/* * ORXONOX - the hottest 3D action shooter ever to exist * > www.orxonox.net < * * * License notice: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Author: * Oliver Scheuss * Reto Grieder * Co-authors: * ... * */ #include "IOConsole.h" #include #include #include "util/Clock.h" #include "util/Math.h" #include "core/Game.h" #include "core/input/InputBuffer.h" // ########################## // ### Mutual methods ### // ########################## namespace orxonox { IOConsole* IOConsole::singletonPtr_s = NULL; // ############################### // ### ShellListener methods ### // ############################### //! Called if all output-lines have to be reprinted void IOConsole::linesChanged() { // Method only gets called upon start to draw all the lines // or when scrolling. But scrolling is disabled and the output // is already in std::cout when we start the IOConsole } //! Called if a command is about to be executed void IOConsole::executed() { this->shell_->addOutputLine(this->promptString_ + this->shell_->getInput(), Shell::Command); } //! Called if the console gets closed void IOConsole::exit() { // Exit is not an option, just do nothing (Shell doesn't really exit too) } } #ifdef ORXONOX_PLATFORM_UNIX // ############################### // ### Unix Implementation ### // ############################### #include #include namespace orxonox { namespace EscapeMode { enum Value { None, First, Second }; } IOConsole::IOConsole() : shell_(new Shell("IOConsole", false)) , buffer_(shell_->getInputBuffer()) , cout_(std::cout.rdbuf()) , promptString_("orxonox # ") , bStatusPrinted_(false) , originalTerminalSettings_(0) { this->setTerminalMode(); this->shell_->registerListener(this); // Manually set the widths of the individual status lines this->statusLineWidths_.push_back(29); this->statusLineMaxWidth_ = 29; this->getTerminalSize(); this->lastTerminalWidth_ = this->terminalWidth_; this->lastTerminalHeight_ = this->terminalHeight_; // Disable standard std::cout logging OutputHandler::getInstance().disableCout(); // Redirect std::cout to an ostringstream // (Other part is in the initialiser list) std::cout.rdbuf(this->origCout_.rdbuf()); // Make sure we make way for the status lines this->update(Game::getInstance().getGameClock()); } IOConsole::~IOConsole() { // Empty all buffers this->update(Game::getInstance().getGameClock()); // Erase input and status lines this->cout_ << "\033[1G\033[J"; // Move cursor to the bottom this->cout_ << "\033[" << this->statusLineWidths_.size() << 'B'; // Scroll terminal to compensate for erased lines this->cout_ << "\033[" << this->statusLineWidths_.size() << 'T'; resetTerminalMode(); this->shell_->destroy(); // Restore this->cout_ redirection std::cout.rdbuf(this->cout_.rdbuf()); // Enable standard std::cout logging again OutputHandler::getInstance().enableCout(); } void IOConsole::update(const Clock& time) { unsigned char c; std::string escapeSequence; EscapeMode::Value escapeMode = EscapeMode::None; while (std::cin.good()) { c = std::cin.get(); if (!std::cin.good()) break; if (escapeMode == EscapeMode::First && (c == '[' || c=='O') ) escapeMode = EscapeMode::Second; // Get Alt+Tab combination when switching applications else if (escapeMode == EscapeMode::First && c == '\t') { this->buffer_->buttonPressed(KeyEvent(KeyCode::Tab, '\t', KeyboardModifier::Alt)); escapeMode = EscapeMode::None; } else if (escapeMode == EscapeMode::Second) { escapeSequence += c; escapeMode = EscapeMode::None; if (escapeSequence == "A") this->buffer_->buttonPressed(KeyEvent(KeyCode::Up, 0, 0)); else if (escapeSequence == "B") this->buffer_->buttonPressed(KeyEvent(KeyCode::Down, 0, 0)); else if (escapeSequence == "C") this->buffer_->buttonPressed(KeyEvent(KeyCode::Right, 0, 0)); else if (escapeSequence == "D") this->buffer_->buttonPressed(KeyEvent(KeyCode::Left, 0, 0)); else if (escapeSequence == "1~" || escapeSequence == "H") this->buffer_->buttonPressed(KeyEvent(KeyCode::Home, 0, 0)); else if (escapeSequence == "2~") this->buffer_->buttonPressed(KeyEvent(KeyCode::Insert, 0, 0)); else if (escapeSequence == "3~") this->buffer_->buttonPressed(KeyEvent(KeyCode::Delete, 0, 0)); else if (escapeSequence == "4~" || escapeSequence == "F") this->buffer_->buttonPressed(KeyEvent(KeyCode::End, 0, 0)); else if (escapeSequence == "5~") this->buffer_->buttonPressed(KeyEvent(KeyCode::PageUp, 0, 0)); else if (escapeSequence == "6~") this->buffer_->buttonPressed(KeyEvent(KeyCode::PageDown, 0, 0)); else // Waiting for sequence to complete // If the user presses ESC and then '[' or 'O' while the loop is not // running (for instance while loading), the whole sequence gets dropped escapeMode = EscapeMode::Second; } else // not in an escape sequence OR user might have pressed just ESC { if (escapeMode == EscapeMode::First) { this->buffer_->buttonPressed(KeyEvent(KeyCode::Escape, c, 0)); escapeMode = EscapeMode::None; } if (c == '\033') { escapeMode = EscapeMode::First; escapeSequence.clear(); } else { KeyCode::ByEnum code; switch (c) { case '\n' : case '\r': code = KeyCode::Return; break; case '\177': case '\b': code = KeyCode::Back; break; case '\t' : code = KeyCode::Tab; break; default: // We don't encode the key code (would be a very large switch) // because the InputBuffer will only insert the text anyway // Replacement character is simply KeyCode::A code = KeyCode::A; } this->buffer_->buttonPressed(KeyEvent(code, c, 0)); } } } // Reset error flags in std::cin std::cin.clear(); // If there is still an escape key pending (escape key ONLY), then // it sure isn't an escape sequence anymore if (escapeMode == EscapeMode::First) this->buffer_->buttonPressed(KeyEvent(KeyCode::Escape, '\033', 0)); // Determine terminal width and height this->lastTerminalWidth_ = this->terminalWidth_; this->lastTerminalHeight_ = this->terminalHeight_; this->getTerminalSize(); int heightDiff = this->terminalHeight_ - this->lastTerminalHeight_; if (this->bStatusPrinted_ && heightDiff < 0) { // Terminal width has shrunk. The cursor will still be on the input line, // but that line might very well be the last int newLines = std::min((int)this->statusLineWidths_.size(), -heightDiff); // Scroll terminal to create new lines this->cout_ << "\033[" << newLines << 'S'; } if (!this->bStatusPrinted_ && this->willPrintStatusLines()) { // Scroll console to make way for status lines this->cout_ << "\033[" << this->statusLineWidths_.size() << 'S'; this->bStatusPrinted_ = true; } // We always assume that the cursor is on the input line. // But we cannot always be sure about that, esp. if we scroll the console this->cout_ << "\033[" << this->statusLineWidths_.size() << 'B'; this->cout_ << "\033[" << this->statusLineWidths_.size() << 'A'; // Erase status and input lines this->cout_ << "\033[1G\033[J"; this->printInputLine(); this->printStatusLines(); this->cout_.flush(); // Process output written to std::cout if (!this->origCout_.str().empty()) { this->shell_->addOutputLine(this->origCout_.str(), Shell::None); this->origCout_.str(""); } } void IOConsole::printOutputLine(const std::string& text, Shell::LineType type) { /* // Colour line switch (type) { case Shell::None: this->cout_ << "\033[37m"; break; case Shell::Error: this->cout_ << "\033[91m"; break; case Shell::Warning: this->cout_ << "\033[31m"; break; case Shell::Info: this->cout_ << "\033[34m"; break; case Shell::Debug: this->cout_ << "\033[36m"; break; case Shell::Verbose: this->cout_ << "\033[35m"; break; case Shell::Ultra: this->cout_ << "\033[37m"; break; default: break; } */ // Print output line this->cout_ << text; // Reset colour to white // this->cout_ << "\033[37m"; } void IOConsole::printInputLine() { // Set cursor to the beginning of the line and erase the line this->cout_ << "\033[1G\033[K"; // Indicate a command prompt this->cout_ << this->promptString_; // Save cursor position this->cout_ << "\033[s"; // Print command line buffer this->cout_ << this->shell_->getInput(); // Restore cursor position and move it to the right this->cout_ << "\033[u"; if (this->buffer_->getCursorPosition() > 0) this->cout_ << "\033[" << this->buffer_->getCursorPosition() << "C"; } void IOConsole::printStatusLines() { if (this->willPrintStatusLines()) { // Save cursor position this->cout_ << "\033[s"; // Move cursor down (don't create a new line here because the buffer might flush then!) this->cout_ << "\033[1B\033[1G"; this->cout_ << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << std::setw(5) << Game::getInstance().getAvgFPS() << " fps, "; this->cout_ << std::setprecision(2) << std::setw(5) << Game::getInstance().getAvgTickTime() << " ms tick time"; // Restore cursor position this->cout_ << "\033[u"; this->bStatusPrinted_ = true; } else this->bStatusPrinted_ = false; } void IOConsole::setTerminalMode() { termios new_settings; this->originalTerminalSettings_ = new termios(); tcgetattr(0, this->originalTerminalSettings_); new_settings = *this->originalTerminalSettings_; new_settings.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO); //new_settings.c_lflag |= (ISIG | IEXTEN); new_settings.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; new_settings.c_cc[VMIN] = 0; tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &new_settings); atexit(&IOConsole::resetTerminalMode); } /*static*/ void IOConsole::resetTerminalMode() { if(IOConsole::singletonPtr_s && IOConsole::singletonPtr_s->originalTerminalSettings_) { tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, IOConsole::singletonPtr_s->originalTerminalSettings_); delete IOConsole::singletonPtr_s->originalTerminalSettings_; IOConsole::singletonPtr_s->originalTerminalSettings_ = 0; } } void IOConsole::getTerminalSize() { #ifdef TIOCGSIZE struct ttysize win; if (!ioctl(STDIN_FILENO, TIOCGSIZE, &win)) { this->terminalWidth_ = win.ts_cols; this->terminalHeight_ = win.ts_lines; return; } #elif defined TIOCGWINSZ struct winsize win; if (!ioctl(STDIN_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &win)) { this->terminalWidth_ = win.ws_col; this->terminalHeight_ = win.ws_row; return; } #else const char* s = getenv("COLUMNS"); this->terminalWidth_ = s ? strtol(s, NULL, 10) : 80; s = getenv("LINES"); this->terminalHeight_ = s ? strtol(s, NULL, 10) : 24; return; #endif this->terminalWidth_ = 80; this->terminalHeight_ = 24; } inline bool IOConsole::willPrintStatusLines() { return !this->statusLineWidths_.empty() && this->terminalWidth_ >= this->statusLineMaxWidth_ && this->terminalHeight_ >= this->minOutputLines_ + (int)this->statusLineWidths_.size(); } // ############################### // ### ShellListener methods ### // ############################### //! Called if only the last output-line has changed void IOConsole::onlyLastLineChanged() { // Save cursor position and move it to the beginning of the first output line this->cout_ << "\033[s\033[1A\033[1G"; // Erase the line this->cout_ << "\033[K"; // Reprint the last output line this->printOutputLine(this->shell_->getNewestLineIterator()->first); // Restore cursor this->cout_ << "\033[u"; this->cout_.flush(); } //! Called if a new output-line was added void IOConsole::lineAdded() { int newLines = this->shell_->getNewestLineIterator()->first.size() / this->terminalWidth_ + 1; // Create new lines by scrolling the screen this->cout_ << "\033[" << newLines << 'S'; // Move cursor to the beginning of the new (last) output line this->cout_ << "\033[" << newLines << "A\033[1G"; // Erase screen from here this->cout_ << "\033[J"; // Print the new output lines for (int i = 0; i < newLines; ++i) this->printOutputLine(this->shell_->getNewestLineIterator()->first.substr(i*this->terminalWidth_, this->terminalWidth_)); // Move