/* * ORXONOX - the hottest 3D action shooter ever to exist * > www.orxonox.net < * * * License notice: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Author: * Oliver Scheuss, (C) 2007 * Co-authors: * ... * */ // // C++ Implementation: Server // // Description: // // // Author: Oliver Scheuss, (C) 2007 // // Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution // // #include "Server.h" #include #include "ConnectionManager.h" #include "PacketTypes.h" #include "GameStateManager.h" #include "ClientInformation.h" //#include "NetworkFrameListener.h" #include "util/Sleep.h" #include "objects/SpaceShip.h" #include "core/ConsoleCommand.h" namespace network { #define MAX_FAILURES 20; #define NETWORK_FREQUENCY 30 Server *Server::instance_=0; Server *Server::createSingleton(){ if(!instance_) instance_ = new Server(); return instance_; } Server *Server::createSingleton(int port){ if(!instance_) instance_ = new Server(port); return instance_; } Server *Server::createSingleton(int port, std::string bindAddress){ if(!instance_) instance_ = new Server(port, bindAddress); return instance_; } Server *Server::createSingleton(int port, const char *bindAddress){ if(!instance_) instance_ = new Server(port, bindAddress); return instance_; } Server *Server::getSingleton(){ return instance_; } /** * Constructor for default values (bindaddress is set to ENET_HOST_ANY * */ Server::Server() { timeSinceLastUpdate_=0; packet_gen = PacketGenerator(); clients = new ClientInformation(true); connection = new ConnectionManager(clients); gamestates = new GameStateManager(clients); } Server::Server(int port){ timeSinceLastUpdate_=0; packet_gen = PacketGenerator(); clients = new ClientInformation(true); connection = new ConnectionManager(clients, port); gamestates = new GameStateManager(clients); } /** * Constructor * @param port Port to listen on * @param bindAddress Address to listen on */ Server::Server(int port, std::string bindAddress) { timeSinceLastUpdate_=0; packet_gen = PacketGenerator(); clients = new ClientInformation(); connection = new ConnectionManager(port, bindAddress, clients); gamestates = new GameStateManager(clients); } /** * Constructor * @param port Port to listen on * @param bindAddress Address to listen on */ Server::Server(int port, const char *bindAddress) { timeSinceLastUpdate_=0; packet_gen = PacketGenerator(); clients = new ClientInformation(); connection = new ConnectionManager(port, bindAddress, clients); gamestates = new GameStateManager(clients); } /** * This function opens the server by creating the listener thread */ void Server::open() { connection->createListener(); return; } /** * This function closes the server */ void Server::close() { connection->quitListener(); return; } /** * This function sends out a message to all clients * @param msg message * @return true/false */ bool Server::sendChat(std::string msg) { return sendChat(msg.c_str()); } /** * This function sends out a message to all clients * @param msg message * @return true/false */ bool Server::sendChat(const char *msg) { char *message = new char [strlen(msg)+10+1]; sprintf(message, "Player %d: %s", CLIENTID_SERVER, msg); COUT(1) << message << std::endl; ENetPacket *packet = packet_gen.chatMessage(message); COUT(5) <<"Server: adding Packets" << std::endl; return connection->addPacketAll(packet); } /** * Run this function once every tick * calls processQueue and updateGamestate * @param time time since last tick */ void Server::tick(float time) { processQueue(); //this steers our network frequency timeSinceLastUpdate_+=time; if(timeSinceLastUpdate_>=(1./NETWORK_FREQUENCY)){ timeSinceLastUpdate_-=(1./NETWORK_FREQUENCY); gamestates->processGameStates(); updateGamestate(); } // usleep(5000); // TODO remove return; } /** * processes all the packets waiting in the queue */ void Server::processQueue() { ENetEvent *event; int clientID=-1; while(!connection->queueEmpty()){ //std::cout << "Client " << clientID << " sent: " << std::endl; //clientID here is a reference to grab clientID from ClientInformation event = connection->getEvent(); if(!event) continue; assert(event->type != ENET_EVENT_TYPE_NONE); switch( event->type ) { case ENET_EVENT_TYPE_CONNECT: COUT(3) << "processing event_Type_connect" << std::endl; addClient(event); break; case ENET_EVENT_TYPE_DISCONNECT: if(clients->findClient(&event->peer->address)) disconnectClient(event); break; case ENET_EVENT_TYPE_RECEIVE: if(clients->findClient(&event->peer->address)){ clientID = clients->findClient(&event->peer->address)->getID(); if( !elaborate(event->packet, clientID) ) COUT(3) << "Server: could not elaborate" << std::endl; } break; } delete event; //if statement to catch case that packetbuffer is empty } } /** * takes a new snapshot of the gamestate and sends it to the clients */ void Server::updateGamestate() { gamestates->update(); COUT(5) << "Server: one gamestate update complete, goig to sendGameState" << std::endl; //std::cout << "updated gamestate, sending it" << std::endl; //if(clients->getGamestateID()!=GAMESTATEID_INITIAL) sendGameState(); COUT(5) << "Server: one sendGameState turn complete, repeat in next tick" << std::endl; //std::cout << "sent gamestate" << std::endl; } /** * sends the gamestate */ bool Server::sendGameState() { COUT(5) << "Server: starting function sendGameState" << std::endl; ClientInformation *temp = clients; bool added=false; while(temp != NULL){ if(temp->getHead()){ temp=temp->next(); //think this works without continue continue; } if( !