/* * ORXONOX - the hottest 3D action shooter ever to exist * > www.orxonox.net < * * * License notice: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Author: * Reto Grieder * Co-authors: * ... * */ /** @file @brief Declarations of all key/button/axis code enumeration and string literals and an input device enumeration. */ #ifndef _InputPrereqs_H__ #define _InputPrereqs_H__ #include "core/CorePrereqs.h" #include #include #include "util/OrxEnum.h" namespace orxonox { //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Code enumerations //----------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace KeyCode { const unsigned int numberOfKeys = 0xEE; // 238 //! Key codes as enumeration enum ByEnum { Unassigned = OIS::KC_UNASSIGNED, Escape = OIS::KC_ESCAPE, NumRow1 = OIS::KC_1, NumRow2 = OIS::KC_2, NumRow3 = OIS::KC_3, NumRow4 = OIS::KC_4, NumRow5 = OIS::KC_5, NumRow6 = OIS::KC_6, NumRow7 = OIS::KC_7, NumRow8 = OIS::KC_8, NumRow9 = OIS::KC_9, NumRow0 = OIS::KC_0, Minus = OIS::KC_MINUS, // - on main keyboard Equals = OIS::KC_EQUALS, Back = OIS::KC_BACK, // backspace Tab = OIS::KC_TAB, Q = OIS::KC_Q, W = OIS::KC_W, E = OIS::KC_E, R = OIS::KC_R, T = OIS::KC_T, Y = OIS::KC_Y, U = OIS::KC_U, I = OIS::KC_I, O = OIS::KC_O, P = OIS::KC_P, LeftBracket = OIS::KC_LBRACKET, RightBracket = OIS::KC_RBRACKET, Return = OIS::KC_RETURN, // Enter on main keyboard LeftControl = OIS::KC_LCONTROL, A = OIS::KC_A, S = OIS::KC_S, D = OIS::KC_D, F = OIS::KC_F, G = OIS::KC_G, H = OIS::KC_H, J = OIS::KC_J, K = OIS::KC_K, L = OIS::KC_L, Semicolon = OIS::KC_SEMICOLON, Apostrophe = OIS::KC_APOSTROPHE, Grave = OIS::KC_GRAVE, // accent LeftShift = OIS::KC_LSHIFT, Backslash = OIS::KC_BACKSLASH, Z = OIS::KC_Z, X = OIS::KC_X, C = OIS::KC_C, V = OIS::KC_V, B = OIS::KC_B, N = OIS::KC_N, M = OIS::KC_M, Comma = OIS::KC_COMMA, Period = OIS::KC_PERIOD, // . on main keyboard Slash = OIS::KC_SLASH, // / on main keyboard RightShift = OIS::KC_RSHIFT, Multiply = OIS::KC_MULTIPLY, // * on numeric keypad LeftAlt = OIS::KC_LMENU, // left Alt Space = OIS::KC_SPACE, CapsLock = OIS::KC_CAPITAL, F1 = OIS::KC_F1, F2 = OIS::KC_F2, F3 = OIS::KC_F3, F4 = OIS::KC_F4, F5 = OIS::KC_F5, F6 = OIS::KC_F6, F7 = OIS::KC_F7, F8 = OIS::KC_F8, F9 = OIS::KC_F9, F10 = OIS::KC_F10, NumLock = OIS::KC_NUMLOCK, ScrollLock = OIS::KC_SCROLL, // Scroll Lock Numpad7 = OIS::KC_NUMPAD7, Numpad8 = OIS::KC_NUMPAD8, Numpad9 = OIS::KC_NUMPAD9, NumpadSubtract= OIS::KC_SUBTRACT, // - on numeric keypad Numpad4 = OIS::KC_NUMPAD4, Numpad5 = OIS::KC_NUMPAD5, Numpad6 = OIS::KC_NUMPAD6, NumpadAdd = OIS::KC_ADD, // + on numeric keypad Numpad1 = OIS::KC_NUMPAD1, Numpad2 = OIS::KC_NUMPAD2, Numpad3 = OIS::KC_NUMPAD3, Numpad0 = OIS::KC_NUMPAD0, NumpadPeriod = OIS::KC_DECIMAL, // . on numeric keypad LessThan = OIS::KC_OEM_102, // < > | on UK/Germany keyboards F11 = OIS::KC_F11, F12 = OIS::KC_F12, F13 = OIS::KC_F13, // (NEC PC98) F14 = OIS::KC_F14, // (NEC PC98) F15 = OIS::KC_F15, // (NEC PC98) Kana = OIS::KC_KANA, // (Japanese keyboard) ABNT_C1 = OIS::KC_ABNT_C1, // / ? on Portugese (Brazilian) keyboards Convert = OIS::KC_CONVERT, // (Japanese keyboard) NoConvert = OIS::KC_NOCONVERT, // (Japanese keyboard) Yen = OIS::KC_YEN, // (Japanese keyboard) ABNT_C2 = OIS::KC_ABNT_C2, // Numpad . on Portugese (Brazilian) keyboards NumpadEquals = OIS::KC_NUMPADEQUALS, // = on numeric keypad (NEC PC98) PreviousTrack = OIS::KC_PREVTRACK, // Previous Track (KC_CIRCUMFLEX on Japanese keyboard) AT = OIS::KC_AT, // (NEC PC98) Colon = OIS::KC_COLON, // (NEC PC98) Underline = OIS::KC_UNDERLINE, // (NEC PC98) Kanji = OIS::KC_KANJI, // (Japanese keyboard) Stop = OIS::KC_STOP, // (NEC PC98) AX = OIS::KC_AX, // (Japan AX) Unlabeled = OIS::KC_UNLABELED, // (J3100) NextTrack = OIS::KC_NEXTTRACK, // Next Track NumpadEnter = OIS::KC_NUMPADENTER, // Enter on numeric keypad RightControl = OIS::KC_RCONTROL, Mute = OIS::KC_MUTE, // Mute Calculator = OIS::KC_CALCULATOR, // Calculator PlayPause = OIS::KC_PLAYPAUSE, // Play / Pause MediaStop = OIS::KC_MEDIASTOP, // Media Stop VolumeDown = OIS::KC_VOLUMEDOWN, // Volume - VolumeUp = OIS::KC_VOLUMEUP, // Volume + WebHome = OIS::KC_WEBHOME, // Web home NumpadComma = OIS::KC_NUMPADCOMMA, // , on numeric keypad (NEC PC98) Divide = OIS::KC_DIVIDE, // / on numeric keypad SystemRequest = OIS::KC_SYSRQ, RightAlt = OIS::KC_RMENU, // right Alt Pause = OIS::KC_PAUSE, // Pause Home = OIS::KC_HOME, // Home on arrow keypad Up = OIS::KC_UP, // UpArrow on arrow keypad PageUp = OIS::KC_PGUP, // PgUp on arrow keypad Left = OIS::KC_LEFT, // LeftArrow on arrow keypad Right = OIS::KC_RIGHT, // RightArrow on arrow keypad End = OIS::KC_END, // End on arrow keypad Down = OIS::KC_DOWN, // DownArrow on arrow keypad PageDown = OIS::KC_PGDOWN, // PgDn on arrow keypad Insert = OIS::KC_INSERT, // Insert on arrow keypad Delete = OIS::KC_DELETE, // Delete on arrow keypad LeftWindows = OIS::KC_LWIN, // Left Windows key RightWindows = OIS::KC_RWIN, // Right Windows key Apps = OIS::KC_APPS, // AppMenu key Power = OIS::KC_POWER, // System Power Sleep = OIS::KC_SLEEP, // System Sleep Wake = OIS::KC_WAKE, // System Wake WebSearch = OIS::KC_WEBSEARCH, // Web Search WebFavorites = OIS::KC_WEBFAVORITES, // Web Favorites WebRefresh = OIS::KC_WEBREFRESH, // Web Refresh WebStop = OIS::KC_WEBSTOP, // Web Stop WebForward = OIS::KC_WEBFORWARD, // Web Forward WebBack = OIS::KC_WEBBACK, // Web Back MyComputer = OIS::KC_MYCOMPUTER, // My Computer Mail = OIS::KC_MAIL, // Mail MediaSelect = OIS::KC_MEDIASELECT // Media Select }; //! Key codes as strings const char* const