/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/ Copyright (c) 2000-2013 Torus Knot Software Ltd Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef __InstancedEntity_H__ #define __InstancedEntity_H__ #include "OgreMovableObject.h" #include "OgreNode.h" #include "OgreHeaderPrefix.h" namespace Ogre { /** \addtogroup Core * @{ */ /** \addtogroup Scene * @{ */ /** @see InstanceBatch to understand how instancing works. Instanced entities work in a very similar way as how an Entity works, as this interface tries to mimic it as most as possible to make the transition between Entity and InstancedEntity as straightforward and simple as possible. There are a couple inherent limitations, for example setRenderQueueGroup only works on the InstanceBatch level, not the individual instance. This limits Z sorting for alpha blending quite significantly An InstancedEntity won't appear in scene until a SceneNode is attached to them. Once the InstancedEntity is no longer needed, call InstanceBatch::removeInstancedEntity to put them back into a queue so the batch can return it back again when a new instance is requested. @par Internally, instanced entities that are not visible (i.e. by setting setVisible(false) or when they don't have a SceneNode attached to them) a Zero world matrix is sent to the vertex shader which in turn causes a zero area triangle. This obviously means no Vertex shader benefit, but saves a bit of pixel shader processing power. Also this means this object won't be considered when sizing the InstanceBatch's bounding box. @par Each instance has an instance ID unique within the batch, which matches the ID sent to the vertex shader by some techniques (like InstanceBatchShader). @par Differences between Entity and InstancedEntity: * Setting RenderQueueGroup and other Renderable stuff works at InstanceBatch level, not InstancedEntity. This is obviously a limitation from instancing in general, not this particular implementation @remarks Design discussion webpage @author Matias N. Goldberg ("dark_sylinc") @version 1.0 */ class _OgreExport InstancedEntity : public Ogre::MovableObject { friend class InstanceBatch; friend class InstanceBatchShader; friend class InstanceBatchHW; friend class InstanceBatchHW_VTF; friend class BaseInstanceBatchVTF; protected: uint16 mInstanceId; //Note it may change after defragmenting! bool mInUse; InstanceBatch *mBatchOwner; AnimationStateSet *mAnimationState; SkeletonInstance *mSkeletonInstance; Matrix4 *mBoneMatrices; //Local space Matrix4 *mBoneWorldMatrices; //World space unsigned long mFrameAnimationLastUpdated; InstancedEntity* mSharedTransformEntity; //When not null, another InstancedEntity controls the skeleton /** Used in conjunction with bone matrix lookup. Tells the number of the transform for as arranged in the vertex texture */ uint16 mTransformLookupNumber; /// Stores the master when we're the slave, store our slaves when we're the master typedef vector::type InstancedEntityVec; InstancedEntityVec mSharingPartners; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Parameters used for local transformation offset information // The ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Object position Vector3 mPosition; Vector3 mDerivedLocalPosition; /// Object orientation Quaternion mOrientation; /// Object scale Vector3 mScale; /// The maximum absolute scale for all dimension Real mMaxScaleLocal; /// Full world transform Matrix4 mFullLocalTransform; /// Tells if mFullTransform needs an updated bool mNeedTransformUpdate; /// Tells if the animation world transform needs an update bool mNeedAnimTransformUpdate; /// Tells whether to use the local transform parameters bool mUseLocalTransform; /// Returns number of matrices written to transform, assumes transform has enough space size_t getTransforms( Matrix4 *xform ) const; /// Returns number of 32-bit values written size_t getTransforms3x4( float *xform ) const; /// Returns true if this InstancedObject is visible to the current camera bool findVisible( Camera *camera ) const; /// Creates/destroys our own skeleton, also tells slaves to unlink if we're destroying void createSkeletonInstance(); void destroySkeletonInstance(); /// When this entity is a slave, stopSharingTransform delegates to this function. /// nofityMaster = false is used to prevent iterator invalidation in specific cases. void stopSharingTransformAsSlave( bool notifyMaster ); /// Just unlinks, and tells our master we're no longer sharing void unlinkTransform( bool notifyMaster=true ); /// Called when a slave has unlinked from us void notifyUnlink( const InstancedEntity *slave ); /// Mark the transformation matrixes as dirty inline void markTransformDirty(); /// Incremented count for next name extension static NameGenerator msNameGenerator; public: InstancedEntity( InstanceBatch *batchOwner, uint32 instanceID, InstancedEntity* sharedTransformEntity = NULL); virtual ~InstancedEntity(); /** Shares the entire transformation with another InstancedEntity. This is useful when a mesh has more than one submeshes, therefore creating multiple InstanceManagers (one for each submesh). With this function, sharing makes the skeleton to be shared (less memory) and updated once (performance optimization). Note that one InstancedEntity (i.e. submesh 0) must be chosen as "master" which will share with the other instanced entities (i.e. submeshes 