/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/ Copyright (c) 2000-2013 Torus Knot Software Ltd Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef _PixelFormat_H__ #define _PixelFormat_H__ #include "OgrePrerequisites.h" #include "OgreCommon.h" #include "OgreHeaderPrefix.h" namespace Ogre { /** \addtogroup Core * @{ */ /** \addtogroup Image * @{ */ /** The pixel format used for images, textures, and render surfaces */ enum PixelFormat { /// Unknown pixel format. PF_UNKNOWN = 0, /// 8-bit pixel format, all bits luminance. PF_L8 = 1, PF_BYTE_L = PF_L8, /// 16-bit pixel format, all bits luminance. PF_L16 = 2, PF_SHORT_L = PF_L16, /// 8-bit pixel format, all bits alpha. PF_A8 = 3, PF_BYTE_A = PF_A8, /// 8-bit pixel format, 4 bits alpha, 4 bits luminance. PF_A4L4 = 4, /// 2 byte pixel format, 1 byte luminance, 1 byte alpha PF_BYTE_LA = 5, /// 16-bit pixel format, 5 bits red, 6 bits green, 5 bits blue. PF_R5G6B5 = 6, /// 16-bit pixel format, 5 bits red, 6 bits green, 5 bits blue. PF_B5G6R5 = 7, /// 8-bit pixel format, 2 bits blue, 3 bits green, 3 bits red. PF_R3G3B2 = 31, /// 16-bit pixel format, 4 bits for alpha, red, green and blue. PF_A4R4G4B4 = 8, /// 16-bit pixel format, 5 bits for blue, green, red and 1 for alpha. PF_A1R5G5B5 = 9, /// 24-bit pixel format, 8 bits for red, green and blue. PF_R8G8B8 = 10, /// 24-bit pixel format, 8 bits for blue, green and red. PF_B8G8R8 = 11, /// 32-bit pixel format, 8 bits for alpha, red, green and blue. PF_A8R8G8B8 = 12, /// 32-bit pixel format, 8 bits for blue, green, red and alpha. PF_A8B8G8R8 = 13, /// 32-bit pixel format, 8 bits for blue, green, red and alpha. PF_B8G8R8A8 = 14, /// 32-bit pixel format, 8 bits for red, green, blue and alpha. PF_R8G8B8A8 = 28, /// 32-bit pixel format, 8 bits for red, 8 bits for green, 8 bits for blue /// like PF_A8R8G8B8, but alpha will get discarded PF_X8R8G8B8 = 26, /// 32-bit pixel format, 8 bits for blue, 8 bits for green, 8 bits for red /// like PF_A8B8G8R8, but alpha will get discarded PF_X8B8G8R8 = 27, #if OGRE_ENDIAN == OGRE_ENDIAN_BIG /// 3 byte pixel format, 1 byte for red, 1 byte for green, 1 byte for blue PF_BYTE_RGB = PF_R8G8B8, /// 3 byte pixel format, 1 byte for blue, 1 byte for green, 1 byte for red PF_BYTE_BGR = PF_B8G8R8, /// 4 byte pixel format, 1 byte for blue, 1 byte for green, 1 byte for red and one byte for alpha PF_BYTE_BGRA = PF_B8G8R8A8, /// 4 byte pixel format, 1 byte for red, 1 byte for green, 1 byte for blue, and one byte for alpha PF_BYTE_RGBA = PF_R8G8B8A8, #else /// 3 byte pixel format, 1 byte for red, 1 byte for green, 1 byte for blue PF_BYTE_RGB = PF_B8G8R8, /// 3 byte pixel format, 1 byte for blue, 1 byte for green, 1 byte for red PF_BYTE_BGR = PF_R8G8B8, /// 4 byte pixel format, 1 byte for blue, 1 byte for green, 1 byte for red and one byte for alpha PF_BYTE_BGRA = PF_A8R8G8B8, /// 4 byte pixel format, 1 byte for red, 1 byte for green, 1 byte for blue, and one byte for alpha PF_BYTE_RGBA = PF_A8B8G8R8, #endif /// 32-bit pixel format, 2 bits for alpha, 10 bits for red, green and blue. PF_A2R10G10B10 = 15, /// 32-bit pixel format, 10 bits for blue, green and red, 2 bits for alpha. PF_A2B10G10R10 = 16, /// DDS (DirectDraw Surface) DXT1 format PF_DXT1 = 17, /// DDS (DirectDraw Surface) DXT2 format PF_DXT2 = 18, /// DDS (DirectDraw Surface) DXT3 format PF_DXT3 = 19, /// DDS (DirectDraw Surface) DXT4 format PF_DXT4 = 20, /// DDS (DirectDraw Surface) DXT5 format PF_DXT5 = 21, /// 16-bit pixel format, 16 bits (float) for red PF_FLOAT16_R = 32, /// 48-bit pixel format, 16 bits (float) for red, 16 bits (float) for green, 