/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/ Copyright (c) 2000-2013 Torus Knot Software Ltd Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef __SCRIPTCOMPILER_H_ #define __SCRIPTCOMPILER_H_ #include "OgreSharedPtr.h" #include "OgreMaterial.h" #include "OgreHighLevelGpuProgram.h" #include "OgreCompositor.h" #include "OgreCompositionPass.h" #include "OgreAny.h" #include "OgreHeaderPrefix.h" namespace Ogre { /** \addtogroup Core * @{ */ /** \addtogroup General * @{ */ /** These enums hold the types of the concrete parsed nodes */ enum ConcreteNodeType { CNT_VARIABLE, CNT_VARIABLE_ASSIGN, CNT_WORD, CNT_IMPORT, CNT_QUOTE, CNT_LBRACE, CNT_RBRACE, CNT_COLON }; /** The ConcreteNode is the struct that holds an un-conditioned sub-tree of parsed input */ struct ConcreteNode; typedef SharedPtr ConcreteNodePtr; typedef list::type ConcreteNodeList; typedef SharedPtr ConcreteNodeListPtr; struct ConcreteNode : public ScriptCompilerAlloc { String token, file; unsigned int line; ConcreteNodeType type; ConcreteNodeList children; ConcreteNode *parent; }; /** This enum holds the types of the possible abstract nodes */ enum AbstractNodeType { ANT_UNKNOWN, ANT_ATOM, ANT_OBJECT, ANT_PROPERTY, ANT_IMPORT, ANT_VARIABLE_SET, ANT_VARIABLE_ACCESS }; class AbstractNode; typedef SharedPtr AbstractNodePtr; typedef list::type AbstractNodeList; typedef SharedPtr AbstractNodeListPtr; class _OgreExport AbstractNode : public AbstractNodeAlloc { public: String file; unsigned int line; AbstractNodeType type; AbstractNode *parent; Any context; // A holder for translation context data public: AbstractNode(AbstractNode *ptr); virtual ~AbstractNode(){} /// Returns a new AbstractNode which is a replica of this one. virtual AbstractNode *clone() const = 0; /// Returns a string value depending on the type of the AbstractNode. virtual String getValue() const = 0; }; /** This is an abstract node which cannot be broken down further */ class _OgreExport AtomAbstractNode : public AbstractNode { public: String value; uint32 id; public: AtomAbstractNode(AbstractNode *ptr); AbstractNode *clone() const; String getValue() const; private: void parseNumber() const; }; /** This specific abstract node represents a script object */ class _OgreExport ObjectAbstractNode : public AbstractNode { private: map::type mEnv; public: String name, cls; vector::type bases; uint32 id; bool abstract; AbstractNodeList children; AbstractNodeList values; AbstractNodeList overrides; // For use when processing object inheritance and overriding public: ObjectAbstractNode(AbstractNode *ptr); AbstractNode *clone() const; String getValue() const; void addVariable(const String &name); void setVariable(const String &name, const String &value); std::pair getVariable(const String &name) const; const map::type &getVariables() const; }; /** This abstract node represents a script property */ class _OgreExport PropertyAbstractNode : public AbstractNode { public: String name; uint32 id; AbstractNodeList values; public: PropertyAbstractNode(AbstractNode *ptr); AbstractNode *clone() const; String getValue() const; }; /** This abstract node represents an import statement */ class _OgreExport ImportAbstractNode : public AbstractNode { public: String target, source; public: ImportAbstractNode(); AbstractNode *clone() const; String getValue() const; }; /** This abstract node represents a variable assignment */ class _OgreExport VariableAccessAbstractNode : public AbstractNode { public: String name; public: VariableAccessAbstractNode(AbstractNode *ptr); AbstractNode *clone() const; String getValue() const; }; class ScriptCompilerEvent; class ScriptCompilerListener; /** This is the main class for the compiler. It calls the parser and processes the CST into an AST and then uses translators to translate the AST into the