/* The zlib/libpng License Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Phillip Castaneda (pjcast -- www.wreckedgames.com) This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. */ #include "Win32/Win32InputManager.h" #include "Win32/Win32KeyBoard.h" #include "OISException.h" #include "OISEvents.h" #include using namespace OIS; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Win32Keyboard::Win32Keyboard( InputManager* creator, IDirectInput8* pDI, bool buffered, DWORD coopSettings ) : Keyboard(creator->inputSystemName(), buffered, 0, creator) { mKeyboard = 0; mDirectInput = pDI; coopSetting = coopSettings; //Clear our keyboard state buffer memset( &KeyBuffer, 0, 256 ); deadKey = '\0'; static_cast(mCreator)->_setKeyboardUsed(true); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// void Win32Keyboard::_initialize() { mModifiers = 0; deadKey = '\0'; if(FAILED(mDirectInput->CreateDevice(GUID_SysKeyboard, &mKeyboard, NULL))) OIS_EXCEPT( E_General, "Win32Keyboard::Win32Keyboard >> Could not init device!"); if(FAILED(mKeyboard->SetDataFormat(&c_dfDIKeyboard))) OIS_EXCEPT( E_General, "Win32Keyboard::Win32Keyboard >> format error!"); HWND hwin = ((Win32InputManager*)mCreator)->getWindowHandle(); if(FAILED(mKeyboard->SetCooperativeLevel( hwin, coopSetting))) OIS_EXCEPT( E_General, "Win32Keyboard::Win32Keyboard >> coop error!"); if( mBuffered ) { DIPROPDWORD dipdw; dipdw.diph.dwSize = sizeof(DIPROPDWORD); dipdw.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(DIPROPHEADER); dipdw.diph.dwObj = 0; dipdw.diph.dwHow = DIPH_DEVICE; dipdw.dwData = KEYBOARD_DX_BUFFERSIZE; if (FAILED(mKeyboard->SetProperty( DIPROP_BUFFERSIZE, &dipdw.diph ))) OIS_EXCEPT( E_General, "Win32Keyboard::Win32Keyboard >> buffer error!"); } HRESULT hr = mKeyboard->Acquire(); if(FAILED(hr) && hr != DIERR_OTHERAPPHASPRIO) OIS_EXCEPT( E_General, "Win32Keyboard::Win32Keyboard >> aquire error!"); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Win32Keyboard::~Win32Keyboard() { if(mKeyboard) { mKeyboard->Unacquire(); mKeyboard->Release(); mKeyboard = 0; } static_cast(mCreator)->_setKeyboardUsed(false); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// void Win32Keyboard::capture() { if( mBuffered ) _readBuffered(); else _read(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// void Win32Keyboard::_readBuffered() { DIDEVICEOBJECTDATA diBuff[KEYBOARD_DX_BUFFERSIZE]; DWORD entries = KEYBOARD_DX_BUFFERSIZE; HRESULT hr; hr = mKeyboard->GetDeviceData( sizeof(DIDEVICEOBJECTDATA), diBuff, &entries, 0 ); if( hr != DI_OK ) { hr = mKeyboard->Acquire(); while( hr == DIERR_INPUTLOST ) hr = mKeyboard->Acquire(); return; } if( FAILED(hr) ) OIS_EXCEPT( E_General, "Win32Keyboard::_readBuffered() >> Problem with Device!" ); //Update keyboard and modifier states.. And, if mListener, fire events for(unsigned int i = 0; i < entries; ++i ) { //If the mListener returns false, that means that we are probably deleted... //send no more events and just leave as the this pointer is invalid now... bool ret = true; KeyCode kc = (KeyCode)diBuff[ i ].dwOfs; //Store result in our keyBuffer too KeyBuffer[kc] = static_cast(diBuff[ i ].dwData); if( diBuff[ i ].dwData & 0x80 ) { //Turn on modifier if( kc == KC_LCONTROL || kc == KC_RCONTROL ) mModifiers |= Ctrl; else if( kc == KC_LSHIFT || kc == KC_RSHIFT ) mModifiers |= Shift; else if( kc == KC_LMENU || kc == KC_RMENU ) mModifiers |= Alt; if( mListener ) ret = mListener->keyPressed( KeyEvent( this, kc, _translateText(kc) ) ); } else { //Turn off modifier if( kc == KC_LCONTROL || kc == KC_RCONTROL ) mModifiers &= ~Ctrl; else if( kc == KC_LSHIFT || kc == KC_RSHIFT ) mModifiers &= ~Shift; else if( kc == KC_LMENU || kc == KC_RMENU ) mModifiers &= ~Alt; //Fire off event if( mListener ) ret = mListener->keyReleased( KeyEvent( this, kc, 0 ) ); } if(ret == false) break; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// void Win32Keyboard::_read() { HRESULT hr = mKeyboard->GetDeviceState( sizeof(KeyBuffer), &KeyBuffer ); if( hr == DIERR_INPUTLOST || hr == DIERR_NOTACQUIRED ) { hr = mKeyboard->Acquire(); if (hr != DIERR_OTHERAPPHASPRIO) mKeyboard->GetDeviceState(sizeof(KeyBuffer), &KeyBuffer); } //Set Shift, Ctrl, Alt mModifiers = 0; if( isKeyDown(KC_LCONTROL) || isKeyDown(KC_RCONTROL) ) mModifiers |= Ctrl; if( isKeyDown(KC_LSHIFT) || isKeyDown(KC_RSHIFT) ) mModifiers |= Shift; if( isKeyDown(KC_LMENU) || isKeyDown(KC_RMENU) ) mModifiers |= Alt; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// int Win32Keyboard::_translateText( KeyCode kc ) { if( mTextMode == Off ) return 0; BYTE keyState[256]; HKL layout = GetKeyboardLayout(0); if( GetKeyboardState(keyState) == 0 ) return 0; unsigned int vk = MapVirtualKeyEx(kc, 3, layout); if( vk == 0 ) return 0; unsigned char buff[3] = {0,0,0}; int ascii = ToAsciiEx(vk, kc, keyState, (LPWORD) buff, 0, layout); //WCHAR wide[3]; //int ascii = ToUnicodeEx(vk, kc, keyState, wide, 3, 0, layout); if(ascii == 1 && deadKey != '\0' ) { // A dead key is stored and we have just converted a character key // Combine the two into a single character WCHAR wcBuff[3] = {buff[0], deadKey, '\0'}; WCHAR out[3]; deadKey = '\0'; if(FoldStringW(MAP_PRECOMPOSED, (LPWSTR)wcBuff, 3, (LPWSTR)out, 3)) return out[0]; } else if (ascii == 1) { // We have a single character deadKey = '\0'; return buff[0]; } else if(ascii == 2) { // Convert a non-combining diacritical mark into a combining diacritical mark // Combining versions range from 0x300 to 0x36F; only 5 (for French) have been mapped below // http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/block/combining_diacritical_marks/images.htm switch(buff[0]) { case 0x5E: // Circumflex accent: â deadKey = 0x302; break; case 0x60: // Grave accent: à deadKey = 0x300; break; case 0xA8: // Diaeresis: ü deadKey = 0x308; break; case 0xB4: // Acute accent: é deadKey = 0x301; break; case 0xB8: // Cedilla: ç deadKey = 0x327; break; default: deadKey = buff[0]; break; } } return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// bool Win32Keyboard::isKeyDown( KeyCode key ) { return (KeyBuffer[key] & 0x80) != 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// const std::string& Win32Keyboard::getAsString( KeyCode kc ) { char temp[256]; DIPROPSTRING prop; prop.diph.dwSize = sizeof(DIPROPSTRING); prop.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(DIPROPHEADER); prop.diph.dwObj = static_cast(kc); prop.diph.dwHow = DIPH_BYOFFSET; if ( SUCCEEDED( mKeyboard->GetProperty( DIPROP_KEYNAME, &prop.diph ) ) ) { // convert the WCHAR in "wsz" to multibyte if ( WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, prop.wsz, -1, temp, sizeof(temp), NULL, NULL) ) return mGetString.assign( temp ); } std::stringstream ss; ss << "Key_" << (int)kc; return mGetString.assign( ss.str() ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// void Win32Keyboard::copyKeyStates( char keys[256] ) { for(int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) keys[i] = KeyBuffer[i] > 0; //Normalise the DX values (0x80) } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// void Win32Keyboard::setBuffered(bool buffered) { if( buffered != mBuffered ) { if(mKeyboard) { mKeyboard->Unacquire(); mKeyboard->Release(); mKeyboard = 0; } mBuffered = buffered; _initialize(); } }