/*! * @file md3_mesh.h * * Code heavely inspired by: JAVA MD3 Model Viewer - A Java based Quake 3 model viewer * Copyright (C) 1999 Erwin 'KLR8' Vervaet */ #ifndef _MD3_MESH_H #define _MD3_MESH_H #include #include "md_model_structure.h" #include "vector.h" class Material; namespace md3 { typedef struct MD3MeshHeader { int id; //!< individual id, must be IDP3 char name[68]; //!< the name of the mesh int meshFrameNum; //!< numbers of frames int textureNum; //!< numbers of textures int vertexNum; //!< numbers of verteces int triangleNum; //!< number of triangles int triangleStart; //!< triangle start offset int textureStart; //!< texture start offset int texVecStart; //!< tex vec start offset int vertexStart; //!< vertex start offset int meshSize; //!< total mesh size }; typedef struct MD3Triangle { int vertexOffset[3]; //!< the vertex offsets of the triangles in the vertex array }; typedef struct MD3Texture { char fileName[68]; //!< the filename of the texture. path relativly to the model file }; typedef struct MD3TexVecs { float textureCoord[2]; //!< the texture u/v coordinates }; typedef struct MD3Normal { int vertexNormal[2]; //!< vertex normals }; typedef struct MD3VertexCompressed { short vector[3]; //!< compressed vertex information unsigned char vertexNormal[2]; //!< vertex normals compressed }; class MD3Mesh { public: MD3Mesh(); virtual ~MD3Mesh(); public: MD3MeshHeader* header; //!< the header of the mesh Material* material; //!< the material/textures of the models MD3Triangle* triangles; //!< indices into mesh frames and texture coord arrays MD3TexVecs* texVecs; //!< tex vecs coordinates sVec3D* meshFrames; //!< mesh frames MD3Normal* normals; //!< 3d array of normals with spherical coordinates giving the dir of the vertex normal }; } #endif /* _MD3_MESH_H */