final resources. */ class _OgreExport ScriptCompiler : public ScriptCompilerAlloc { public: // Externally accessible types //typedef map::type IdMap; typedef HashMap IdMap; // The container for errors struct Error : public ScriptCompilerAlloc { String file, message; int line; uint32 code; }; typedef SharedPtr ErrorPtr; typedef list::type ErrorList; // These are the built-in error codes enum{ CE_STRINGEXPECTED, CE_NUMBEREXPECTED, CE_FEWERPARAMETERSEXPECTED, CE_VARIABLEEXPECTED, CE_UNDEFINEDVARIABLE, CE_OBJECTNAMEEXPECTED, CE_OBJECTALLOCATIONERROR, CE_INVALIDPARAMETERS, CE_DUPLICATEOVERRIDE, CE_UNEXPECTEDTOKEN, CE_OBJECTBASENOTFOUND, CE_UNSUPPORTEDBYRENDERSYSTEM, CE_REFERENCETOANONEXISTINGOBJECT }; static String formatErrorCode(uint32 code); public: ScriptCompiler(); virtual ~ScriptCompiler() {} /// Takes in a string of script code and compiles it into resources /** * @param str The script code * @param source The source of the script code (e.g. a script file) * @param group The resource group to place the compiled resources into */ bool compile(const String &str, const String &source, const String &group); /// Compiles resources from the given concrete node list bool compile(const ConcreteNodeListPtr &nodes, const String &group); /// Generates the AST from the given string script AbstractNodeListPtr _generateAST(const String &str, const String &source, bool doImports = false, bool doObjects = false, bool doVariables = false); /// Compiles the given abstract syntax tree bool _compile(AbstractNodeListPtr nodes, const String &group, bool doImports = true, bool doObjects = true, bool doVariables = true); /// Adds the given error to the compiler's list of errors void addError(uint32 code, const String &file, int line, const String &msg = ""); /// Sets the listener used by the compiler void setListener(ScriptCompilerListener *listener); /// Returns the currently set listener ScriptCompilerListener *getListener(); /// Returns the resource group currently set for this compiler const String &getResourceGroup() const; /// Adds a name exclusion to the map /** * Name exclusions identify object types which cannot accept * names. This means that excluded types will always have empty names. * All values in the object header are stored as object values. */ void addNameExclusion(const String &type); /// Removes a name exclusion void removeNameExclusion(const String &type); /// Internal method for firing the handleEvent method bool _fireEvent(ScriptCompilerEvent *evt, void *retval); private: // Tree processing AbstractNodeListPtr convertToAST(const ConcreteNodeListPtr &nodes); /// This built-in function processes import nodes void processImports(AbstractNodeListPtr &nodes); /// Loads the requested script and converts it to an AST AbstractNodeListPtr loadImportPath(const String &name); /// Returns the abstract nodes from the given tree which represent the target AbstractNodeListPtr locateTarget(AbstractNodeList *nodes, const String &target); /// Handles object inheritance and variable expansion void processObjects(AbstractNodeList *nodes, const AbstractNodeListPtr &top); /// Handles processing the variables void processVariables(AbstractNodeList *nodes); /// This function overlays the given object on the destination object following inheritance rules void overlayObject(const AbstractNodePtr &source, ObjectAbstractNode *dest); /// Returns true if the given class is name excluded bool isNameExcluded(const String &cls, AbstractNode *parent); /// This function sets up the initial values in word id map void initWordMap(); private: // Resource group String mGroup; // The word -> id conversion table IdMap mIds; // This is an environment map typedef map::type Environment; Environment mEnv; typedef map::type ImportCacheMap; ImportCacheMap mImports; // The set of imported