* node, int userId) { node->removePassiveProxyServer(userId); } inline void removeMasterServer(NetworkNode* node, int userId) { node->removeMasterServer(userId); } PeerInfo* getFirstChoiceProxy() const; PeerInfo* getSecondChoiceProxy() const; /** @returns the local node */ inline NetworkNode* getLocalNode() const { return this->localNode; }; /** @returns the active proxy server list of the localnode */ inline std::list getActiveProxyServers() const { return this->localNode->getActiveProxyServers(); } /* slots admin and info interface */ /** @returns the total number of players in this game (including all proxy servers etc)*/ inline int getPlayerNumber() const { return this->playerNumber; } /** @returns true if there are still free network slots available at the local node*/ inline bool gotFreeSlots() const { return (this->localNode->getPlayerNumber() < SharedNetworkData::getInstance()->getMaxPlayer()); } /** @param node node to be checked for slots @returns true if there are still free network slots available at this node */ inline bool gotFreeSlots(NetworkNode* node) const { return (node->getPlayerNumber() < SharedNetworkData::getInstance()->getMaxPlayer()); } /** @returns true if the next client should be reconnected to some other proxy server with more connections */ inline bool isReconnectNextClient() const { return (this->localNode->getPlayerNumber() >= SharedNetworkData::getInstance()->getMaxPlayer()); } inline const std::list& getNodeList() const { return this->nodeList; }; PeerInfo* getPeerByUserId( int userId); NetworkNode* getNodeByUserId( int userId); /* forced reconnection interface */ inline void setForcedReconnection(IP address) { this->bForcedRecon = true; this->forcedReconnection = address;} inline bool isForcedReconnection() const { return this->bForcedRecon; } inline IP getForcedReconnectionIP() { this->bForcedRecon = false; return this->forcedReconnection; } void toggleGUI(); void process(); void debug() const; private: NetworkStream* networkStream; //!< reference to the one networkstream of the network NetworkNode* localNode; //!< reference to the local node std::list nodeList; //!< list of all network nodes OrxGui::GLGuiBox* box; int playerNumber; //!< total number of players in the game int connectionNumber; //!< total number of connections at this localhost IP forcedReconnection; //!< ip of a forced reconnection bool bForcedRecon; //!< true if there is a forced recon }; #endif