16 bits (float) for blue PF_FLOAT16_RGB = 22, /// 64-bit pixel format, 16 bits (float) for red, 16 bits (float) for green, 16 bits (float) for blue, 16 bits (float) for alpha PF_FLOAT16_RGBA = 23, // 32-bit pixel format, 32 bits (float) for red PF_FLOAT32_R = 33, /// 96-bit pixel format, 32 bits (float) for red, 32 bits (float) for green, 32 bits (float) for blue PF_FLOAT32_RGB = 24, /// 128-bit pixel format, 32 bits (float) for red, 32 bits (float) for green, 32 bits (float) for blue, 32 bits (float) for alpha PF_FLOAT32_RGBA = 25, /// 32-bit, 2-channel s10e5 floating point pixel format, 16-bit green, 16-bit red PF_FLOAT16_GR = 35, /// 64-bit, 2-channel floating point pixel format, 32-bit green, 32-bit red PF_FLOAT32_GR = 36, /// Depth texture format PF_DEPTH = 29, /// 64-bit pixel format, 16 bits for red, green, blue and alpha PF_SHORT_RGBA = 30, /// 32-bit pixel format, 16-bit green, 16-bit red PF_SHORT_GR = 34, /// 48-bit pixel format, 16 bits for red, green and blue PF_SHORT_RGB = 37, /// PVRTC (PowerVR) RGB 2 bpp PF_PVRTC_RGB2 = 38, /// PVRTC (PowerVR) RGBA 2 bpp PF_PVRTC_RGBA2 = 39, /// PVRTC (PowerVR) RGB 4 bpp PF_PVRTC_RGB4 = 40, /// PVRTC (PowerVR) RGBA 4 bpp PF_PVRTC_RGBA4 = 41, /// PVRTC (PowerVR) Version 2, 2 bpp PF_PVRTC2_2BPP = 42, /// PVRTC (PowerVR) Version 2, 4 bpp PF_PVRTC2_4BPP = 43, /// 32-bit pixel format, 11 bits (float) for red, 11 bits (float) for green, 10 bits (float) for blue PF_R11G11B10_FLOAT = 44, /// 8-bit pixel format, 8 bits red (unsigned int). PF_R8_UINT = 45, /// 16-bit pixel format, 8 bits red (unsigned int), 8 bits blue (unsigned int). PF_R8G8_UINT = 46, /// 24-bit pixel format, 8 bits red (unsigned int), 8 bits blue (unsigned int), 8 bits green (unsigned int). PF_R8G8B8_UINT = 47, /// 32-bit pixel format, 8 bits red (unsigned int), 8 bits blue (unsigned int), 8 bits green (unsigned int), 8 bits alpha (unsigned int). PF_R8G8B8A8_UINT = 48, /// 16-bit pixel format, 16 bits red (unsigned int). PF_R16_UINT = 49, /// 32-bit pixel format, 16 bits red (unsigned int), 16 bits blue (unsigned int). PF_R16G16_UINT = 50, /// 48-bit pixel format, 16 bits red (unsigned int), 16 bits blue (unsigned int), 16 bits green (unsigned int). PF_R16G16B16_UINT = 51, /// 64-bit pixel format, 16 bits red (unsigned int), 16 bits blue (unsigned int), 16 bits green (unsigned int), 16 bits alpha (unsigned int). PF_R16G16B16A16_UINT = 52, /// 32-bit pixel format, 32 bits red (unsigned int). PF_R32_UINT = 53, /// 64-bit pixel format, 32 bits red (unsigned int), 32 bits blue (unsigned int). PF_R32G32_UINT = 54, /// 96-bit pixel format, 32 bits red (unsigned int), 32 bits blue (unsigned int), 32 bits green (unsigned int). PF_R32G32B32_UINT = 55, /// 128-bit pixel format, 32 bits red (unsigned int), 32 bits blue (unsigned int), 32 bits green (unsigned int), 32 bits alpha (unsigned int). PF_R32G32B32A32_UINT = 56, /// 8-bit pixel format, 8 bits red (signed int). PF_R8_SINT = 57, /// 16-bit pixel format, 8 bits red (signed int), 8 bits blue (signed int). PF_R8G8_SINT = 58, /// 24-bit pixel format, 8 bits red (signed int), 8 bits blue (signed int), 8 bits green (signed int). PF_R8G8B8_SINT = 59, /// 32-bit pixel format, 8 bits red (signed int), 8 bits blue (signed int), 8 bits green (signed int), 8 bits alpha (signed int). PF_R8G8B8A8_SINT = 60, /// 16-bit pixel format, 16 bits red (signed int). PF_R16_SINT = 61, /// 32-bit pixel format, 16 bits red (signed int), 16 bits blue (signed int). PF_R16G16_SINT = 62, /// 48-bit pixel format, 16 bits red (signed int), 16 bits blue (signed int), 16 bits green (signed int). PF_R16G16B16_SINT = 63, /// 64-bit pixel format, 16 bits red (signed int), 16 bits blue (signed int), 16 bits green (signed int), 16 bits alpha (signed int). PF_R16G16B16A16_SINT = 64, /// 32-bit pixel format, 32 bits red (signed int). PF_R32_SINT = 65, /// 64-bit pixel format, 32 bits red (signed int), 32 bits blue (signed int). PF_R32G32_SINT = 66, /// 96-bit pixel format, 32 bits red (signed int), 32 bits blue (signed int), 32 bits green (signed int). PF_R32G32B32_SINT = 67, /// 128-bit pixel format, 32 bits red (signed int), 32 bits blue (signed int), 32 bits green (signed int), 32 bits alpha (signed int). PF_R32G32B32A32_SINT = 68, /// 32-bit pixel format, 9 bits for blue, green, red plus a 5 bit exponent. PF_R9G9B9E5_SHAREDEXP = 69, /// DDS (DirectDraw Surface) BC4 format (unsigned normalised) PF_BC4_UNORM = 70, /// DDS (DirectDraw Surface) BC4 format (signed normalised) PF_BC4_SNORM = 71, /// DDS (DirectDraw Surface) BC5 format (unsigned normalised) PF_BC5_UNORM = 72, /// DDS (DirectDraw Surface) BC5 format (signed normalised) PF_BC5_SNORM = 73, /// DDS (DirectDraw Surface) BC6H format (unsigned 16 bit float) PF_BC6H_UF16 = 74, /// DDS (DirectDraw Surface) BC6H format (signed 16 bit float) PF_BC6H_SF16 = 75, /// DDS (DirectDraw Surface) BC7 format (unsigned normalised) PF_BC7_UNORM = 76, /// DDS (DirectDraw Surface) BC7 format (unsigned normalised sRGB) PF_BC7_UNORM_SRGB = 77, /// 8-bit pixel format, all bits red. PF_R8 = 78, /// 16-bit pixel format, 8 bits red, 8 bits green. PF_RG8 = 79, /// 8-bit pixel format, 8 bits red (signed normalised int). PF_R8_SNORM = 80, /// 16-bit pixel format, 8 bits red (signed normalised int), 8 bits blue (signed normalised int). PF_R8G8_SNORM = 81, /// 24-bit pixel format, 8 bits red (signed normalised int), 8 bits blue (signed normalised int), 8 bits green (signed normalised int). PF_R8G8B8_SNORM = 82, /// 32-bit pixel format, 8 bits red (signed normalised int), 8 bits blue (signed normalised int), 8 bits green (signed normalised int), 8 bits alpha (signed normalised int). PF_R8G8B8A8_SNORM = 83, /// 16-bit pixel format, 16 bits red (signed normalised int). PF_R16_SNORM = 84, /// 32-bit pixel format, 16 bits red (signed normalised int), 16 bits blue (signed normalised int). PF_R16G16_SNORM = 85, /// 48-bit pixel format, 16 bits red (signed normalised int), 16 bits blue (signed normalised int), 16 bits green (signed normalised int). PF_R16G16B16_SNORM = 86, /// 64-bit pixel format, 16 bits red (signed normalised int), 16 bits blue (signed normalised int), 16 bits green (signed normalised int), 16 bits alpha (signed normalised int). PF_R16G16B16A16_SNORM = 87, /// ETC1 (Ericsson Texture Compression) PF_ETC1_RGB8 = 88, /// ETC2 (Ericsson Texture Compression) PF_ETC2_RGB8 = 89, /// ETC2 (Ericsson Texture Compression) PF_ETC2_RGBA8 = 90, /// ETC2 (Ericsson Texture Compression) PF_ETC2_RGB8A1 = 91, /// ATC (AMD_compressed_ATC_texture) PF_ATC_RGB = 92, /// ATC (AMD_compressed_ATC_texture) PF_ATC_RGBA_EXPLICIT_ALPHA = 93, /// ATC (AMD_compressed_ATC_texture) PF_ATC_RGBA_INTERPOLATED_ALPHA = 94, // Number of pixel formats currently defined PF_COUNT = 95 }; typedef vector::type PixelFormatList; /** * Flags defining some on/off properties of pixel formats */ enum PixelFormatFlags { /// This format has an alpha channel PFF_HASALPHA = 0x00000001, /** This format is compressed. This invalidates the values in elemBytes, elemBits and the bit counts as these might not be fixed in a compressed format. */ PFF_COMPRESSED = 0x00000002, /// This is a floating point format PFF_FLOAT = 0x00000004, /// This is a