scripts to avoid circular dependencies typedef multimap::type ImportRequestMap; ImportRequestMap mImportRequests; // This holds the target objects for each script to be imported // This stores the imports of the scripts, so they are separated and can be treated specially AbstractNodeList mImportTable; // Error list ErrorList mErrors; // The listener ScriptCompilerListener *mListener; private: // Internal helper classes and processors class AbstractTreeBuilder { private: AbstractNodeListPtr mNodes; AbstractNode *mCurrent; ScriptCompiler *mCompiler; public: AbstractTreeBuilder(ScriptCompiler *compiler); const AbstractNodeListPtr &getResult() const; void visit(ConcreteNode *node); static void visit(AbstractTreeBuilder *visitor, const ConcreteNodeList &nodes); }; friend class AbstractTreeBuilder; public: // Public translator definitions // This enum are built-in word id values enum { ID_ON = 1, ID_OFF = 2, ID_TRUE = 1, ID_FALSE = 2, ID_YES = 1, ID_NO = 2 }; }; /** * This struct is a base class for events which can be thrown by the compilers and caught by * subscribers. There are a set number of standard events which are used by Ogre's core. * New event types may be derived for more custom compiler processing. */ class ScriptCompilerEvent { public: String mType; ScriptCompilerEvent(const String &type):mType(type){} virtual ~ScriptCompilerEvent(){} private: // Non-copyable ScriptCompilerEvent(const ScriptCompilerEvent&); ScriptCompilerEvent &operator = (const ScriptCompilerEvent&); }; /** This is a listener for the compiler. The compiler can be customized with this listener. It lets you listen in on events occurring during compilation, hook them, and change the behavior. */ class _OgreExport ScriptCompilerListener { public: ScriptCompilerListener(); virtual ~ScriptCompilerListener() {} /// Returns the concrete node list from the given file virtual ConcreteNodeListPtr importFile(ScriptCompiler *compiler, const String &name); /// Allows for responding to and overriding behavior before a CST is translated into an AST virtual void preConversion(ScriptCompiler *compiler, ConcreteNodeListPtr nodes); /// Allows vetoing of continued compilation after the entire AST conversion process finishes /** @remarks Once the script is turned completely into an AST, including import and override handling, this function allows a listener to exit the compilation process. @return True continues compilation, false aborts */ virtual bool postConversion(ScriptCompiler *compiler, const AbstractNodeListPtr&); /// Called when an error occurred virtual void handleError(ScriptCompiler *compiler, uint32 code, const String &file, int line, const String &msg); /// Called when an event occurs during translation, return true if handled /** @remarks This function is called from the translators when an event occurs that that can be responded to. Often this is overriding names, or it can be a request for custom resource creation. @arg compiler A reference to the compiler @arg evt The event object holding information about the event to be processed @arg retval A possible return value from handlers @return True if the handler processed the event */ virtual bool handleEvent(ScriptCompiler *compiler, ScriptCompilerEvent *evt, void *retval); }; class ScriptTranslator; class ScriptTranslatorManager; /** Manages threaded compilation of scripts. This script loader forwards scripts compilations to a specific compiler instance. */ class _OgreExport ScriptCompilerManager : public Singleton, public ScriptLoader, public ScriptCompilerAlloc { private: OGRE_AUTO_MUTEX; // A list of patterns loaded by this compiler manager StringVector mScriptPatterns; // A pointer to the listener used for compiling scripts ScriptCompilerListener *mListener; // Stores a map from object types to the translators