#include "OgreOdePrecompiledHeaders.h" #include "OgreOdeEntityInformer.h" #include "OgreOdeMaintainedList.h" #include "OgreOdeBody.h" #include "OgreOdeGeometry.h" #include "OgreOdeMass.h" #include "OgreOdeEigenSolver.h" using namespace OgreOde; using namespace Ogre; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void EntityInformer::addVertexData(const VertexData *vertex_data, const VertexData *blended_data, const Mesh::IndexMap *indexMap) { if (!vertex_data) return; const VertexData *data = (blended_data) ? blended_data: vertex_data; const unsigned int prev_size = _vertex_count; _vertex_count += (unsigned int)data->vertexCount; Ogre::Vector3* tmp_vert = new Ogre::Vector3[_vertex_count]; if (_vertices) { memcpy(tmp_vert,_vertices,sizeof(Vector3) * prev_size); delete[] _vertices; } _vertices = tmp_vert; // Get the positional buffer element { const Ogre::VertexElement* posElem = data->vertexDeclaration->findElementBySemantic(Ogre::VES_POSITION); Ogre::HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf = data->vertexBufferBinding->getBuffer(posElem->getSource()); const unsigned int vSize = (unsigned int)vbuf->getVertexSize(); unsigned char* vertex = static_cast(vbuf->lock(Ogre::HardwareBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY)); float* pReal; Ogre::Vector3 * curVertices = &_vertices[prev_size]; const unsigned int vertexCount = (unsigned int)data->vertexCount; for(unsigned int j = 0; j < vertexCount; ++j) { posElem->baseVertexPointerToElement(vertex, &pReal); vertex += vSize; curVertices->x = (*pReal++); curVertices->y = (*pReal++); curVertices->z = (*pReal++); *curVertices = _transform * (*curVertices); curVertices++; } vbuf->unlock(); } // Get the bone index element if (_entity->hasSkeleton()) { Ogre::MeshPtr mesh = _entity->getMesh (); const Ogre::VertexElement* bneElem = vertex_data->vertexDeclaration->findElementBySemantic(Ogre::VES_BLEND_INDICES); assert (bneElem); { Ogre::HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf = vertex_data->vertexBufferBinding->getBuffer(bneElem->getSource()); const unsigned int vSize = (unsigned int)vbuf->getVertexSize(); unsigned char* vertex = static_cast(vbuf->lock(Ogre::HardwareBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY)); unsigned char* pBone; if (!_bone_mapping) _bone_mapping = new BoneMapping(); BoneMapping::iterator i; Ogre::Vector3 * curVertices = &_vertices[prev_size]; const unsigned int vertexCount = (unsigned int)vertex_data->vertexCount; for(unsigned int j = 0; j < vertexCount; ++j) { bneElem->baseVertexPointerToElement(vertex, &pBone); vertex += vSize; const unsigned char currBone = (indexMap) ? (*indexMap)[*pBone] : *pBone; i = _bone_mapping->find (currBone); Vector3Array* l = 0; if (i == _bone_mapping->end()) { l = new Vector3Array; _bone_mapping->insert(BoneMappingKey(currBone, l)); } else { l = i->second; } l->push_back(*curVertices); curVertices++; } vbuf->unlock(); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void EntityInformer::addIndexData(IndexData *data, const unsigned int offset) { const unsigned int prev_size = _index_count; _index_count += (unsigned int)data->indexCount; unsigned int* tmp_ind = new unsigned int[_index_count]; if (_indices) { memcpy (tmp_ind, _indices, sizeof(unsigned int) * prev_size); delete[] _indices; } _indices = tmp_ind; const unsigned int numTris = (unsigned int) data->indexCount / 3; HardwareIndexBufferSharedPtr ibuf = data->indexBuffer; const bool use32bitindexes = (ibuf->getType() == HardwareIndexBuffer::IT_32BIT); unsigned int index_offset = prev_size; if (use32bitindexes) { const unsigned int* pInt = static_cast(ibuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY)); for(unsigned int k = 0; k < numTris; ++k) { _indices[index_offset ++] = offset + *pInt++; _indices[index_offset ++] = offset + *pInt++; _indices[index_offset ++] = offset + *pInt++; } ibuf->unlock(); } else { const unsigned short* pShort = static_cast(ibuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY)); for(unsigned int k = 0; k < numTris; ++k) { _indices[index_offset ++] = offset + static_cast (*pShort++); _indices[index_offset ++] = offset + static_cast (*pShort++); _indices[index_offset ++] = offset + static_cast (*pShort++); } ibuf->unlock(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void EntityInformer::addEntity(Entity *entity,const Matrix4 &transform) { // Each entity added need to reset size and radius // next time getRadius and getSize are asked, they're computed. _size = Ogre::Vector3(-1,-1,-1); _radius = -1; _entity = entity; _node = (SceneNode*)(_entity->getParentNode()); _transform = transform; const bool isSkeletonAnimated = _entity->hasSkeleton(); //const bool isHWanimated = isSkeletonAnimated && entity->isHardwareAnimationEnabled(); if (isSkeletonAnimated) { _entity->addSoftwareAnimationRequest(false); _entity->_updateAnimation(); } if (_entity->getMesh()->sharedVertexData) { if (!isSkeletonAnimated) addVertexData (_entity->getMesh()->sharedVertexData); else addVertexData (_entity->getMesh()->sharedVertexData, _entity->_getSkelAnimVertexData(), &_entity->getMesh()->sharedBlendIndexToBoneIndexMap); } for(unsigned int i = 0;i < _entity->getNumSubEntities();++i) { SubMesh *sub_mesh = _entity->getSubEntity(i)->getSubMesh(); if (!sub_mesh->useSharedVertices) { addIndexData(sub_mesh->indexData,_vertex_count); if (!isSkeletonAnimated) addVertexData (sub_mesh->vertexData); else addVertexData (sub_mesh->vertexData, _entity->getSubEntity(i)->_getSkelAnimVertexData(), &sub_mesh->blendIndexToBoneIndexMap); } else { addIndexData (sub_mesh->indexData); } } if (isSkeletonAnimated) _entity->removeSoftwareAnimationRequest(false); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void EntityInformer::addMesh(const MeshPtr &mesh, const Matrix4 &transform) { // Each entity added need to reset size and radius // next time getRadius and getSize are asked, they're computed. _size = Ogre::Vector3(-1,-1,-1); _radius = -1; //_entity = entity; //_node = (SceneNode*)(_entity->getParentNode()); _transform = transform; if (mesh->hasSkeleton ()) Ogre::LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("EntityInformer::addMesh : Mesh " + mesh->getName () + " as skeleton but added to trimesh non animated"); // OGRE_EXCEPT(1, "Mesh " + mesh->getName () + " as skeleton but added to trimesh non animated", // "EntityInformer::addMesh"); if (mesh->sharedVertexData) { addVertexData (mesh->sharedVertexData); } for(unsigned int i = 0;i < mesh->getNumSubMeshes();++i) { SubMesh *sub_mesh = mesh->getSubMesh(i); if (!sub_mesh->useSharedVertices) { addIndexData(sub_mesh->indexData, _vertex_count); addVertexData (sub_mesh->vertexData); } else { addIndexData (sub_mesh->indexData); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EntityInformer::EntityInformer(Entity *entity,const Matrix4 &transform) : _vertices (0), _indices (0), _vertex_count (0), _index_count (0), _size (Vector3(-1,-1,-1)), _radius (-1), _bone_mapping (0) { addEntity(entity, transform); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EntityInformer::EntityInformer() : _vertices (0), _indices (0), _vertex_count (0), _index_count (0), _size (Vector3(-1,-1,-1)), _radius (-1), _bone_mapping (0) { } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Real EntityInformer::getRadius() { if (_radius == (-1)) { getSize(); _radius = (std::max(_size.x,std::max(_size.y,_size.z)) * 0.5); } return _radius; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vector3 EntityInformer::getSize() { const unsigned int vCount = getVertexCount(); if (_size == Ogre::Vector3(-1,-1,-1) && vCount > 0) { const Ogre::Vector3 * const v = getVertices(); Ogre::Vector3 vmin(v[0]); Ogre::Vector3 vmax(v[0]); for(unsigned int j = 1; j < vCount; j++) { vmin.x = std::min(vmin.x, v[j].x); vmin.y = std::min(vmin.y, v[j].y); vmin.z = std::min(vmin.z, v[j].z); vmax.x = std::max(vmax.x, v[j].x); vmax.y = std::max(vmax.y, v[j].y); vmax.z = std::max(vmax.z, v[j].z); } _size.x = vmax.x - vmin.x; _size.y = vmax.y - vmin.y; _size.z = vmax.z - vmin.z; } return _size; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const Ogre::Vector3* EntityInformer::getVertices() { return _vertices; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ unsigned int