/*! * @file world.h * Holds and manages all game data */ #ifndef _WORLD_H #define _WORLD_H #include "sdlincl.h" #include "story_entity.h" #include "object_manager.h" class NetworkWorld; class WorldEntity; class Camera; class Player; class GLMenuImageScreen; class Terrain; class TiXmlElement; class Shell; class OggPlayer; //! The game world /** this class initializes everything that should be displayed inside of the current level. it is the main driving factor during gameplay. */ class NetworkWorld : public StoryEntity { public: NetworkWorld (const TiXmlElement* root = NULL); virtual ~NetworkWorld (); void loadParams(const TiXmlElement* root); double getGameTime(); /* classes from story-entity */ virtual ErrorMessage preLoad(); virtual ErrorMessage load (); virtual ErrorMessage postLoad(); virtual ErrorMessage preStart(); virtual ErrorMessage start (); virtual ErrorMessage stop (); virtual ErrorMessage pause (); virtual ErrorMessage resume (); virtual ErrorMessage destroy (); void displayLoadScreen(); void releaseLoadScreen(); /* interface to world */ // void spawn (WorldEntity* entity); /** @param speed sets the speed of the Game */ inline void setSpeed(float speed) { this->speed = speed; }; const char* getPath(); void setPath( const char* name); void togglePNodeVisibility() { this->showPNodes = !this->showPNodes; }; void toggleBVVisibility() { this->showBV = !this->showBV; }; private: void constuctorInit(const char* name, int worldID); /* function for main-loop */ void synchronize (); void handleInput (); void tick (std::list worldEntity, float dt); void tick (); void update (); void collide (); void draw (); void mainLoop (); void display (); void debug (); private: char* path; //!< The file from which this world is loaded // FLAGS // bool bQuitWorld; //!< quit only the current game and return to menu bool bPause; //!< pause mode bool showPNodes; //!< if the PNodes should be visible. bool showBV; //!< if the Bounding Volumes should be visible. // TIMING // Uint32 lastFrame; //!< last time of frame Uint32 cycle; //!< The cycle we are in (starts with 0 and rises with every frame) Uint32 dt; //!< time needed to calculate this frame (in milliSeconds) float dtS; //!< The time needed for caluculations in seconds float speed; //!< how fast the game flows double gameTime; //!< this is where the game time is saved // INTERNAL ENGINES ObjectManager objectManager; //!< The ObjectManager of this World. Shell* shell; OggPlayer* music; GLMenuImageScreen* glmis; //!< The Level-Loader Display // IMPORTANT ENTITIES Camera* localCamera; //!< The current Camera Player* localPlayer; //!< The Player, you fly through the level. WorldEntity* sky; //!< The Environmental Heaven of orxonox @todo insert this to environment insted Terrain* terrain; //!< The Terrain of the NetworkWorld. }; #endif /* _WORLD_H */