that handle them vector::type mManagers; // A pointer to the built-in ScriptTranslatorManager ScriptTranslatorManager *mBuiltinTranslatorManager; // A pointer to the specific compiler instance used OGRE_THREAD_POINTER(ScriptCompiler, mScriptCompiler); public: ScriptCompilerManager(); virtual ~ScriptCompilerManager(); /// Sets the listener used for compiler instances void setListener(ScriptCompilerListener *listener); /// Returns the currently set listener used for compiler instances ScriptCompilerListener *getListener(); /// Adds the given translator manager to the list of managers void addTranslatorManager(ScriptTranslatorManager *man); /// Removes the given translator manager from the list of managers void removeTranslatorManager(ScriptTranslatorManager *man); /// Clears all translator managers void clearTranslatorManagers(); /// Retrieves a ScriptTranslator from the supported managers ScriptTranslator *getTranslator(const AbstractNodePtr &node); /// Adds a script extension that can be handled (e.g. *.material, *.pu, etc.) void addScriptPattern(const String &pattern); /// @copydoc ScriptLoader::getScriptPatterns const StringVector& getScriptPatterns(void) const; /// @copydoc ScriptLoader::parseScript void parseScript(DataStreamPtr& stream, const String& groupName); /// @copydoc ScriptLoader::getLoadingOrder Real getLoadingOrder(void) const; /** Override standard Singleton retrieval. @remarks Why do we do this? Well, it's because the Singleton implementation is in a .h file, which means it gets compiled into anybody who includes it. This is needed for the Singleton template to work, but we actually only want it compiled into the implementation of the class based on the Singleton, not all of them. If we don't change this, we get link errors when trying to use the Singleton-based class from an outside dll. @par This method just delegates to the template version anyway, but the implementation stays in this single compilation unit, preventing link errors. */ static ScriptCompilerManager& getSingleton(void); /** Override standard Singleton retrieval. @remarks Why do we do this? Well, it's because the Singleton implementation is in a .h file, which means it gets compiled into anybody who includes it. This is needed for the Singleton template to work, but we actually only want it compiled into the implementation of the class based on the Singleton, not all of them. If we don't change this, we get link errors when trying to use the Singleton-based class from an outside dll. @par This method just delegates to the template version anyway, but the implementation stays in this single compilation unit, preventing link errors. */ static ScriptCompilerManager* getSingletonPtr(void); }; // Standard event types class _OgreExport PreApplyTextureAliasesScriptCompilerEvent : public ScriptCompilerEvent { public: Material *mMaterial; AliasTextureNamePairList *mAliases; static String eventType; PreApplyTextureAliasesScriptCompilerEvent(Material *material, AliasTextureNamePairList *aliases) :ScriptCompilerEvent(eventType), mMaterial(material), mAliases(aliases){} }; class _OgreExport ProcessResourceNameScriptCompilerEvent : public ScriptCompilerEvent { public: enum ResourceType { TEXTURE, MATERIAL, GPU_PROGRAM, COMPOSITOR }; ResourceType mResourceType; String mName; static String eventType; ProcessResourceNameScriptCompilerEvent(ResourceType resourceType, const String &name) :ScriptCompilerEvent(eventType), mResourceType(resourceType), mName(name){} }; class _OgreExport ProcessNameExclusionScriptCompilerEvent : public ScriptCompilerEvent { public: String mClass; AbstractNode *mParent; static String eventType; ProcessNameExclusionScriptCompilerEvent(const String &cls, AbstractNode *parent) :ScriptCompilerEvent(eventType), mClass(cls), mParent(parent){} }; class _OgreExport CreateMaterialScriptCompilerEvent : public ScriptCompilerEvent { public: String mFile, mName, mResourceGroup; static String eventType; CreateMaterialScriptCompilerEvent(const String &file, const String &name, const String &resourceGroup) :ScriptCompilerEvent(eventType), mFile(file), mName(name), mResourceGroup(resourceGroup){} }; class _OgreExport CreateGpuProgramScriptCompilerEvent : public ScriptCompilerEvent { public: String mFile, mName, mResourceGroup, mSource, mSyntax; GpuProgramType mProgramType; static String eventType; CreateGpuProgramScriptCompilerEvent(const String &file, const String &name, const String &resourceGroup, const String &source, const String &syntax, GpuProgramType programType) :ScriptCompilerEvent(eventType), mFile(file), mName(name), mResourceGroup(resourceGroup), mSource(source), mSyntax(syntax), mProgramType(programType) {} }; class _OgreExport CreateHighLevelGpuProgramScriptCompilerEvent : public ScriptCompilerEvent { public: String mFile, mName, mResourceGroup, mSource, mLanguage; GpuProgramType mProgramType; static String eventType; CreateHighLevelGpuProgramScriptCompilerEvent(const String &file, const String &name, const String &resourceGroup, const String &source, const String &language, GpuProgramType programType) :ScriptCompilerEvent(eventType), mFile(file), mName(name), mResourceGroup(resourceGroup), mSource(source), mLanguage(language), mProgramType(programType) {} }; class _OgreExport CreateGpuSharedParametersScriptCompilerEvent : public ScriptCompilerEvent { public: String mFile, mName, mResourceGroup; static String eventType; CreateGpuSharedParametersScriptCompilerEvent(const String &file, const String &name, const String &resourceGroup) :ScriptCompilerEvent(eventType), mFile(file), mName(name), mResourceGroup(resourceGroup){} }; class _OgreExport CreateParticleSystemScriptCompilerEvent : public ScriptCompilerEvent { public: String mFile, mName, mResourceGroup; static String eventType; CreateParticleSystemScriptCompilerEvent(const String &file, const String &name, const String &resourceGroup) :ScriptCompilerEvent(eventType), mFile(file), mName(name), mResourceGroup(resourceGroup){} }; class _OgreExport CreateCompositorScriptCompilerEvent : public ScriptCompilerEvent { public: String mFile, mName, mResourceGroup; static String eventType; CreateCompositorScriptCompilerEvent(const String &file, const String &name, const String &resourceGroup) :ScriptCompilerEvent(eventType), mFile(file), mName(name), mResourceGroup(resourceGroup){} }; /// This enum defines the integer ids for keywords this compiler handles enum { ID_MATERIAL = 3, ID_VERTEX_PROGRAM, ID_GEOMETRY_PROGRAM, ID_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM, ID_TECHNIQUE, ID_PASS, ID_TEXTURE_UNIT, ID_VERTEX_PROGRAM_REF, ID_GEOMETRY_PROGRAM_REF, ID_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_REF, ID_SHADOW_CASTER_VERTEX_PROGRAM_REF, ID_SHADOW_CASTER_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_REF, ID_SHADOW_RECEIVER_VERTEX_PROGRAM_REF, ID_SHADOW_RECEIVER_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_REF, ID_SHADOW_CASTER_MATERIAL, ID_SHADOW_RECEIVER_MATERIAL, ID_LOD_VALUES, ID_LOD_STRATEGY, ID_LOD_DISTANCES, ID_RECEIVE_SHADOWS, ID_TRANSPARENCY_CASTS_SHADOWS, ID_SET_TEXTURE_ALIAS, ID_SOURCE, ID_SYNTAX, ID_DEFAULT_PARAMS, ID_PARAM_INDEXED, ID_PARAM_NAMED, ID_PARAM_INDEXED_AUTO, ID_PARAM_NAMED_AUTO, ID_SCHEME, ID_LOD_INDEX, ID_GPU_VENDOR_RULE, ID_GPU_DEVICE_RULE, ID_INCLUDE, ID_EXCLUDE, ID_AMBIENT, ID_DIFFUSE, ID_SPECULAR, ID_EMISSIVE, ID_VERTEXCOLOUR, ID_SCENE_BLEND, ID_COLOUR_BLEND, ID_ONE, ID_ZERO, ID_DEST_COLOUR, ID_SRC_COLOUR, ID_ONE_MINUS_DEST_COLOUR, ID_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOUR, ID_DEST_ALPHA, ID_SRC_ALPHA, ID_ONE_MINUS_DEST_ALPHA, ID_