/* * ORXONOX - the hottest 3D action shooter ever to exist * > www.orxonox.net < * * * License notice: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Author: * Fabian 'x3n' Landau * Co-authors: * ... * */ /** @file ConfigValueContainer.cc @brief Implementation of the ConfigValueContainer class. */ #include #include "ConfigValueContainer.h" #include "Language.h" #include "Identifier.h" #include "util/SubString.h" #include "util/Convert.h" #define MAX_VECTOR_INDEX 255 // to avoid up to 4*10^9 vector entries in the config file after accidentally using a wrong argument namespace orxonox { /** @brief Constructor: Converts the default-value to a string, checks the config-file for a changed value, sets the intern value variable. @param type The type of the corresponding config-file @param identifier The identifier of the class the variable belongs to @param varname The name of the variable @param defvalue The default-value */ ConfigValueContainer::ConfigValueContainer(ConfigFileType type, Identifier* identifier, const std::string& varname, const MultiTypeMath& defvalue) { this->type_ = type; this->identifier_ = identifier; this->sectionname_ = identifier->getName(); this->varname_ = varname; this->value_ = defvalue; this->bAddedDescription_ = false; this->bIsVector_ = false; this->defvalueString_ = defvalue.toString(); this->update(); } /** @brief Constructor: Converts the default-value to a string, checks the config-file for a changed value, sets the intern value variable. @param type The type of the corresponding config-file @param identifier The identifier of the class the variable belongs to @param varname The name of the variable @param defvalue The default-value */ ConfigValueContainer::ConfigValueContainer(ConfigFileType type, Identifier* identifier, const std::string& varname, const std::vector& defvalue) { this->type_ = type; this->identifier_ = identifier; this->sectionname_ = identifier->getName(); this->varname_ = varname; this->valueVector_ = defvalue; this->bAddedDescription_ = false; this->bIsVector_ = true; if (defvalue.size() > 0) this->value_ = defvalue[0]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < defvalue.size(); i++) ConfigFileManager::getSingleton()->getValue(this->type_, this->sectionname_, this->varname_, i, defvalue[i].toString(), this->value_.isA(MT_string)); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < defvalue.size(); i++) this->defvalueStringVector_.push_back(defvalue[i].toString()); this->update(); } /** @brief Adds a new entry to the end of the vector. @param input The new entry @return True if the new entry was successfully added */ bool ConfigValueContainer::add(const std::string& input) { if (this->bIsVector_) return this->set(this->valueVector_.size(), input); COUT(1) << "Error: Config-value '" << this->varname_ << "' in " << this->sectionname_ << " is not a vector." << std::endl; return false; } /** @brief Removes an existing entry from the vector. @param index The index of the entry @return True if the entry was removed */ bool ConfigValueContainer::remove(unsigned int index) { if (this->bIsVector_) { if (index < this->valueVector_.size()) { this->valueVector_.erase(this->valueVector_.begin() + index); for (unsigned int i = index; i < this->valueVector_.size(); i++) ConfigFileManager::getSingleton()->setValue(this->type_, this->sectionname_, this->varname_, i, this->valueVector_[i], this->value_.isA(MT_string)); ConfigFileManager::getSingleton()->deleteVectorEntries(this->type_, this->sectionname_, this->varname_, this->valueVector_.size()); return true; } COUT(1) << "Error: Invalid vector-index." << std::endl; } COUT(1) << "Error: Config-value '" << this->varname_ << "' in " << this->sectionname_ << " is not a vector." << std::endl; return false; } /** @brief Assigns a new value to the config-value of all objects and writes the change into the config-file. @param input The new value @return True if the new value was successfully assigned */ bool ConfigValueContainer::set(const std::string& input) { if (this->bIsVector_) { SubString token(input, " ", "", true, '"', false, '(', ')', false, '\0'); int index = -1; bool success = false; if (token.size() > 0) success = ConvertValue(&index, token[0]); if (!success || index < 0 || index > MAX_VECTOR_INDEX) { if (!success) { COUT(1) << "Error: Config-value '" << this->varname_ << "' in " << this->sectionname_ << " is a vector." << std::endl; } else { COUT(1) << "Error: Invalid vector-index." << std::endl; } return false; } if (token.size() >= 2) return this->set(index, token.subSet(1).join()); else return this->set(index, ""); } bool success = this->tset(input); ConfigFileManager::getSingleton()->setValue(this->type_, this->sectionname_, this->varname_, input, this->value_.isA(MT_string)); return success; } /** @brief Assigns a new value to the config-value of all objects and writes the change into the config-file. @param index The index in the vector @param input The new value @return True if the new value was successfully assigned */ bool ConfigValueContainer::set(unsigned int index, const std::string& input) { if (this->bIsVector_) { bool success = this->tset(index, input); ConfigFileManager::getSingleton()->setValue(this->type_, this->sectionname_, this->varname_, index, input, this->value_.isA(MT_string)); return success; } COUT(1) << "Error: Config-value '" << this->varname_ << "' in " << this->sectionname_ << " is not a vector." << std::endl; return false; } /** @brief Assigns a new value to the config-value of all objects, but doesn't change the config-file (t stands for temporary). @param input The new value @return True if the new value was successfully