/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/ Copyright (c) 2000-2013 Torus Knot Software Ltd Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef __HighLevelGpuProgramManager_H__ #define __HighLevelGpuProgramManager_H__ #include "OgrePrerequisites.h" #include "OgreResourceManager.h" #include "OgreSingleton.h" #include "OgreException.h" #include "OgreHighLevelGpuProgram.h" #include "OgreHeaderPrefix.h" namespace Ogre { /** \addtogroup Core * @{ */ /** \addtogroup Resources * @{ */ /** Interface definition for factories of HighLevelGpuProgram. */ class _OgreExport HighLevelGpuProgramFactory : public FactoryAlloc { public: HighLevelGpuProgramFactory() {} virtual ~HighLevelGpuProgramFactory(); /// Get the name of the language this factory creates programs for virtual const String& getLanguage(void) const = 0; virtual HighLevelGpuProgram* create(ResourceManager* creator, const String& name, ResourceHandle handle, const String& group, bool isManual, ManualResourceLoader* loader) = 0; virtual void destroy(HighLevelGpuProgram* prog) = 0; }; /** This ResourceManager manages high-level vertex and fragment programs. @remarks High-level vertex and fragment programs can be used instead of assembler programs as managed by GpuProgramManager; however they typically result in a GpuProgram being created as a derivative of the high-level program. High-level programs are easier to write, and can often be API-independent, unlike assembler programs. @par This class not only manages the programs themselves, it also manages the factory classes which allow the creation of high-level programs using a variety of high-level syntaxes. Plugins can be created which register themselves as high-level program factories and as such the engine can be extended to accept virtually any kind of program provided a plugin is written. */ class _OgreExport HighLevelGpuProgramManager : public ResourceManager, public Singleton { public: typedef map::type FactoryMap; protected: /// Factories capable of creating HighLevelGpuProgram instances FactoryMap mFactories; /// Factory for dealing with programs for languages we can't create HighLevelGpuProgramFactory* mNullFactory; /// Factory for unified high-level programs HighLevelGpuProgramFactory* mUnifiedFactory; HighLevelGpuProgramFactory* getFactory(const String& language); /// @copydoc ResourceManager::createImpl Resource* createImpl(const String& name, ResourceHandle handle, const String& group, bool isManual, ManualResourceLoader* loader, const NameValuePairList* createParams); public: HighLevelGpuProgramManager(); ~HighLevelGpuProgramManager(); /** Add a new factory object for high-level programs of a given language. */ void addFactory(HighLevelGpuProgramFactory* factory); /** Remove a factory object for high-level programs of a given language. */ void removeFactory(HighLevelGpuProgramFactory* factory); /** Returns whether a given high-level language is supported. */ bool isLanguageSupported(const String& lang); /// Get a resource by name /// @see ResourceManager::getResourceByName HighLevelGpuProgramPtr getByName(const String& name, const String& groupName = ResourceGroupManager::AUTODETECT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME); /** Create a new, unloaded HighLevelGpuProgram. @par This method creates a new program of the type specified as the second and third parameters. You will have to call further methods on the returned program in order to define the program fully before you can load it. @param name The identifying name of the program @param groupName The name of the resource group which this program is to be a member of @param language Code of the language to use (e.g. "cg") @param gptype The type of program to create */ HighLevelGpuProgramPtr createProgram( const String& name, const String& groupName, const String& language, GpuProgramType gptype); /** Override standard Singleton retrieval. @remarks Why do we do this? Well, it's because the Singleton implementation is in a .h file, which means it gets compiled into anybody who includes it. This is needed for the Singleton template to work, but we actually only want it compiled into the implementation of the class based on the Singleton, not all of them. If we don't change this, we get link errors when trying to use the Singleton-based class from an outside dll. @par This method just delegates to the template version anyway, but the implementation stays in this single compilation unit, preventing link errors. */ static HighLevelGpuProgramManager& getSingleton(void); /** Override standard Singleton retrieval. @remarks Why do we do this? Well, it's because the Singleton implementation is in a .h file, which means it gets compiled into anybody who includes it. This is needed for the Singleton template to work, but we actually only want it compiled into the implementation of the class based on the Singleton, not all of them. If we don't change this, we get link errors when trying to use the Singleton-based class from an outside dll. @par This method just delegates to the template version anyway, but the implementation stays in this single compilation unit, preventing link errors. */ static HighLevelGpuProgramManager* getSingletonPtr(void); }; /** @} */ /** @} */ } #include "OgreHeaderSuffix.h" #endif