/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of GIMPACT Library. For the latest info, see http://gimpact.sourceforge.net/ Copyright (c) 2006 Francisco Leon Najera. C.C. 80087371. email: projectileman@yahoo.com This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of EITHER: (1) The GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The text of the GNU Lesser General Public License is included with this library in the file GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT. (2) The BSD-style license that is included with this library in the file GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT. (3) The zlib/libpng license that is included with this library in the file GIMPACT-LICENSE-ZLIB.TXT. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the files GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT, GIMPACT-LICENSE-ZLIB.TXT and GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT for more details. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "gim_box_set.h" GUINT GIM_BOX_TREE::_calc_splitting_axis( gim_array & primitive_boxes, GUINT startIndex, GUINT endIndex) { GUINT i; btVector3 means(btScalar(0.),btScalar(0.),btScalar(0.)); btVector3 variance(btScalar(0.),btScalar(0.),btScalar(0.)); GUINT numIndices = endIndex-startIndex; for (i=startIndex;i & primitive_boxes, GUINT startIndex, GUINT endIndex, GUINT splitAxis) { GUINT i; GUINT splitIndex =startIndex; GUINT numIndices = endIndex - startIndex; // average of centers btScalar splitValue = 0.0f; for (i=startIndex;i splitValue) { //swap primitive_boxes.swap(i,splitIndex); splitIndex++; } } //if the splitIndex causes unbalanced trees, fix this by using the center in between startIndex and endIndex //otherwise the tree-building might fail due to stack-overflows in certain cases. //unbalanced1 is unsafe: it can cause stack overflows //bool unbalanced1 = ((splitIndex==startIndex) || (splitIndex == (endIndex-1))); //unbalanced2 should work too: always use center (perfect balanced trees) //bool unbalanced2 = true; //this should be safe too: GUINT rangeBalancedIndices = numIndices/3; bool unbalanced = ((splitIndex<=(startIndex+rangeBalancedIndices)) || (splitIndex >=(endIndex-1-rangeBalancedIndices))); if (unbalanced) { splitIndex = startIndex+ (numIndices>>1); } btAssert(!((splitIndex==startIndex) || (splitIndex == (endIndex)))); return splitIndex; } void GIM_BOX_TREE::_build_sub_tree(gim_array & primitive_boxes, GUINT startIndex, GUINT endIndex) { GUINT current_index = m_num_nodes++; btAssert((endIndex-startIndex)>0); if((endIndex-startIndex) == 1) //we got a leaf { m_node_array[current_index].m_left = 0; m_node_array[current_index].m_right = 0; m_node_array[current_index].m_escapeIndex = 0; m_node_array[current_index].m_bound = primitive_boxes[startIndex].m_bound; m_node_array[current_index].m_data = primitive_boxes[startIndex].m_data; return; } //configure inner node GUINT splitIndex; //calc this node bounding box m_node_array[current_index].m_bound.invalidate(); for (splitIndex=startIndex;splitIndex & primitive_boxes) { // initialize node count to 0 m_num_nodes = 0; // allocate nodes m_node_array.resize(primitive_boxes.size()*2); _build_sub_tree(primitive_boxes, 0, primitive_boxes.size()); }