cursor down this->cout_ << "\033[1B\033[1G"; // Print status and input lines this->printInputLine(); this->printStatusLines(); this->cout_.flush(); } //! Called if the text in the input-line has changed void IOConsole::inputChanged() { this->printInputLine(); this->cout_.flush(); } //! Called if the position of the cursor in the input-line has changed void IOConsole::cursorChanged() { this->printInputLine(); this->cout_.flush(); } } #elif defined(ORXONOX_PLATFORM_WINDOWS) // ################################## // ### Windows Implementation ### // ################################## #include namespace orxonox { //! Redirects std::cout, creates the corresponding Shell and changes the terminal mode IOConsole::IOConsole() : shell_(new Shell("IOConsole", false)) , buffer_(shell_->getInputBuffer()) , cout_(std::cout.rdbuf()) , promptString_("orxonox # ") , statusLines_(1) , inputLineHeight_(1) , lastOutputLineHeight_(0) { // Disable standard this->cout_ logging OutputHandler::getInstance().disableCout(); // Redirect std::cout to an ostringstream // (Other part is in the initialiser list) std::cout.rdbuf(this->origCout_.rdbuf()); this->setTerminalMode(); CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO screenBufferInfo; GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(this->stdOutHandle_, &screenBufferInfo); this->terminalWidth_ = screenBufferInfo.dwSize.X; this->terminalHeight_ = screenBufferInfo.dwSize.Y; // Determines where we are in respect to output already written with std::cout this->inputLineRow_ = screenBufferInfo.dwCursorPosition.Y; /* this->lastTerminalWidth_ = this->terminalWidth_; this->lastTerminalHeight_ = this->terminalHeight_; */ // Cursor already at the end of the screen buffer? // (assuming the current input line height is 1) if (this->inputLineRow_ >= this->terminalHeight_ - this->statusLines_) SetConsoleCursorPosition(this->stdOutHandle_, makeCOORD(0, this->terminalHeight_ - this->statusLines_)); // Prevent input line from overflowing int maxInputLength = (this->terminalHeight_ - this->statusLines_) * this->terminalWidth_ - 1 - this->promptString_.size(); // Consider that the echo of a command might include the command plus some other characters (assumed max 80) // Also put a minimum so the config file parser is not overwhelmed with the command history this->buffer_->setMaxLength(std::min(8192, (maxInputLength - 80) / 2)); // Print input and status line and position cursor this->inputChanged(); this->cursorChanged(); this->lastRefreshTime_ = Game::getInstance().getGameClock().getRealMicroseconds(); this->update(Game::getInstance().getGameClock()); this->shell_->registerListener(this); } //! Resets std::cout redirection and restores the terminal mode IOConsole::~IOConsole() { this->shell_->unregisterListener(this); // Empty all buffers this->update(Game::getInstance().getGameClock()); // Erase input and status lines COORD pos = {0, this->inputLineRow_}; this->writeText(std::string((this->inputLineHeight_ + this->statusLines_) * this->terminalWidth_, ' '), pos); // Move cursor to the beginning of the line SetConsoleCursorPosition(stdOutHandle_, pos); // Restore this->cout_ redirection std::cout.rdbuf(this->cout_.rdbuf()); // Enable standard this->cout_ logging again OutputHandler::getInstance().enableCout(); resetTerminalMode(); this->shell_->destroy(); } //! Processes the pending input key strokes, refreshes the status lines and handles std::cout (redirected) void IOConsole::update(const Clock& time) { // Process input while (true) { DWORD count; INPUT_RECORD inrec; PeekConsoleInput(this->stdInHandle_, &inrec, 1, &count); if (count == 0) break; ReadConsoleInput(this->stdInHandle_, &inrec, 1, &count); if (inrec.EventType == KEY_EVENT && inrec.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown) { // Process keyboard modifiers (Ctrl, Alt and Shift) DWORD modifiersIn = inrec.Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState; int modifiersOut = 0; if ((modifiersIn & (LEFT_ALT_PRESSED | RIGHT_ALT_PRESSED)) != 0) modifiersOut |= KeyboardModifier::Alt; if ((modifiersIn & (LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED | RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED)) != 0) modifiersOut |= KeyboardModifier::Ctrl; if ((modifiersIn & SHIFT_PRESSED) != 0) modifiersOut |= KeyboardModifier::Shift; // ASCII character (0 for special keys) char asciiChar = inrec.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar; // Process special keys and if not found, use Key::A as dummy (InputBuffer uses the ASCII text anyway) switch (inrec.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode) { case VK_BACK: this->buffer_->buttonPressed(KeyEvent(KeyCode::Back, asciiChar, modifiersOut)); break; case VK_TAB: this->buffer_->buttonPressed(KeyEvent(KeyCode::Tab, asciiChar, modifiersOut)); break; case VK_RETURN: this->buffer_->buttonPressed(KeyEvent(KeyCode::Return, asciiChar, modifiersOut)); break; case VK_PAUSE: this->buffer_->buttonPressed(KeyEvent(KeyCode::Pause, asciiChar, modifiersOut)); break; case VK_ESCAPE: this->buffer_->buttonPressed(KeyEvent(KeyCode::Escape, asciiChar, modifiersOut)); break; case VK_SPACE: this->buffer_->buttonPressed(KeyEvent(KeyCode::Space, asciiChar, modifiersOut)); break; case VK_PRIOR: this->buffer_->buttonPressed(KeyEvent(KeyCode::PageUp, asciiChar, modifiersOut)); break; case VK_NEXT: this->buffer_->buttonPressed(KeyEvent(KeyCode::PageDown, asciiChar, modifiersOut)); break; case VK_END: this->buffer_->buttonPressed(KeyEvent(KeyCode::End, asciiChar, modifiersOut)); break; case VK_HOME: this->buffer_->buttonPressed(KeyEvent(KeyCode::Home, asciiChar, modifiersOut)); break; case VK_LEFT: this->buffer_->buttonPressed(KeyEvent(KeyCode::Left, asciiChar, modifiersOut)); break; case VK_UP: this->buffer_->buttonPressed(KeyEvent(KeyCode::Up, asciiChar, modifiersOut)); break; case VK_RIGHT: this->buffer_->buttonPressed(KeyEvent(KeyCode::Right, asciiChar, modifiersOut)); break; case VK_DOWN: this->buffer_->buttonPressed(KeyEvent(KeyCode::Down, asciiChar, modifiersOut)); break; case VK_INSERT: this->buffer_->buttonPressed(KeyEvent(KeyCode::Insert, asciiChar, modifiersOut)); break; case VK_DELETE: this->buffer_->buttonPressed(KeyEvent(KeyCode::Delete, asciiChar, modifiersOut)); break; default: this->buffer_->buttonPressed(KeyEvent(KeyCode::A, asciiChar, modifiersOut)); } } } // TODO: Respect screen buffer size changes /* // The user can manually adjust the screen buffer size on Windows // And we don't want to screw the console because of that this->lastTerminalWidth_ = this->terminalWidth_; this->lastTerminalHeight_ = this->terminalHeight_; this->getTerminalSize(); // Also sets this->inputLineRow_ according to the cursor position // Is there still enough space below the cursor for the status line(s)? if (this->inputLineRow_ >= this->terminalHeight_ - this->statusLines_) this->moveCursor(0, -this->inputLineRow_ + this->terminalHeight_ - this->statusLines_ - 1); */ // Refresh status line 5 times per second if (time.getMicroseconds() > this->lastRefreshTime_ + 1000000) { this->printStatusLines(); this->lastRefreshTime_ = time.getMicroseconds(); } // Process output written to std::cout if (!this->origCout_.str().empty()) { this->shell_->addOutputLine(this->origCout_.str(), Shell::None); this->origCout_.str(""); } } //! Prints output text. Similar to writeText, but sets the colour according to the output level void IOConsole::printOutputLine(const std::string& text, Shell::LineType type, const COORD& pos) { // Colour line WORD colour = 0; switch (type) { case Shell::Error: colour = FOREGROUND_INTENSITY | FOREGROUND_RED; break; case Shell::Warning: colour = FOREGROUND_INTENSITY | FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_RED; break; case Shell::Info: case Shell::Debug: case Shell::Verbose: case Shell::Ultra: colour = FOREGROUND_INTENSITY ; break; case Shell::Command: colour = FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_BLUE; break; case Shell::Hint: colour = FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_RED ; break; default: colour = FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_BLUE; break; } // Print output line this->writeText(text, pos, colour); } //! Prints all status lines with current content void IOConsole::printStatusLines() { // Prepare text to be written std::ostringstream oss; oss << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << std::setw(5) << Game::getInstance().getAvgFPS() << " fps, "; oss << std::setprecision(2) << std::setw(5) << Game::getInstance().getAvgTickTime() << " ms tick time"; // Clear rest of the line by inserting spaces oss << std::string(this->terminalWidth_ - oss.str().size(), ' '); this->writeText(oss.str(), makeCOORD(0, this->inputLineRow_ + this->inputLineHeight_), FOREGROUND_GREEN); } //! Changes the console parameters for unbuffered input void IOConsole::setTerminalMode() { // Set the console mode to no-echo, raw input, and no window or mouse events this->stdOutHandle_ = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); this->stdInHandle_ = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); if (this->stdInHandle_ == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || !GetConsoleMode(this->stdInHandle_, &this->originalTerminalSettings_) || !SetConsoleMode(this->stdInHandle_, 0)) { COUT(1) << "Error: Could not set Windows console settings" << std::endl; return; } FlushConsoleInputBuffer(this->stdInHandle_); } //! Restores the console parameters void IOConsole::resetTerminalMode() { SetConsoleMode(this->stdInHandle_, this->originalTerminalSettings_); } //! Sets this->terminalWidth_ and this->terminalHeight_ void IOConsole::getTerminalSize() { CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO screenBufferInfo; GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(this->stdOutHandle_, &screenBufferInfo); this->terminalWidth_ = screenBufferInfo.dwSize.X; this->terminalHeight_ = screenBufferInfo.dwSize.Y; } //! Writes arbitrary text to the console with a certain colour and screen buffer position void IOConsole::writeText(const std::string& text, const COORD& coord, WORD attributes) { DWORD count; WriteConsoleOutputCharacter(stdOutHandle_, text.c_str(), text.size(), coord, &count); FillConsoleOutputAttribute(stdOutHandle_, attributes, text.size(), coord, &count); } /** Scrolls the console screen buffer to create empty lines above the input line. @details If the input and status lines are already at the bottom of the screen buffer the whole output gets scrolled up. In the other case the input and status lines get scrolled down. In any case the status and input lines get scrolled down as far as possible. @param lines Number of lines to be inserted. Behavior for negative values is undefined. */ void IOConsole::createNewOutputLines(int lines) { CHAR_INFO fillChar = {' ', FOREGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_RED}; // Lines to scroll input/status down (if possible) int linesDown = clamp(terminalHeight_ - inputLineRow_ - inputLineHeight_ - statusLines_, 0, lines); if (linesDown > 0) { // Scroll input and status lines down SMALL_RECT oldRect = {0, this->inputLineRow_, this->terminalWidth_ - 1, this->inputLineRow_ + this->inputLineHeight_ + this->statusLines_ - 1}; this->inputLineRow_ += linesDown; ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer(stdOutHandle_, &oldRect, NULL, makeCOORD(0, this->inputLineRow_), &fillChar); // Move cursor down to the new bottom so the user can see the status lines COORD pos = {0, this->inputLineRow_ + this->inputLineHeight_ - 1 + this->statusLines_}; SetConsoleCursorPosition(stdOutHandle_, pos); // Get cursor back to the right position this->cursorChanged(); } // Check how many lines we still have to scroll up the output if (lines - linesDown > 0) { // Scroll output up SMALL_RECT oldRect = {0, lines - linesDown, this->terminalWidth_ - 1, this->inputLineRow_ - 1}; ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer(stdOutHandle_, &oldRect, NULL, makeCOORD(0, 0), &fillChar); } } // ############################### // ### ShellListener methods ### // ############################### //! Called if the text in the input line has changed void IOConsole::inputChanged() { int newInputLineLength = this->promptString_.size() + this->shell_->getInput().size(); int newInputLineHeight = 1 + newInputLineLength / this->terminalWidth_; int newLines = newInputLineHeight - this->inputLineHeight_; if (newLines > 0) { // Abuse this function to scroll the console this->createNewOutputLines(newLines); // Either Compensate for side effects (input/status lines scrolled down) // or we have to do this anyway (output scrolled up) this->inputLineRow_ -= newLines; } else if (newLines < 0) { // Scroll status lines up int statusLineRow = this->inputLineRow_ + this->inputLineHeight_; SMALL_RECT oldRect = {0, statusLineRow, this->terminalWidth_ - 1, statusLineRow + this->statusLines_}; CHAR_INFO fillChar = {' ', FOREGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_RED}; ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer(stdOutHandle_, &oldRect, NULL, makeCOORD(0, statusLineRow + newLines), &fillChar); // Clear potential leftovers if (-newLines - this->statusLines_ > 0) { COORD pos = {0, this->inputLineRow_ + newInputLineHeight + this->statusLines_}; this->writeText(std::string((-newLines - this->statusLines_) * this->terminalWidth_, ' '), pos); } } this->inputLineHeight_ = newInputLineHeight; // Print the whole line, including spaces that erase leftovers std::string inputLine = this->promptString_ + this->shell_->getInput(); inputLine += std::string(this->terminalWidth_ - newInputLineLength % this->terminalWidth_, ' '); this->writeText(inputLine, makeCOORD(0, this->inputLineRow_), FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); // If necessary, move cursor if (newLines != 0) this->cursorChanged(); } //! Called if the position of the cursor in the input-line has changed void IOConsole::cursorChanged() { int rawCursorPos = this->promptString_.size() + this->buffer_->getCursorPosition(); // Compensate for cursor further to the right than the terminal width COORD pos; pos.X = rawCursorPos % this->terminalWidth_; pos.Y = this->inputLineRow_ + rawCursorPos / this->terminalWidth_; SetConsoleCursorPosition(stdOutHandle_, pos); } //! Called if only the last output-line has changed void IOConsole::onlyLastLineChanged() { int newLineHeight = 1 + this->shell_->getNewestLineIterator()->first.size() / this->terminalWidth_; // Compute the number of new lines needed int newLines = newLineHeight - this->lastOutputLineHeight_; this->lastOutputLineHeight_ = newLineHeight; // Scroll console if necessary if (newLines > 0) // newLines < 0 is assumed impossible this->createNewOutputLines(newLines); Shell::LineList::const_iterator it = this->shell_->getNewestLineIterator(); this->printOutputLine(it->first, it->second, makeCOORD(0, this->inputLineRow_ - newLineHeight)); } //! Called if a new output line was added void IOConsole::lineAdded() { Shell::LineList::const_iterator it = this->shell_->getNewestLineIterator(); // Scroll console this->lastOutputLineHeight_ = 1 + it->first.size() / this->terminalWidth_; this->createNewOutputLines(this->lastOutputLineHeight_); // Write the text COORD pos = {0, this->inputLineRow_ - this->lastOutputLineHeight_}; this->printOutputLine(it->first, it->second, pos); } } #endif /* ORXONOX_PLATFORM_UNIX */