ByString[] = { "Unassigned", "Escape", "NumRow1", "NumRow2", "NumRow3", "NumRow4", "NumRow5", "NumRow6", "NumRow7", "NumRow8", "NumRow9", "NumRow0", "Minus", "Equals", "Back", "Tab", "Q", "W", "E", "R", "T", "Y", "U", "I", "O", "P", "LeftBracket", "RightBracket", "Return", "LeftControl", "A", "S", "D", "F", "G", "H", "J", "K", "L", "Semicolon", "Apostrophe", "Grave", "LeftShift", "Backslash", "Z", "X", "C", "V", "B", "N", "M", "Comma", "Period", "Slash", "RightShift", "Multiply", "LeftAlt", "Space", "CapsLock", "F1", "F2", "F3", "F4", "F5", "F6", "F7", "F8", "F9", "F10", "NumLock", "ScrollLock", "Numpad7", "Numpad8", "Numpad9", "NumpadSubtract", "Numpad4", "Numpad5", "Numpad6", "NumpadAdd", "Numpad1", "Numpad2", "Numpad3", "Numpad0", "NumpadPeriod", "","", "LessThan", "F11", "F12", "","","","","","","","","","","", "F13", "F14", "F15", "","","","","","","","","","", "Kana", "","", "ABNT_C1", "","","","","", "Convert", "", "NoConvert", "", "Yen", "ABNT_C2", "","","","","","","","","","","","","","", "NumpadEquals", "","", "PreviousTrack", "AT", "Colon", "Underline", "Kanji", "Stop", "AX", "Unlabeled", "NextTrack", "","", "NumpadEnter", "RightControl", "","", "Mute", "Calculator", "PlayPause", "", "MediaStop", "","","","","","","","","", "VolumeDown", "", "VolumeUp", "", "WebHome", "NumpadComma", "", "Divide", "", "SystemRequest", "RightAlt", "","","","","","","","","","","","", "Pause", "", "Home", "UP", "PageUp", "", "Left", "", "Right", "", "End", "Down", "PageDown", "Insert", "Delete", "","","","","","","", "LeftWindows", "RightWindows", "Apps", "Power", "Sleep", "","","", "Wake", "", "WebSearch", "WebFavorites", "WebRefresh", "WebStop", "WebForward", "WebBack", "MyComputer", "Mail", "MediaSelect" }; } namespace MouseButtonCode { const unsigned int numberOfButtons = 8; //! Mouse button codes as enumeration enum ByEnum { Left = OIS::MB_Left, Right = OIS::MB_Right, Middle = OIS::MB_Middle, Button3 = OIS::MB_Button3, Button4 = OIS::MB_Button4, Button5 = OIS::MB_Button5, Button6 = OIS::MB_Button6, Button7 = OIS::MB_Button7, }; // Mouse button codes as strings const char* const ByString[] = { "Left", "Right", "Middle", "Button3", "Button4", "Button5", "Button6", "Button7", }; } namespace MouseAxisCode { const unsigned int numberOfAxes = 2; // Mouse axis codes as enumeration enum ByEnum { X, Y }; // Mouse axis codes as strings const char* const ByString[] = { "X", "Y" }; } namespace JoyStickButtonCode { const unsigned int numberOfButtons = 64; // Joy stick button codes as enumeration enum ByEnum { Button0 = 0, Button1 = 1, Button2 = 2, Button3 = 3, Button4 = 4, Button5 = 5, Button6 = 6, Button7 = 7, Button8 = 8, Button9 = 9, Button10 = 10, Button11 = 11, Button12 = 12, Button13 = 13, Button14 = 14, Button15 = 15, Button16 = 16, Button17 = 17, Button18 = 18, Button19 = 19, Button20 = 20, Button21 = 21, Button22 = 22, Button23 = 23, Button24 = 24, Button25 = 25, Button26 = 26, Button27 = 27, Button28 = 28, Button29 = 29, Button30 = 30, Button31 = 31, POV0North = 32, POV0South = 33, POV0East = 34, POV0West = 35, POV0NorthEast = 36, POV0SouthEast = 37, POV0NorthWest = 38, POV0SouthWest = 39, POV1North = 40, POV1South = 41, POV1East = 42, POV1West = 43, POV1NorthEast = 44, POV1SouthEast = 45, POV1NorthWest = 46, POV1SouthWest = 47, POV2North = 48, POV2South = 49, POV2East = 50, POV2West = 51, POV2NorthEast = 52, POV2SouthEast = 53, POV2NorthWest = 54, POV2SouthWest = 55, POV3North = 56, POV3South = 57, POV3East = 58, POV3West = 59, POV3NorthEast = 60, POV3SouthEast = 61, POV3NorthWest = 62, POV3SouthWest = 63, }; // Joy stick button codes as strings const char* const ByString[] = { "Button00", "Button01", "Button02", "Button03", "Button04", "Button05", "Button06", "Button07", "Button08", "Button09", "Button10", "Button11", "Button12", "Button13", "Button14", "Button15", "Button16", "Button17", "Button18", "Button19", "Button20", "Button21", "Button22", "Button23", "Button24", "Button25", "Button26", "Button27", "Button28", "Button29", "Button30", "Button31", "POV0North", "POV0South", "POV0East", "POV0West", "POV0NorthEast", "POV0SouthEast", "POV0NorthWest", "POV0SouthWest", "POV1North", "POV1South", "POV1East", "POV1West", "POV1NorthEast", "POV1SouthEast", "POV1NorthWest", "POV1SouthWest", "POV2North", "POV2South", "POV2East", "POV2West", "POV2NorthEast", "POV2SouthEast", "POV2NorthWest", "POV2SouthWest", "POV3North", "POV3South", "POV3East", "POV3West", "POV3NorthEast", "POV3SouthEast", "POV3NorthWest", "POV3SouthWest" }; } namespace JoyStickAxisCode { const unsigned int numberOfAxes = 24; // Joy stick axis codes as enumeration enum ByEnum { Slider0 = 0, Slider1 = 1, Slider2 = 2, Slider3 = 3, Slider4 = 4, Slider5 = 5, Slider6 = 6, Slider7 = 7, Axis0 = 8, Axis1 = 9, Axis2 = 10, Axis3 = 11, Axis4 = 12, Axis5 = 13, Axis6 = 14, Axis7 = 15, Axis8 = 16, Axis9 = 17, Axis10 = 18, Axis11 = 19, Axis12 = 20, Axis13 = 21, Axis14 = 22, Axis15 = 23 }; // Joy stick axis codes as strings const char* const ByString[] = { "Slider0", "Slider1", "Slider2", "Slider3", "Slider4", "Slider5", "Slider6", "Slider7", "Axis00", "Axis01", "Axis02", "Axis03", "Axis04", "Axis05", "Axis06", "Axis07", "Axis08", "Axis09", "Axis10", "Axis11", "Axis12", "Axis13", "Axis14", "Axis15" }; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Miscellaneous //----------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace InputDeviceEnumerator { //! Used to access the devices in an array enum Value { Keyboard = 0, Mouse = 1, FirstJoyStick = 2 }; } //! Enumeration wrapper for input state priorities struct InputStatePriority : OrxEnum { OrxEnumConstructors(InputStatePriority); static const int Empty = -1; static const int Dynamic = 0; static const int HighPriority = 1000; static const int Console = HighPriority + 0; static const int Calibrator = HighPriority + 1; static const int Detector = HighPriority + 2; }; } #endif /* _InputPrereqs_H__ */