/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/ Copyright (c) 2000-2013 Torus Knot Software Ltd Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef __InstanceBatch_H__ #define __InstanceBatch_H__ #include "OgrePrerequisites.h" #include "OgreRenderOperation.h" #include "OgreRenderable.h" #include "OgreMovableObject.h" #include "OgreMesh.h" #include "OgreHeaderPrefix.h" namespace Ogre { /** \addtogroup Core * @{ */ /** \addtogroup Scene * @{ */ /** InstanceBatch forms part of the new Instancing system This is an abstract class that must be derived to implement different instancing techniques (@see InstanceManager::InstancingTechnique) OGRE wasn't truly thought for instancing. OGRE assumes that either: a. One MovableObject -> No Renderable b. One MovableObject -> One Renderable c. One MovableObject -> Many Renderable. However, instances work on reverse: Many MovableObject have the same Renderable. Instancing is already difficult to cull by a CPU, but the main drawback from this assumption is that it makes it even harder to take advantage from OGRE's culling capabilities (i.e. @see OctreeSceneManager) @par To workaround this problem, InstanceBatch updates on almost every frame, growing the bounding box to fit all instances that are not being culled individually. This helps by avoiding a huge bbox that may cover the whole scene, which decreases shadow quality considerably (as it is seen as large shadow receiver) Furthermore, if no individual instance is visible, the InstanceBatch switches it's visibility (@see MovableObject::setVisible) to avoid sending this Renderable to the GPU. This happens because even when no individual instance is visible, their merged bounding box may cause OGRE to think the batch is visible (i.e. the camera is looking between object A & B, but A & B aren't visible) @par As it happens with instancing in general, all instanced entities from the same batch will share the same textures and materials @par Each InstanceBatch preallocates a fixed amount of mInstancesPerBatch instances once it's been built (@see build, @see buildFrom). @see createInstancedEntity and @see removeInstancedEntity on how to retrieve those instances remove them from scene. Note that, on GPU side, removing an instance from scene doesn't save GPU cycles on what respects vertex shaders, but saves a little fillrate and pixel shaders; unless all instances are removed, which saves GPU. For more information, @see InstancedEntity For information on how Ogre manages multiple Instance batches, @see InstanceManager @remarks Design discussion webpage @author Matias N. Goldberg ("dark_sylinc") @version 1.0 */ class _OgreExport InstanceBatch : public Renderable, public MovableObject { public: typedef vector::type InstancedEntityVec; typedef vector::type CustomParamsVec; protected: RenderOperation mRenderOperation; size_t mInstancesPerBatch; InstanceManager *mCreator; MaterialPtr mMaterial; MeshPtr mMeshReference; Mesh::IndexMap const *mIndexToBoneMap; //InstancedEntities are all allocated at build time and kept as "unused" //when they're requested, they're removed from there when requested, //and put back again when they're no longer needed //Note each InstancedEntity has a unique ID ranging from [0; mInstancesPerBatch) InstancedEntityVec mInstancedEntities; InstancedEntityVec mUnusedEntities; ///@see InstanceManager::setNumCustomParams(). Because this may not even be used, ///our implementations keep the params separate from the InstancedEntity to lower ///the memory overhead. They default to Vector4::ZERO CustomParamsVec mCustomParams; /// This bbox contains all (visible) instanced entities AxisAlignedBox mFullBoundingBox; Real mBoundingRadius; bool mBoundsDirty; bool mBoundsUpdated; //Set to false by derived classes that need it Camera *mCurrentCamera; unsigned short mMaterialLodIndex; bool mDirtyAnimation; //Set to false at start of each _updateRenderQueue /// False if a technique doesn't support skeletal animation bool mTechnSupportsSkeletal; /// Cached distance to last camera for getSquaredViewDepth mutable Real mCachedCameraDist; /// The camera for which the cached distance is valid mutable const Camera *mCachedCamera; /// Tells that the list of entity instances with shared transforms has changed bool mTransformSharingDirty; /// When true remove the memory of the VertexData we've created because no one else will bool mRemoveOwnVertexData; /// When true remove the memory of the IndexData we've created because no one else will bool mRemoveOwnIndexData; virtual void setupVertices( const SubMesh* baseSubMesh ) = 0; virtual void setupIndices( const SubMesh* baseSubMesh ) = 0; virtual void createAllInstancedEntities(void); virtual void