assigned */ bool ConfigValueContainer::tset(const std::string& input) { bool success = this->parse(input); if (this->identifier_) this->identifier_->updateConfigValues(); return success; } /** @brief Assigns a new value to the config-value of all objects, but doesn't change the config-file (t stands for temporary). @param index The index in the vector @param input The new value @return True if the new value was successfully assigned */ bool ConfigValueContainer::tset(unsigned int index, const std::string& input) { if (this->bIsVector_) { bool success = this->parse(index, input); if (this->identifier_) this->identifier_->updateConfigValues(); return success; } COUT(1) << "Error: Config-value '" << this->varname_ << "' in " << this->sectionname_ << " is not a vector." << std::endl; return false; } /** @brief Sets the value of the variable back to the default value and resets the config-file entry. */ bool ConfigValueContainer::reset() { if (!this->bIsVector_) return this->set(this->defvalueString_); else { bool success = true; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->defvalueStringVector_.size(); i++) if (!this->set(i, this->defvalueStringVector_[i])) success = false; ConfigFileManager::getSingleton()->deleteVectorEntries(this->type_, this->sectionname_, this->varname_, this->defvalueStringVector_.size()); return success; } } /** @brief Retrieves the configured value from the currently loaded config-file. */ void ConfigValueContainer::update() { if (!this->bIsVector_) this->value_.fromString(ConfigFileManager::getSingleton()->getValue(this->type_, this->sectionname_, this->varname_, this->defvalueString_, this->value_.isA(MT_string))); else { this->valueVector_.clear(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ConfigFileManager::getSingleton()->getVectorSize(this->type_, this->sectionname_, this->varname_); i++) { this->value_.fromString(ConfigFileManager::getSingleton()->getValue(this->type_, this->sectionname_, this->varname_, i, this->defvalueStringVector_[i], this->value_.isA(MT_string))); this->valueVector_.push_back(this->value_); } } } /** @brief Parses a given std::string into a value of the type of the associated variable and assigns it. @param input The string to convert @return True if the string was successfully parsed */ bool ConfigValueContainer::parse(const std::string& input) { if (this->bIsVector_) { SubString token(input, " ", "", true, '"', false, '(', ')', false, '\0'); int index = -1; bool success = false; if (token.size() > 0) success = ConvertValue(&index, token[0]); if (!success || index < 0 || index > MAX_VECTOR_INDEX) { if (!success) { COUT(1) << "Error: Config-value '" << this->varname_ << "' in " << this->sectionname_ << " is a vector." << std::endl; } else { COUT(1) << "Error: Invalid vector-index." << std::endl; } return false; } if (token.size() >= 2) return this->parse(index, token.subSet(1).join()); else return this->parse(index, ""); } MultiTypeMath temp = this->value_; if (temp.fromString(input)) { this->value_ = temp; return true; } return false; } /** @brief Parses a given std::string into a value of the type of the associated variable and assigns it. @param index The index in the vector @param input The string to convert @return True if the string was successfully parsed */ bool ConfigValueContainer::parse(unsigned int index, const std::string& input) { if (this->bIsVector_) { if (index >= this->valueVector_.size()) { for (unsigned int i = this->valueVector_.size(); i <= index; i++) { this->valueVector_.push_back(MultiTypeMath()); ConfigFileManager::getSingleton()->setValue(this->type_, this->sectionname_, this->varname_, i, this->valueVector_[i], this->value_.isA(MT_string)); } } MultiTypeMath temp = this->value_; if (temp.fromString(input)) { this->valueVector_[index] = temp; return true; } return false; } COUT(1) << "Error: Config-value '" << this->varname_ << "' in " << this->sectionname_ << " is not a vector." << std::endl; return false; } /** @brief Parses a given std::string into a value of the type of the associated variable and assigns it. @param input The string to convert @param defvalue The default value to assign if the parsing fails @return True if the string was successfully parsed */ bool ConfigValueContainer::parse(const std::string& input, const MultiTypeMath& defvalue) { if (this->parse(input)) return true; this->value_ = defvalue; return false; } /** @brief Parses a given std::string into a value of the type of the associated variable and assigns it. @param index The index in the vector @param input The string to convert @param defvalue The default value to assign if the parsing fails @return True if the string was successfully parsed */ bool ConfigValueContainer::parse(unsigned int index, const std::string& input, const MultiTypeMath& defvalue) { if (this->bIsVector_) { if (this->parse(index, input)) return true; this->valueVector_[index] = defvalue; return false; } COUT(1) << "Error: Config-value '" << this->varname_ << "' in " << this->sectionname_ << " is not a vector." << std::endl; return false; } /** @brief Adds a description to the config-value. @param description The description */ void ConfigValueContainer::description(const std::string& description) { if (!this->bAddedDescription_) { this->description_ = std::string("ConfigValueDescription::" + this->identifier_->getName() + "::" + this->varname_); AddLanguageEntry(this->description_, description); this->bAddedDescription_ = true; } } /** @brief Returns the description of the config-value. @return The description */ const std::string& ConfigValueContainer::getDescription() const { return GetLocalisation(this->description_); } }