/* orxonox - the future of 3D-vertical-scrollers Copyright (C) 2004 orx This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. ### File Specific: main-programmer: Benjamin Grauer co-programmer: ... */ #define DEBUG_SPECIAL_MODULE DEBUG_MODULE_GUI #include "glgui_checkbutton.h" #include "text.h" namespace OrxGui { /** * standard constructor */ GLGuiCheckButton::GLGuiCheckButton (const std::string& label, bool active) : GLGuiButton(label) { this->init(); this->bActive = active; this->resize(); } /** * standard deconstructor */ GLGuiCheckButton::~GLGuiCheckButton() { } /** * initializes the GUI-element */ void GLGuiCheckButton::init() { this->setClassID(CL_GLGUI_CHECKBUTTON, "GLGuiCheckButton"); } void GLGuiCheckButton::setActivity(bool bActive) { this->bActive = bActive; emit(this->toggled(this->bActive)); } void GLGuiCheckButton::toggleActiveState() { this->setActivity(!this->isActive()); } void GLGuiCheckButton::resize() { this->labelText().setRelCoor2D( borderLeft() + 15.0, borderTop() + 5); this->setSize2D(this->labelText().getSizeX2D() + 15.0 + borderLeft() + borderRight(), this->labelText().getSizeY2D() + 10 + borderTop()+borderBottom()); GLGuiWidget::resize(); this->_checkBox.setSize(10.0, 10.0); this->_checkBox.setCenter( borderLeft() + _checkBox.height()/2.0, borderTop() + (this->getSizeY2D() - borderTop() - borderBottom()) / 2.0); /* this->frontRect().setTopLeft(borderLeft(), borderTop()); this->frontRect().setSize(this->getSizeX2D() - (borderLeft() + borderRight()) , this->getSizeY2D() - (borderTop() + borderBottom()));*/ } void GLGuiCheckButton::releasing(const Vector2D& pos) { GLGuiButton::releasing(pos); this->toggleActiveState(); } /** * @brief draws the GLGuiPushButton */ void GLGuiCheckButton::draw() const { this->beginDraw(); GLGuiButton::draw(); // this->frontMaterial().select(); // this->drawRect(this->frontRect()); if (this->bActive) { glColor3fv( &this->frontColor()[0]); this->drawRect(this->_checkBox); // DRAW a cross :) Vector2D center = this->_checkBox.center(); glColor4f(1,1,1, 1.0); glLineWidth(3.0); glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); glVertex2d(_checkBox.left(), _checkBox.top()); glVertex2d(center.x, center.y); glVertex2d(_checkBox.right(), _checkBox.top()); glVertex2d(center.x, center.y); glVertex2d(_checkBox.right(), _checkBox.bottom()); glVertex2d(center.x, center.y); glVertex2d(_checkBox.left(), _checkBox.bottom()); glVertex2d(center.x, center.y); glEnd(); } else { glColor3fv( &this->frontColor()[0]); this->drawRect(this->_checkBox); } this->endDraw(); } }