deleteAllInstancedEntities(void); virtual void deleteUnusedInstancedEntities(void); /// Creates a new InstancedEntity instance virtual InstancedEntity* generateInstancedEntity(size_t num); /** Takes an array of 3x4 matrices and makes it camera relative. Note the second argument takes number of floats in the array, not number of matrices. Assumes mCachedCamera contains the camera which is about to be rendered to. */ void makeMatrixCameraRelative3x4( float *mat3x4, size_t numFloats ); /// Returns false on errors that would prevent building this batch from the given submesh virtual bool checkSubMeshCompatibility( const SubMesh* baseSubMesh ); void updateVisibility(void); /** @see _defragmentBatch */ void defragmentBatchNoCull( InstancedEntityVec &usedEntities, CustomParamsVec &usedParams ); /** @see _defragmentBatch This one takes the entity closest to the minimum corner of the bbox, then starts gathering entities closest to this entity. There might be much better algorithms (i.e. involving space partition), but this one is simple and works well enough */ void defragmentBatchDoCull( InstancedEntityVec &usedEntities, CustomParamsVec &usedParams ); public: InstanceBatch( InstanceManager *creator, MeshPtr &meshReference, const MaterialPtr &material, size_t instancesPerBatch, const Mesh::IndexMap *indexToBoneMap, const String &batchName ); virtual ~InstanceBatch(); MeshPtr& _getMeshRef() { return mMeshReference; } /** Raises an exception if trying to change it after being built */ void _setInstancesPerBatch( size_t instancesPerBatch ); const Mesh::IndexMap* _getIndexToBoneMap() const { return mIndexToBoneMap; } /** Returns true if this technique supports skeletal animation @remarks A virtual function could have been used, but using a simple variable overridden by the derived class is faster than virtual call overhead. And both are clean ways of implementing it. */ bool _supportsSkeletalAnimation() const { return mTechnSupportsSkeletal; } /** @see InstanceManager::updateDirtyBatches */ void _updateBounds(void); /** Some techniques have a limit on how many instances can be done. Sometimes even depends on the material being used. @par Note this is a helper function, as such it takes a submesh base to compute the parameters, instead of using the object's own. This allows querying for a technique without requiering to actually build it. @param baseSubMesh The base submesh that will be using to build it. @param flags Flags to pass to the InstanceManager. @see InstanceManagerFlags @return The max instances limit */ virtual size_t calculateMaxNumInstances( const SubMesh *baseSubMesh, uint16 flags ) const = 0; /** Constructs all the data needed to use this batch, as well as the InstanceEntities. Placed here because in the constructor virtual tables may not have been yet filled. @param baseSubMesh A sub mesh which the instances will be based upon from. @remarks Call this only ONCE. This is done automatically by Ogre::InstanceManager Caller is responsable for freeing buffers in this RenderOperation Buffers inside the RenderOp may be null if the built failed. @return A render operation which is very useful to pass to other InstanceBatches (@see buildFrom) so that they share the same vertex buffers and indices, when possible */ virtual RenderOperation build( const SubMesh* baseSubMesh ); /** Instancing consumes significantly more GPU memory than regular rendering methods. However, multiple batches can share most, if not all, of the vertex & index buffers to save memory. Derived classes are free to overload this method to manipulate what to reference from Render Op. For example, Hardware based instancing uses it's own vertex buffer for the last source binding, but shares the other sources. @param renderOperation The RenderOp to reference. @remarks Caller is responsable for freeing buffers passed as input arguments This function replaces the need to call build() */ virtual void buildFrom( const SubMesh *baseSubMesh, const RenderOperation &renderOperation ); const Ogre::MeshPtr& _getMeshReference(void) const { return mMeshReference; } /** @return true if it can not create more InstancedEntities (Num InstancedEntities == mInstancesPerBatch) */ bool isBatchFull(void) const { return mUnusedEntities.empty(); } /** Returns true if it no instanced entity has been requested or all of them have been removed */ bool isBatchUnused(void) const { return mUnusedEntities.size() == mInstancedEntities.size(); } /** Fills the input vector with the instances that are currently being used or were requested. Used for defragmentation, @see InstanceManager::defragmentBatches */ void getInstancedEntitiesInUse( InstancedEntityVec &outEntities, CustomParamsVec &outParams ); /** @see