(temp->getSynched()) ){ COUT(5) << "Server: not sending gamestate" << std::endl; temp=temp->next(); //think this works without continue continue; } COUT(4) << "client id: " << temp->getID() << " RTT: " << temp->getRTT() << " loss: " << temp->getPacketLoss() << std::endl; COUT(5) << "Server: doing gamestate gamestate preparation" << std::endl; int gid = temp->getGamestateID(); //get gamestate id int cid = temp->getID(); //get client id COUT(5) << "Server: got acked (gamestate) ID from clientlist: " << gid << std::endl; GameStateCompressed *gs = gamestates->popGameState(cid); if(gs==NULL){ COUT(2) << "Server: could not generate gamestate (NULL from compress)" << std::endl; continue; } //std::cout << "adding gamestate" << std::endl; ENetPacket *packet = packet_gen.gstate(gs); if(!packet) continue; if ( !(connection->addPacket(packet, cid)) ){ COUT(3) << "Server: packet with client id (cid): " << cid << " not sended: " << temp->getFailures() << std::endl; temp->addFailure(); /*if(temp->getFailures() > 0 ) disconnectClient(temp);*/ //std::cout << "added gamestate" << std::endl; }else temp->resetFailures(); added=true; temp=temp->next(); // now delete gamestate delete[] gs->data; delete gs; } /*if(added) { //std::cout << "send gamestates from server.cc in sendGameState" << std::endl; return connection->sendPackets(); }*/ //COUT(5) << "Server: had no gamestates to send" << std::endl; return true; } void Server::processAck( ack *data, int clientID) { COUT(4) << "Server: processing ack from client: " << clientID << "; ack-id: " << data->a << std::endl; gamestates->ackGameState(clientID, data->a); delete data; } bool Server::processConnectRequest( connectRequest *con, int clientID ){ //(COUT(3) << "processing connectRequest " << std::endl; //connection->addPacket(packet_gen.gstate(gamestates->popGameState(clientID)) , clientID); //createClient(clientID); delete con; return true; } void Server::processGamestate( GameStateCompressed *data, int clientID){ COUT(4) << "processing partial gamestate from client " << clientID << std::endl; gamestates->addGameState(data, clientID); /*COUT(3) << "Could not push gamestate\t\t\t\t=====" << std::endl; else if(clients->findClient(clientID)) clients->findClient(clientID)->resetFailures();*/ } void Server::processChat( chat *data, int clientId){ char *message = new char [strlen(data->message)+10+1]; sprintf(message, "Player %d: %s", clientId, data->message); COUT(1) << message << std::endl; ENetPacket *pck = packet_gen.chatMessage(message); connection->addPacketAll(pck); delete[] data->message; delete data; } bool Server::addClient(ENetEvent *event){ ClientInformation *temp = clients->insertBack(new ClientInformation); if(!temp){ COUT(2) << "Server: could not add client" << std::endl; return false; } if(temp->prev()->getHead()) { //not good if you use anything else than insertBack temp->prev()->setID(0); //bugfix: not necessary but usefull temp->setID(1); } else temp->setID(temp->prev()->getID()+1); temp->setPeer(event->peer); COUT(3) << "Server: added client id: " << temp->getID() << std::endl; return createClient(temp->getID()); } bool Server::createClient(int clientID){ ClientInformation *temp = clients->findClient(clientID); if(!temp){ COUT(2) << "Conn.Man. could not create client with id: " << clientID << std::endl; return false; } COUT(4) << "Con.Man: creating client id: " << temp->getID() << std::endl; connection->syncClassid(temp->getID()); COUT(5) << "creating spaceship for clientid: " << temp->getID() << std::endl; // TODO: this is only a hack, untill we have a possibility to define default player-join actions if(!createShip(temp)) COUT(2) << "Con.Man. could not create ship for clientid: " << clientID << std::endl; else COUT(3) << "created spaceship" << std::endl; temp->setSynched(true); COUT(3) << "sending welcome" << std::endl; connection->sendWelcome(temp->getID(), temp->getShipID(), true); return true; } bool Server::createShip(ClientInformation *client){ if(!client) return false; orxonox::Identifier* id = ID("SpaceShip"); if(!id){ COUT(4) << "We could not create the SpaceShip for client: " << client->getID() << std::endl; return false; } orxonox::SpaceShip *no = dynamic_cast(id->fabricate()); no->setPosition(orxonox::Vector3(0,0,80)); no->setScale(10); //no->setYawPitchRoll(orxonox::Degree(-90),orxonox::Degree(-90),orxonox::Degree(0)); no->setMesh("assff.mesh"); no->setMaxSpeed(500); no->setMaxSideAndBackSpeed(50); no->setMaxRotation(1.0); no->setTransAcc(200); no->setRotAcc(3.0); no->setTransDamp(75); no->setRotDamp(1.0); no->setCamera("cam_"+client->getID()); no->classID = id->getNetworkID(); no->create(); client->setShipID(no->objectID); return true; } bool Server::disconnectClient(ENetEvent *event){ COUT(4) << "removing client from list" << std::endl; //return removeClient(head_->findClient(&(peer->address))->getID()); //boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock lock(head_->mutex_); orxonox::Iterator it = orxonox::ObjectList::start(); ClientInformation *client = clients->findClient(&event->peer->address); if(!client) return false; while(it){ if(it->objectID!=client->getShipID()){ ++it; continue; } orxonox::Iterator temp=it; ++it; delete *temp; return clients->removeClient(event->peer); } return false; } void Server::disconnectClient(int clientID){ ClientInformation *client = clients->findClient(clientID); if(client) disconnectClient(client); } void Server::disconnectClient( ClientInformation *client){ connection->disconnectClient(client); gamestates->removeClient(client); } }