/*! * @file texture.h * @brief Contains the texture class, that handles the reading of Images into Texutre-files. */ #ifndef _TEXTURE_H #define _TEXTURE_H #include "base_object.h" #include "glincl.h" /* Forward Declaration */ struct SDL_Surface; //! A Class, that reads in Textures from different fileformats. class Texture : public BaseObject { public: Texture(const std::string& imageName = "", GLenum target = GL_TEXTURE_2D); Texture(SDL_Surface* surface, GLenum target = GL_TEXTURE_2D); virtual ~Texture(); bool loadImage(const std::string& imageName, GLenum target = GL_TEXTURE_2D); bool loadSurface(SDL_Surface* surface, GLenum target = GL_TEXTURE_2D); virtual bool rebuild(); /** @returns The textureID of this texture. */ inline GLuint getTexture() const { return this->texture; }; /** @returns true if texture has alpha, false otherwise */ inline bool hasAlpha() const {return bAlpha; } /** @returns the stored image of this Texture */ const SDL_Surface* const getStoredImage() const { return this->image; }; static void setTextureEnableState(bool texturesEnabled); /** @returns true if Textures are enabled */ inline static bool getTextureEnableState() { return Texture::texturesEnabled; }; // Utility functionality: SDL_Surface* prepareSurface(SDL_Surface* input, bool& hasAlpha) const; GLuint loadTexToGL (const SDL_Surface* surface, GLenum target = GL_TEXTURE_2D) const; protected: bool setSurface(SDL_Surface* newSurface); bool setAlpha(bool hasAlpha) { this->bAlpha = hasAlpha; }; bool setTexture(GLuint texture) { this->texture = texture; }; private: void init(); private: GLuint texture; //!< The Texture-ID of opengl from this Texture. bool bAlpha; //!< if the texture has an alpha channel. SDL_Surface* image; //!< The SDL_Surfce that stores the Texture on it. GLclampf priority; //!< the priority of the current texture (used for garphics cards with limited mem) static bool texturesEnabled; //!< If the Textures are enabled. }; #endif /* _TEXTURE_H */