InstanceManager::defragmentBatches This function takes InstancedEntities and pushes back all entities it can fit here Extra entities in mUnusedEntities are destroyed (so that used + unused = mInstancedEntities.size()) @param optimizeCulling true will call the DoCull version, false the NoCull @param usedEntities Array of InstancedEntities to parent with this batch. Those reparented are removed from this input vector @param usedParams Array of Custom parameters correlated with the InstancedEntities in usedEntities. They follow the fate of the entities in that vector. @remarks: This function assumes caller holds data to mInstancedEntities! Otherwise you can get memory leaks. Don't call this directly if you don't know what you're doing! */ void _defragmentBatch( bool optimizeCulling, InstancedEntityVec &usedEntities, CustomParamsVec &usedParams ); /** @see InstanceManager::_defragmentBatchDiscard Destroys unused entities and clears the mInstancedEntity container which avoids leaving dangling pointers from reparented InstancedEntities Usually called before deleting this pointer. Don't call directly! */ void _defragmentBatchDiscard(void); /** Called by InstancedEntity(s) to tell us we need to update the bounds (we touch the SceneNode so the SceneManager aknowledges such change) */ virtual void _boundsDirty(void); /** Tells this batch to stop updating animations, positions, rotations, and display all it's active instances. Currently only InstanceBatchHW & InstanceBatchHW_VTF support it. This option makes the batch behave pretty much like Static Geometry, but with the GPU RAM memory advantages (less VRAM, less bandwidth) and not LOD support. Very useful for billboards of trees, repeating vegetation, etc. @remarks This function moves a lot of processing time from the CPU to the GPU. If the GPU is already a bottleneck, you may see a decrease in performance instead! Call this function again (with bStatic=true) if you've made a change to an InstancedEntity and wish this change to take effect. Be sure to call this after you've set all your instances @see InstanceBatchHW::setStaticAndUpdate */ virtual void setStaticAndUpdate( bool bStatic ) {} /** Returns true if this batch was set as static. @see setStaticAndUpdate */ virtual bool isStatic() const { return false; } /** Returns a pointer to a new InstancedEntity ready to use Note it's actually preallocated, so no memory allocation happens at this point. @remarks Returns NULL if all instances are being used */ InstancedEntity* createInstancedEntity(); /** Removes an InstancedEntity from the scene retrieved with getNewInstancedEntity, putting back into a queue @remarks Throws an exception if the instanced entity wasn't created by this batch Removed instanced entities save little CPU time, but _not_ GPU */ void removeInstancedEntity( InstancedEntity *instancedEntity ); /** Tells whether world bone matrices need to be calculated. This does not include bone matrices which are calculated regardless */ virtual bool useBoneWorldMatrices() const { return true; } /** Tells that the list of entity instances with shared transforms has changed */ void _markTransformSharingDirty() { mTransformSharingDirty = true; } /** @see InstancedEntity::setCustomParam */ void _setCustomParam( InstancedEntity *instancedEntity, unsigned char idx, const Vector4 &newParam ); /** @see InstancedEntity::getCustomParam */ const Vector4& _getCustomParam( InstancedEntity *instancedEntity, unsigned char idx ); //Renderable overloads /** @copydoc Renderable::getMaterial. */ const MaterialPtr& getMaterial(void) const { return mMaterial; } /** @copydoc Renderable::getRenderOperation. */ void getRenderOperation( RenderOperation& op ) { op = mRenderOperation; } /** @copydoc Renderable::getSquaredViewDepth. */ Real getSquaredViewDepth( const Camera* cam ) const; /** @copydoc Renderable::getLights. */ const LightList& getLights( void ) const; /** @copydoc Renderable::getTechnique. */ Technique* getTechnique(void) const; /** @copydoc MovableObject::getMovableType. */ const String& getMovableType(void) const; /** @copydoc MovableObject::_notifyCurrentCamera. */ void _notifyCurrentCamera( Camera* cam ); /** @copydoc MovableObject::getBoundingBox. */ const AxisAlignedBox& getBoundingBox(void) const; /** @copydoc MovableObject::getBoundingRadius. */ Real getBoundingRadius(void) const; virtual void _updateRenderQueue(RenderQueue* queue); void visitRenderables( Renderable::Visitor* visitor, bool debugRenderables = false ); // resolve ambiguity of get/setUserAny due to inheriting from Renderable and MovableObject using Renderable::getUserAny; using Renderable::setUserAny; }; } // namespace Ogre #include "OgreHeaderSuffix.h" #endif // __InstanceBatch_H__