1-N) which are called "slaves" @par Requirements to share trasnformations: * Both InstancedEntities must have use the same skeleton * An InstancedEntity can't be both "master" and "slave" at the same time @remarks Sharing does nothing if the original mesh doesn't have a skeleton When an InstancedEntity is removed (@see InstanceBatch::removeInstancedEntity), it stops sharing the transform. If the instanced entity was the master one, all it's slaves stop sharing and start having their own transform too. @param slave The InstancedEntity that should share with us and become our slave @return true if successfully shared (may fail if they aren't skeletally animated) */ bool shareTransformWith( InstancedEntity *slave ); /** @see shareTransformWith Stops sharing the transform if this is a slave, and notifies the master we're no longer a slave. If this is a master, tells all it's slave to stop sharing @remarks This function is automatically called in InstanceBatch::removeInstancedEntity */ void stopSharingTransform(); InstanceBatch* _getOwner() const { return mBatchOwner; } const String& getMovableType(void) const; const AxisAlignedBox& getBoundingBox(void) const; Real getBoundingRadius(void) const; /** This is used by our batch owner to get the closest entity's depth, returns infinity when not attached to a scene node */ Real getSquaredViewDepth( const Camera* cam ) const; /// Overridden so we can tell the InstanceBatch it needs to update it's bounds void _notifyMoved(void); void _notifyAttached( Node* parent, bool isTagPoint = false ); /// Do nothing, InstanceBatch takes care of this. void _updateRenderQueue( RenderQueue* queue ) {} void visitRenderables( Renderable::Visitor* visitor, bool debugRenderables = false ) {} /** @see Entity::hasSkeleton */ bool hasSkeleton(void) const { return mSkeletonInstance != 0; } /** @see Entity::getSkeleton */ SkeletonInstance* getSkeleton(void) const { return mSkeletonInstance; } /** @see Entity::getAnimationState */ AnimationState* getAnimationState(const String& name) const; /** @see Entity::getAllAnimationStates */ AnimationStateSet* getAllAnimationStates(void) const; /** Called by InstanceBatch in his _updateRenderQueue to tell us we need to calculate our bone matrices. @remarks Assumes it has a skeleton (mSkeletonInstance != 0) @return true if something was actually updated */ virtual bool _updateAnimation(void); /** Sets the transformation look up number */ void setTransformLookupNumber(uint16 num) { mTransformLookupNumber = num;} /** Retrieve the position */ const Vector3& getPosition() const { return mPosition; } /** Set the position or the offset from the parent node if a parent node exists */ void setPosition(const Vector3& position, bool doUpdate = true); /** Retrieve the orientation */ const Quaternion& getOrientation() const { return mOrientation; } /** Set the orientation or the offset from the parent node if a parent node exists */ void setOrientation(const Quaternion& orientation, bool doUpdate = true); /** Retrieve the local scale */ const Vector3& getScale() const { return mScale; } /** Set the scale or the offset from the parent node if a parent node exists */ void setScale(const Vector3& scale, bool doUpdate = true); /** Returns the maximum derived scale coefficient among the xyz values */ Real getMaxScaleCoef() const; /** Update the world transform and derived values */ void updateTransforms(); /** Tells if the entity is in use. */ bool isInUse() const { return mInUse; } /** Sets whether the entity is in use. */ void setInUse(bool used); /** Returns the world transform of the instanced entity including local transform */ virtual const Matrix4& _getParentNodeFullTransform(void) const { assert((!mNeedTransformUpdate || !mUseLocalTransform) && "Transform data should be updated at this point"); return mUseLocalTransform ? mFullLocalTransform : mParentNode ? mParentNode->_getFullTransform() : Matrix4::IDENTITY; } /** Returns the derived position of the instanced entity including local transform */ const Vector3& _getDerivedPosition() const { assert((!mNeedTransformUpdate || !mUseLocalTransform) && "Transform data should be updated at this point"); return mUseLocalTransform ? mDerivedLocalPosition : mParentNode ? mParentNode->_getDerivedPosition() : Vector3::ZERO; } /** @copydoc MovableObject::isInScene. */ virtual bool isInScene(void) const { //We assume that the instanced entity is in the scene if it is in use //It is in the scene whether it has a parent node or not return mInUse; } /** Sets the custom parameter for this instance @see InstanceManager::setNumCustomParams Because not all techniques support custom params, and some users may not need it while using millions of InstancedEntities, the params have been detached from InstancedEntity and stored in it's InstanceBatch instead, to reduce memory overhead. @remarks If this function is never called, all instances default to Vector4::ZERO. Watch out! If you destroy an instanced entity and then create it again (remember! Instanced entities are pre-allocated) it's custom param will contain the old value when it was destroyed. @param idx of the param. In the range [0; InstanceManager::getNumCustomParams()) @param newParam New parameter */ void setCustomParam( unsigned char idx, const Vector4 &newParam ); const Vector4& getCustomParam( unsigned char idx ); }; } #include "OgreHeaderSuffix.h" #endif