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, ID_SEPARATE_SCENE_BLEND, ID_SCENE_BLEND_OP, ID_REVERSE_SUBTRACT, ID_MIN, ID_MAX, ID_SEPARATE_SCENE_BLEND_OP, ID_DEPTH_CHECK, ID_DEPTH_WRITE, ID_DEPTH_FUNC, ID_DEPTH_BIAS, ID_ITERATION_DEPTH_BIAS, ID_ALWAYS_FAIL, ID_ALWAYS_PASS, ID_LESS_EQUAL, ID_LESS, ID_EQUAL, ID_NOT_EQUAL, ID_GREATER_EQUAL, ID_GREATER, ID_ALPHA_REJECTION, ID_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE, ID_LIGHT_SCISSOR, ID_LIGHT_CLIP_PLANES, ID_TRANSPARENT_SORTING, ID_ILLUMINATION_STAGE, ID_DECAL, ID_CULL_HARDWARE, ID_CLOCKWISE, ID_ANTICLOCKWISE, ID_CULL_SOFTWARE, ID_BACK, ID_FRONT, ID_NORMALISE_NORMALS, ID_LIGHTING, ID_SHADING, ID_FLAT, ID_GOURAUD, ID_PHONG, ID_POLYGON_MODE, ID_SOLID, ID_WIREFRAME, ID_POINTS, ID_POLYGON_MODE_OVERRIDEABLE, ID_FOG_OVERRIDE, ID_NONE, ID_LINEAR, ID_EXP, ID_EXP2, ID_COLOUR_WRITE, ID_MAX_LIGHTS, ID_START_LIGHT, ID_ITERATION, ID_ONCE, ID_ONCE_PER_LIGHT, ID_PER_LIGHT, ID_PER_N_LIGHTS, ID_POINT, ID_SPOT, ID_DIRECTIONAL, ID_LIGHT_MASK, ID_POINT_SIZE, ID_POINT_SPRITES, ID_POINT_SIZE_ATTENUATION, ID_POINT_SIZE_MIN, ID_POINT_SIZE_MAX, ID_TEXTURE_ALIAS, ID_TEXTURE, ID_1D, ID_2D, ID_3D, ID_CUBIC, ID_2DARRAY, ID_UNLIMITED, ID_ALPHA, ID_GAMMA, ID_ANIM_TEXTURE, ID_CUBIC_TEXTURE, ID_SEPARATE_UV, ID_COMBINED_UVW, ID_TEX_COORD_SET, ID_TEX_ADDRESS_MODE, ID_WRAP, ID_CLAMP, ID_BORDER, ID_MIRROR, ID_TEX_BORDER_COLOUR, ID_FILTERING, ID_BILINEAR, ID_TRILINEAR, ID_ANISOTROPIC, ID_CMPTEST, ID_ON, ID_OFF, ID_CMPFUNC, ID_MAX_ANISOTROPY, ID_MIPMAP_BIAS, ID_COLOUR_OP, ID_REPLACE, ID_ADD, ID_MODULATE, ID_ALPHA_BLEND, ID_COLOUR_OP_EX, ID_SOURCE1, ID_SOURCE2, ID_MODULATE_X2, ID_MODULATE_X4, ID_ADD_SIGNED, ID_ADD_SMOOTH, ID_SUBTRACT, ID_BLEND_DIFFUSE_COLOUR, ID_BLEND_DIFFUSE_ALPHA, ID_BLEND_TEXTURE_ALPHA, ID_BLEND_CURRENT_ALPHA, ID_BLEND_MANUAL, ID_DOT_PRODUCT, ID_SRC_CURRENT, ID_SRC_TEXTURE, ID_SRC_DIFFUSE, ID_SRC_SPECULAR, ID_SRC_MANUAL, ID_COLOUR_OP_MULTIPASS_FALLBACK, ID_ALPHA_OP_EX, ID_ENV_MAP, ID_SPHERICAL, ID_PLANAR, ID_CUBIC_REFLECTION, ID_CUBIC_NORMAL, ID_SCROLL, ID_SCROLL_ANIM, ID_ROTATE, ID_ROTATE_ANIM, ID_SCALE, ID_WAVE_XFORM, ID_SCROLL_X, ID_SCROLL_Y, ID_SCALE_X, ID_SCALE_Y, ID_SINE, ID_TRIANGLE, ID_SQUARE, ID_SAWTOOTH, ID_INVERSE_SAWTOOTH, ID_TRANSFORM, ID_BINDING_TYPE, ID_VERTEX, ID_FRAGMENT, ID_CONTENT_TYPE, ID_NAMED, ID_SHADOW, ID_TEXTURE_SOURCE, ID_SHARED_PARAMS, ID_SHARED_PARAM_NAMED, ID_SHARED_PARAMS_REF, ID_PARTICLE_SYSTEM, ID_EMITTER, ID_AFFECTOR, ID_COMPOSITOR, ID_TARGET, ID_TARGET_OUTPUT, ID_INPUT, ID_PREVIOUS, ID_TARGET_WIDTH, ID_TARGET_HEIGHT, ID_TARGET_WIDTH_SCALED, ID_TARGET_HEIGHT_SCALED, ID_COMPOSITOR_LOGIC, ID_TEXTURE_REF, ID_SCOPE_LOCAL, ID_SCOPE_CHAIN, ID_SCOPE_GLOBAL, ID_POOLED, //ID_GAMMA, - already registered for material ID_NO_FSAA, ID_DEPTH_POOL, ID_ONLY_INITIAL, ID_VISIBILITY_MASK, ID_LOD_BIAS, ID_MATERIAL_SCHEME, ID_SHADOWS_ENABLED, ID_CLEAR, ID_STENCIL, ID_RENDER_SCENE, ID_RENDER_QUAD, ID_IDENTIFIER, ID_FIRST_RENDER_QUEUE, ID_LAST_RENDER_QUEUE, ID_QUAD_NORMALS, ID_CAMERA_FAR_CORNERS_VIEW_SPACE, ID_CAMERA_FAR_CORNERS_WORLD_SPACE, ID_BUFFERS, ID_COLOUR, ID_DEPTH, ID_COLOUR_VALUE, ID_DEPTH_VALUE, ID_STENCIL_VALUE, ID_CHECK, ID_COMP_FUNC, ID_REF_VALUE, ID_MASK, ID_FAIL_OP, ID_KEEP, ID_INCREMENT, ID_DECREMENT, ID_INCREMENT_WRAP, ID_DECREMENT_WRAP, ID_INVERT, ID_DEPTH_FAIL_OP, ID_PASS_OP, ID_TWO_SIDED, #ifdef RTSHADER_SYSTEM_BUILD_CORE_SHADERS ID_RT_SHADER_SYSTEM, #endif /// Suport for shader model 5.0 // More program IDs ID_TESSELATION_HULL_PROGRAM, ID_TESSELATION_DOMAIN_PROGRAM, ID_COMPUTE_PROGRAM, ID_TESSELATION_HULL_PROGRAM_REF, ID_TESSELATION_DOMAIN_PROGRAM_REF, ID_COMPUTE_PROGRAM_REF, // More binding IDs ID_GEOMETRY, ID_TESSELATION_HULL, ID_TESSELATION_DOMAIN, ID_COMPUTE, // Support for subroutine ID_SUBROUTINE, ID_END_BUILTIN_IDS }; /** @} */ /** @} */ } #include "OgreHeaderSuffix.h" #endif