/* orxonox - the future of 3D-vertical-scrollers Copyright (C) 2004 orx This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. ### File Specific: main-programmer: Benjamin Grauer co-programmer: ... */ #define DEBUG_SPECIAL_MODULE DEBUG_MODULE_GUI #include "glgui_widget.h" #include "glgui_cursor.h" #include "material.h" #include "debug.h" namespace OrxGui { /** * @brief standard constructor */ GLGuiWidget::GLGuiWidget (GLGuiWidget* parent) { this->init(); this->setParentWidget(parent); } /** * @brief standard deconstructor */ GLGuiWidget::~GLGuiWidget() { if (this == GLGuiWidget::_focused) GLGuiWidget::_focused = NULL; } GLGuiWidget* GLGuiWidget::_selected = NULL; GLGuiWidget* GLGuiWidget::_focused = NULL; GLGuiWidget* GLGuiWidget::_inputGrabber = NULL; /** * initializes the GUI-element */ void GLGuiWidget::init() { this->setClassID(CL_GLGUI_WIDGET, "GLGuiWidget"); this->_focusable = false; this->_clickable = false; this->_pushed = false; this->setVisibility(GLGUI_WIDGET_DEFAULT_VISIBLE); this->_backMat.setDiffuse(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); this->_frontMat.setDiffuse(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); this->_borderLeft = 10.0; this->_borderRight = 1.0; this->_borderTop = 1.0; this->_borderBottom = 1.0; } void GLGuiWidget::setParentWidget(GLGuiWidget* parent) { this->_parent = parent; if (parent != NULL) parent->addChild2D(this); } /** @brief gives focus to this widget */ void GLGuiWidget::giveFocus() { if (GLGuiWidget::focused() != NULL) GLGuiWidget::focused()->breakFocus(); GLGuiWidget::_focused = this; this->receivedFocus(); }; void GLGuiWidget::breakFocus() { if (GLGuiWidget::_focused == this) { GLGuiWidget::_focused = NULL; this->_pushed = false; this->removedFocus(); } }; bool GLGuiWidget::focusOverWidget(const Vector2D& position) const { return (this->getAbsCoor2D().x < position.x && this->getAbsCoor2D().x + this->getSizeX2D() > position.x && this->getAbsCoor2D().y < position.y && this->getAbsCoor2D().y + this->getSizeY2D() > position.y); } bool GLGuiWidget::focusOverWidget(const GLGuiCursor* const cursor) const { return this->focusOverWidget(cursor->getAbsCoor2D()); } void GLGuiWidget::setBorderSize(float borderSize) { this->_borderLeft = borderSize; this->_borderRight = borderSize; this->_borderTop = borderSize; this->_borderBottom = borderSize; this->resize(); } void GLGuiWidget::setBorderLeft(float borderLeft) { this->_borderLeft = borderLeft; this->resize(); } void GLGuiWidget::setBorderRight(float borderRight) { this->_borderRight = borderRight; this->resize(); } void GLGuiWidget::setBorderTop(float borderTop) { this->_borderTop = borderTop; this->resize(); } void GLGuiWidget::setBorderBottom(float borderBottom) { this->_borderBottom = borderBottom; this->resize(); } void GLGuiWidget::resize() { this->backRect().setSize(this->getSize2D()); if (this->parent() != NULL) this->parent()->resize(); } void GLGuiWidget::click(const Vector2D& pos) { assert (!this->_pushed); this->_pushed = true; this->clicking(pos); } void GLGuiWidget::release(const Vector2D& pos) { if (this->_pushed) { this->releasing(pos); this->_pushed = false; } } void GLGuiWidget::clicking(const Vector2D& pos) { this->frontMaterial().setDiffuse(0, 0, 1); } void GLGuiWidget::releasing(const Vector2D& pos) { this->frontMaterial().setDiffuse(0,1,0); } void GLGuiWidget::receivedFocus() { this->frontMaterial().setDiffuse(0, 1, 0); } void GLGuiWidget::removedFocus() { this->frontMaterial().setDiffuse(1, 0, 0); } void GLGuiWidget::destroyed() {} ; void GLGuiWidget::setWidgetSize(const Vector2D& size) { this->setSize2D(size); this->resize(); } void GLGuiWidget::setWidgetSize(float x, float y) { this->setWidgetSize(Vector2D(x, y)); } void GLGuiWidget::connect(GLGuiWidget* sender, Signal& signal, BaseObject* receiver, Slot executor) { sender->connect(signal, receiver, executor); } void GLGuiWidget::connect(Signal& signal, BaseObject* receiver, Slot executor) { signal.push_back(SignalConnector(receiver, executor)); } void GLGuiWidget::show() { this->setVisibility(true); this->showing(); } void GLGuiWidget::hide() { this->setVisibility(false); this->hiding(); } /** * USE THIS FUNCTION ONLY FROM DERIVED CLASS */ void GLGuiWidget::draw() const { this->backMaterial().select(); this->drawRect(this->backRect()); } }