depth format (for depth textures) PFF_DEPTH = 0x00000008, /** Format is in native endian. Generally true for the 16, 24 and 32 bits formats which can be represented as machine integers. */ PFF_NATIVEENDIAN = 0x00000010, /** This is an intensity format instead of a RGB one. The luminance replaces R,G and B. (but not A) */ PFF_LUMINANCE = 0x00000020, /// This is an integer format PFF_INTEGER = 0x00000040 }; /** Pixel component format */ enum PixelComponentType { PCT_BYTE = 0, /// Byte per component (8 bit fixed 0.0..1.0) PCT_SHORT = 1, /// Short per component (16 bit fixed 0.0..1.0)) PCT_FLOAT16 = 2, /// 16 bit float per component PCT_FLOAT32 = 3, /// 32 bit float per component PCT_SINT = 4, /// Signed integer per component PCT_UINT = 5, /// Unsigned integer per component PCT_COUNT = 6 /// Number of pixel types }; /** A primitive describing a volume (3D), image (2D) or line (1D) of pixels in memory. In case of a rectangle, depth must be 1. Pixels are stored as a succession of "depth" slices, each containing "height" rows of "width" pixels. */ class _OgreExport PixelBox: public Box, public ImageAlloc { public: /// Parameter constructor for setting the members manually PixelBox() {} ~PixelBox() {} /** Constructor providing extents in the form of a Box object. This constructor assumes the pixel data is laid out consecutively in memory. (this means row after row, slice after slice, with no space in between) @param extents Extents of the region defined by data @param pixelFormat Format of this buffer @param pixelData Pointer to the actual data */ PixelBox(const Box &extents, PixelFormat pixelFormat, void *pixelData=0): Box(extents), data(pixelData), format(pixelFormat) { setConsecutive(); } /** Constructor providing width, height and depth. This constructor assumes the pixel data is laid out consecutively in memory. (this means row after row, slice after slice, with no space in between) @param width Width of the region @param height Height of the region @param depth Depth of the region @param pixelFormat Format of this buffer @param pixelData Pointer to the actual data */ PixelBox(uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 depth, PixelFormat pixelFormat, void *pixelData=0): Box(0, 0, 0, width, height, depth), data(pixelData), format(pixelFormat) { setConsecutive(); } /// The data pointer void *data; /// The pixel format PixelFormat format; /** Number of elements between the leftmost pixel of one row and the left pixel of the next. This value must always be equal to getWidth() (consecutive) for compressed formats. */ size_t rowPitch; /** Number of elements between the top left pixel of one (depth) slice and the top left pixel of the next. This can be a negative value. Must be a multiple of rowPitch. This value must always be equal to getWidth()*getHeight() (consecutive) for compressed formats. */ size_t slicePitch; /** Set the rowPitch and slicePitch so that the buffer is laid out consecutive in memory. */ void setConsecutive() { rowPitch = getWidth(); slicePitch = getWidth()*getHeight(); } /** Get the number of elements between one past the rightmost pixel of one row and the leftmost pixel of the next row. (IE this is zero if rows are consecutive). */ size_t getRowSkip() const { return rowPitch - getWidth(); } /** Get the number of elements between one past the right bottom pixel of one slice and the left top pixel of the next slice. (IE this is zero if slices are consecutive). */ size_t getSliceSkip() const { return slicePitch - (getHeight() * rowPitch); } /** Return whether this buffer is laid out consecutive in memory (ie the pitches are equal to the dimensions) */ bool isConsecutive() const { return rowPitch == getWidth() && slicePitch == getWidth()*getHeight(); } /** Return the size (in bytes) this image would take if it was laid out consecutive in memory */ size_t getConsecutiveSize() const; /** Return a subvolume of this PixelBox. @param def Defines the bounds of the subregion to return @return A pixel box describing the region and the data in it @remarks This function does not copy any data, it just returns a PixelBox object with a data pointer pointing somewhere inside the data of object. @throws Exception(ERR_INVALIDPARAMS) if def is not fully contained */ PixelBox getSubVolume(const Box &def) const; /** Return a data pointer pointing to top left front pixel of the pixel box. @remarks Non consecutive pixel boxes are supported. */ void* getTopLeftFrontPixelPtr() const; /** * Get colour value from a certain location in the PixelBox. The z coordinate * is only valid for cubemaps and volume textures. This uses the first (largest) * mipmap. */ ColourValue getColourAt(size_t x, size_t y, size_t z); /** * Set colour value at a certain location in the PixelBox. The z coordinate * is only valid for cubemaps and volume textures. This uses the first (largest) * mipmap. */ void setColourAt(ColourValue const &cv, size_t x, size_t y, size_t z); }; /** * Some utility functions for packing and unpacking pixel data */ class _OgreExport PixelUtil { public: /** Returns the size in bytes of an element of the given pixel format. @return The size in bytes of an element. See Remarks. @remarks Passing PF_UNKNOWN will result in returning a size of 0 bytes. */ static size_t getNumElemBytes( PixelFormat format ); /** Returns the size in bits of an element of the given pixel format. @return The size in bits of an element. See Remarks. @remarks Passing PF_UNKNOWN will result in returning a size of 0 bits. */ static size_t getNumElemBits( PixelFormat format ); /** Returns the size in memory of a region with the given extents and pixel format with consecutive memory layout. @param width The width of the area @param height The height of the area @param depth The depth of the area @param format The format of the area @return The size in bytes @remarks In case that the format is non-compressed, this simply returns width*height*depth*PixelUtil::getNumElemBytes(format). In the compressed case, this does serious magic. */ static size_t getMemorySize(uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 depth, PixelFormat format); /** Returns the property flags for this pixel format @return A bitfield combination of PFF_HASALPHA, PFF_ISCOMPRESSED, PFF_FLOAT, PFF_DEPTH, PFF_NATIVEENDIAN, PFF_LUMINANCE @remarks This replaces the separate functions for formatHasAlpha, formatIsFloat, ... */ static unsigned int getFlags( PixelFormat format ); /** Shortcut method to determine if the format has an alpha component */ static bool hasAlpha(PixelFormat format); /** Shortcut method to determine if the format is floating point */ static bool isFloatingPoint(PixelFormat format); /** Shortcut method to determine if the format is integer */ static bool isInteger(PixelFormat format); /** Shortcut method to determine if the format is compressed */ static bool isCompressed(PixelFormat format); /** Shortcut method to determine if the format is a depth format. */ static bool isDepth(PixelFormat format); /** Shortcut method to determine if the format is in native endian format. */ static bool isNativeEndian(PixelFormat format); /** Shortcut method to determine if the format is a luminance