EntityInformer::getVertexCount() { return _vertex_count; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const unsigned int* EntityInformer::getIndices() { return _indices; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ unsigned int EntityInformer::getIndexCount() { return _index_count; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body* EntityInformer::createSingleDynamicSphere(Real mass, World *world, Space* space) { const Ogre::Real rad = getRadius(); assert((rad > 0.0) && ("Sphere radius must be greater than zero")); Body* body = new Body(world, "OgreOde::Body_" + _entity->getName()); body->setMass(SphereMass(mass, rad)); SphereGeometry* geom = new SphereGeometry(rad, world, space); geom->setBody(body); body->setPosition(_node->getPosition()); body->setOrientation(_node->getOrientation()); _node->attachObject(body); return body; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body* EntityInformer::createSingleDynamicBox(Real mass, World *world, Space* space) { const Ogre::Vector3 sz = getSize(); assert((sz.x > 0.0) && (sz.y > 0.0) && (sz.y > 0.0) && ("Size of box must be greater than zero on all axes")); Body* body = new Body(world, "OgreOde::Body_" + _node->getName()); body->setMass(BoxMass(mass,sz)); BoxGeometry* geom = new BoxGeometry(sz, world, space); geom->setBody(body); body->setPosition(_node->getPosition()); body->setOrientation(_node->getOrientation()); _node->attachObject(body); return body; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TriangleMeshGeometry* EntityInformer::createStaticTriangleMesh(World *world, Space* space) { assert(_vertex_count && (_index_count >= 6) && ("Mesh must have some vertices and at least 6 indices (2 triangles)")); return new TriangleMeshGeometry(_vertices, _vertex_count,_indices, _index_count, world, space); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BoxGeometry* EntityInformer::createSingleStaticBox(World *world, Space* space) { BoxGeometry* geom = new BoxGeometry(getSize(), world, space); geom->setPosition(_node->getPosition()); geom->setOrientation(_node->getOrientation()); return geom; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool EntityInformer::getBoneVertices(unsigned char bone, unsigned int &vertex_count, Ogre::Vector3* &vertices) { BoneMapping::iterator i = _bone_mapping->find(bone); if (i == _bone_mapping->end()) return false; if (i->second->empty()) return false; vertex_count = (unsigned int) i->second->size() + 1; vertices = new Ogre::Vector3[vertex_count]; vertices[0] = _entity->_getParentNodeFullTransform() * _entity->getSkeleton()->getBone(bone)->_getDerivedPosition(); unsigned int o = 1; for(Vector3Array::iterator j = i->second->begin(); j != i->second->end(); ++j,++o) { vertices[o] = (*j); } return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BoxGeometry* EntityInformer::createAlignedBox(unsigned char bone, World *world, Space* space) { unsigned int vertex_count; Vector3* vertices; if (!getBoneVertices(bone, vertex_count, vertices)) return 0; Vector3 min_vec(vertices[0]); Vector3 max_vec(vertices[0]); for(unsigned int j = 1; j < vertex_count ;j++) { min_vec.x = std::min(min_vec.x,vertices[j].x); min_vec.y = std::min(min_vec.y,vertices[j].y); min_vec.z = std::min(min_vec.z,vertices[j].z); max_vec.x = std::max(max_vec.x,vertices[j].x); max_vec.y = std::max(max_vec.y,vertices[j].y); max_vec.z = std::max(max_vec.z,vertices[j].z); } const Ogre::Vector3 maxMinusMin(max_vec - min_vec); BoxGeometry* box = new BoxGeometry(maxMinusMin, world, space); const Ogre::Vector3 pos(min_vec.x + (maxMinusMin.x * 0.5), min_vec.y + (maxMinusMin.y * 0.5), min_vec.z + (maxMinusMin.z * 0.5)); box->setPosition(pos); delete[] vertices; return box; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BoxGeometry* EntityInformer::createOrientedBox(unsigned char bone, World *world, Space* space) { unsigned int vertex_count; Vector3* vertices; if (!getBoneVertices(bone, vertex_count, vertices)) return 0; Vector3 box_kCenter; Ogre::Vector3 box_akAxis[3]; Ogre::Real box_afExtent[3]; EigenSolver::GaussPointsFit (vertex_count, vertices, box_kCenter, box_akAxis, box_afExtent); // Let