format. */ static bool isLuminance(PixelFormat format); /** Return whether a certain image extent is valid for this image format. @param width The width of the area @param height The height of the area @param depth The depth of the area @param format The format of the area @remarks For non-compressed formats, this is always true. For DXT formats, only sizes with a width and height multiple of 4 and depth 1 are allowed. */ static bool isValidExtent(size_t width, size_t height, size_t depth, PixelFormat format); /** Gives the number of bits (RGBA) for a format. See remarks. @remarks For non-colour formats (dxt, depth) this returns [0,0,0,0]. */ static void getBitDepths(PixelFormat format, int rgba[4]); /** Gives the masks for the R, G, B and A component @note Only valid for native endian formats */ static void getBitMasks(PixelFormat format, uint64 rgba[4]); /** Gives the bit shifts for R, G, B and A component @note Only valid for native endian formats */ static void getBitShifts(PixelFormat format, unsigned char rgba[4]); /** Gets the name of an image format */ static String getFormatName(PixelFormat srcformat); /** Returns whether the format can be packed or unpacked with the packColour() and unpackColour() functions. This is generally not true for compressed and depth formats as they are special. It can only be true for formats with a fixed element size. @return true if yes, otherwise false */ static bool isAccessible(PixelFormat srcformat); /** Returns the component type for a certain pixel format. Returns PCT_BYTE in case there is no clear component type like with compressed formats. This is one of PCT_BYTE, PCT_SHORT, PCT_FLOAT16, PCT_FLOAT32. */ static PixelComponentType getComponentType(PixelFormat fmt); /** Returns the component count for a certain pixel format. Returns 3(no alpha) or 4 (has alpha) in case there is no clear component type like with compressed formats. */ static size_t getComponentCount(PixelFormat fmt); /** Gets the format from given name. @param name The string of format name @param accessibleOnly If true, non-accessible format will treat as invalid format, otherwise, all supported format are valid. @param caseSensitive Should be set true if string match should use case sensitivity. @return The format match the format name, or PF_UNKNOWN if is invalid name. */ static PixelFormat getFormatFromName(const String& name, bool accessibleOnly = false, bool caseSensitive = false); /** Gets the BNF expression of the pixel-formats. @note The string returned by this function is intended to be used as a BNF expression to work with Compiler2Pass. @param accessibleOnly If true, only accessible pixel format will take into account, otherwise all pixel formats list in PixelFormat enumeration will being returned. @return A string contains the BNF expression. */ static String getBNFExpressionOfPixelFormats(bool accessibleOnly = false); /** Returns the similar format but acoording with given bit depths. @param fmt The original foamt. @param integerBits Preferred bit depth (pixel bits) for integer pixel format. Available values: 0, 16 and 32, where 0 (the default) means as it is. @param floatBits Preferred bit depth (channel bits) for float pixel format. Available values: 0, 16 and 32, where 0 (the default) means as it is. @return The format that similar original format with bit depth according with preferred bit depth, or original format if no conversion occurring. */ static PixelFormat getFormatForBitDepths(PixelFormat fmt, ushort integerBits, ushort floatBits); /** Pack a colour value to memory @param colour The colour @param pf Pixelformat in which to write the colour @param dest Destination memory location */ static void packColour(const ColourValue &colour, const PixelFormat pf, void* dest); /** Pack a colour value to memory @param r,g,b,a The four colour components, range 0.0f to 1.0f (an exception to this case exists for floating point pixel formats, which don't clamp to 0.0f..1.0f) @param pf Pixelformat in which to write the colour @param dest Destination memory location */ static void packColour(const uint8 r, const uint8 g, const uint8 b, const uint8 a, const PixelFormat pf, void* dest); /** Pack a colour value to memory @param r,g,b,a The four colour components, range 0.0f to 1.0f (an exception to this case exists for floating point pixel formats, which don't clamp to 0.0f..1.0f) @param pf Pixelformat in which to write the colour @param dest Destination memory location */ static void packColour(const float r, const float g, const float b, const float a, const PixelFormat pf, void* dest); /** Unpack a colour value from memory @param colour The colour is returned here @param pf Pixelformat in which to read the colour @param src Source memory location */ static void unpackColour(ColourValue *colour, PixelFormat pf, const void* src); /** Unpack a colour value from memory @param r The red channel is returned here (as byte) @param g The blue channel is returned here (as byte) @param b The green channel is returned here (as byte) @param a The alpha channel is returned here (as byte) @param pf Pixelformat in which to read the colour @param src Source memory location @remarks This function returns the colour components in 8 bit precision, this will lose precision when coming from PF_A2R10G10B10 or floating point formats. */ static void unpackColour(uint8 *r, uint8 *g, uint8 *b, uint8 *a, PixelFormat pf, const void* src); /** Unpack a colour value from memory @param r The red channel is returned here (as float) @param g The blue channel is returned here (as float) @param b The green channel is returned here (as float) @param a The alpha channel is returned here (as float) @param pf Pixelformat in which to read the colour @param src Source memory location */ static void unpackColour(float *r, float *g, float *b, float *a, PixelFormat pf, const void* src); /** Convert consecutive pixels from one format to another. No dithering or filtering is being done. Converting from RGB to luminance takes the R channel. In case the source and destination format match, just a copy is done. @param src Pointer to source region @param srcFormat Pixel format of source region @param dst Pointer to destination region @param dstFormat Pixel format of destination region */ static void bulkPixelConversion(void *src, PixelFormat srcFormat, void *dst, PixelFormat dstFormat, unsigned int count); /** Convert pixels from one format to another. No dithering or filtering is being done. Converting from RGB to luminance takes the R channel. @param src PixelBox containing the source pixels, pitches and format @param dst PixelBox containing the destination pixels, pitches and format @remarks The source and destination boxes must have the same dimensions. In case the source and destination format match, a plain copy is done. */ static void bulkPixelConversion(const PixelBox &src, const PixelBox &dst); /** Flips pixels inplace in vertical direction. @param box PixelBox containing pixels, pitches and format @remarks Non consecutive pixel boxes are supported. */ static void bulkPixelVerticalFlip(const PixelBox &box); }; /** @} */ /** @} */ } #include "OgreHeaderSuffix.h" #endif