C be the box center and let U0, U1, and U2 be the box axes. Each // input point is of the form X = C + y0*U0 + y1*U1 + y2*U2. The // following code computes min(y0), max(y0), min(y1), max(y1), min(y2), // and max(y2). The box center is then adjusted to be // C' = C + 0.5*(min(y0)+max(y0))*U0 + 0.5*(min(y1)+max(y1))*U1 + // 0.5*(min(y2)+max(y2))*U2 Ogre::Vector3 kDiff (vertices[0] - box_kCenter); Ogre::Real fY0Min = kDiff.dotProduct(box_akAxis[0]), fY0Max = fY0Min; Ogre::Real fY1Min = kDiff.dotProduct(box_akAxis[1]), fY1Max = fY1Min; Ogre::Real fY2Min = kDiff.dotProduct(box_akAxis[2]), fY2Max = fY2Min; for (unsigned int i = 1; i < vertex_count; i++) { kDiff = vertices[i] - box_kCenter; const Ogre::Real fY0 = kDiff.dotProduct(box_akAxis[0]); if ( fY0 < fY0Min ) fY0Min = fY0; else if ( fY0 > fY0Max ) fY0Max = fY0; const Ogre::Real fY1 = kDiff.dotProduct(box_akAxis[1]); if ( fY1 < fY1Min ) fY1Min = fY1; else if ( fY1 > fY1Max ) fY1Max = fY1; const Ogre::Real fY2 = kDiff.dotProduct(box_akAxis[2]); if ( fY2 < fY2Min ) fY2Min = fY2; else if ( fY2 > fY2Max ) fY2Max = fY2; } box_afExtent[0] = ((Real)0.5)*(fY0Max - fY0Min); box_afExtent[1] = ((Real)0.5)*(fY1Max - fY1Min); box_afExtent[2] = ((Real)0.5)*(fY2Max - fY2Min); box_kCenter += (box_afExtent[0])*box_akAxis[0] + (box_afExtent[1])*box_akAxis[1] + (box_afExtent[2])*box_akAxis[2]; BoxGeometry *geom = new BoxGeometry(Vector3(box_afExtent[0] * 2.0, box_afExtent[1] * 2.0, box_afExtent[2] * 2.0), world, space); geom->setOrientation(Quaternion(box_akAxis[0],box_akAxis[1],box_akAxis[2])); geom->setPosition(box_kCenter); return geom; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CapsuleGeometry* EntityInformer::createOrientedCapsule(unsigned char bone, World *world, Space* space) { unsigned int vertex_count; Vector3* vertices; if (!getBoneVertices(bone,vertex_count,vertices)) return 0; Vector3 cap_orig; Vector3 cap_dir; Real cap_rad; Vector3 line_orig; Vector3 line_dir; EigenSolver::orthogonalLineFit (vertex_count, vertices, line_orig, line_dir); Ogre::Real fMaxRadiusSqr = (Real) 0.0; unsigned int c; for (c = 0; c < vertex_count; c++) { const Ogre::Real fRadiusSqr = EigenSolver::SqrDistance(vertices[c], line_orig, line_dir); if ( fRadiusSqr > fMaxRadiusSqr ) fMaxRadiusSqr = fRadiusSqr; } Ogre::Vector3 kU, kV, kW = line_dir; EigenSolver::GenerateOrthonormalBasis (kU, kV, kW, true); Ogre::Real fMin = FLT_MAX, fMax = -fMin; for (c = 0; c < vertex_count; c++) { const Ogre::Vector3 kDiff (vertices[c] - line_orig); const Ogre::Real fU = kU.dotProduct (kDiff); const Ogre::Real fV = kV.dotProduct (kDiff); const Ogre::Real fW = kW.dotProduct (kDiff); const Ogre::Real fDiscr = fMaxRadiusSqr - (fU*fU + fV*fV); const Ogre::Real fRadical = sqrtf(fabs(fDiscr)); fMin = std::min(fW + fRadical, fMin); fMax = std::max(fW - fRadical, fMax); } if ( fMin < fMax ) { cap_orig = line_orig + fMin*line_dir; cap_dir = (fMax-fMin)*line_dir; } else { // enclosing capsule is really a sphere cap_orig = line_orig + (((Real)0.5)*(fMin+fMax))*line_dir; //---------------------------- cap_dir = Ogre::Vector3::ZERO; //cap_dir = (fMax-fMin)*line_dir; } cap_rad = sqrtf(fMaxRadiusSqr); CapsuleGeometry* geom = 0; const Ogre::Real cap_dirLength = cap_dir.length(); if (cap_rad > 0 && cap_dirLength > 0) { const Ogre::Vector3 orig_axis (Vector3::UNIT_Z); const Ogre::Vector3 reqd_axis (cap_dir.normalisedCopy()); const Ogre::Vector3 rot_axis (orig_axis.crossProduct(reqd_axis)); const Ogre::Real cos_ang = orig_axis.dotProduct(reqd_axis); Ogre::Real ang = acos(cos_ang); if (cos_ang < 0.0) ang -= M_PI; const Ogre::Quaternion orient = Ogre::Quaternion(Radian(ang),rot_axis); geom = new CapsuleGeometry(cap_rad, cap_dirLength, world, space); geom->setOrientation(orient); geom->setPosition(cap_orig + (reqd_axis * (cap_dirLength * 0.5))); } return geom; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EntityInformer::~EntityInformer() { delete[] _vertices; delete[] _indices; if (_bone_mapping) { for(BoneMapping::iterator i = _bone_mapping->begin(); i != _bone_mapping->end(); ++i) { delete i->second; } delete _bone_mapping; } }