/* * ORXONOX - the hottest 3D action shooter ever to exist * > www.orxonox.net < * * * License notice: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Author: * Daniel 'Huty' Haggenmueller * Co-authors: * ... * */ #include "PickupInventory.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "core/ConsoleCommand.h" #include "core/GUIManager.h" #include "core/input/InputManager.h" #include "controllers/HumanController.h" #include "worldentities/pawns/Pawn.h" #include "EquipmentItem.h" #include "PassiveItem.h" #include "UsableItem.h" namespace orxonox { SetConsoleCommandShortcut(PickupInventory, toggleInventory); PickupInventory* PickupInventory::pickupInventory_s = NULL; //TODO: Comment. /** @brief Get a Pointer to the PickupInventory Singleton. @return A Pointer to the PickupInventory. */ //TODO: Make SingeltonPtr? PickupInventory* PickupInventory::getSingleton() { if(!PickupInventory::pickupInventory_s) PickupInventory::pickupInventory_s = new PickupInventory(); return PickupInventory::pickupInventory_s; } /** @brief Constructor. */ PickupInventory::PickupInventory() { //TODO: Maybe some abstraction for the usableWindows, e.g. push and pop... //RegisterObject() ? In some other Class, too. Which? this->bInventoryVisible_ = false; //TODO: If OrxonoxClass, this should already be there... this->visibleEquipmentWindows_ = this->visibleUsableWindows_ = 0; // Create some windows to avoid creating them while playing CEGUI::WindowManager* winMgr = CEGUI::WindowManager::getSingletonPtr(); for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { std::ostringstream id; id << i; PickupInventory::createItemWindows(winMgr, "equ/" + id.str(), i % 5, i / 5); PickupInventory::createItemWindows(winMgr, "use/" + id.str(), i % 5, i / 5); } this->createdEquipmentWindows_ = this->createdUsableWindows_ = 10; } /** @brief Destructor. */ //TODO: Destroy something? PickupInventory::~PickupInventory() { } /** @brief Toggles the visibility of the inventory. */ /*static*/ void PickupInventory::toggleInventory() { if(PickupInventory::getSingleton()->isVisible()) { GUIManager::getInstance().executeCode("hideGUI(\"PickupInventory\")"); GUIManager::getInstance().executeCode("hideCursor()"); InputManager::getInstance().leaveState("guiMouseOnly"); } else { GUIManager::getInstance().showGUI("PickupInventory"); GUIManager::getInstance().executeCode("showCursor()"); InputManager::getInstance().enterState("guiMouseOnly"); } PickupInventory::getSingleton()->setVisible(!PickupInventory::getSingleton()->isVisible()); } /** @brief */ unsigned int PickupInventory::getCurrentUsableIndex() { Pawn* pawn = HumanController::getLocalControllerEntityAsPawn(); if(pawn && pawn->getPickups().getCurrentUsable()) { UsableItem* use = pawn->getPickups().getCurrentUsable(); std::deque items = pawn->getPickups().getUsableItems(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) { if(items.at(i) == use) return i; } } return 0; } bool PickupInventory::isCurrentUsable(const BaseItem* item) { Pawn* pawn = HumanController::getLocalControllerEntityAsPawn(); if(pawn) return (pawn->getPickups().getCurrentUsable() == item); else return false; } void PickupInventory::selectUsable(unsigned int i) { Pawn* pawn = HumanController::getLocalControllerEntityAsPawn(); if(pawn) { std::deque items = pawn->getPickups().getUsableItems(); if(i < items.size()) pawn->getPickups().setCurrentUsable(items.at(i)); } } unsigned int PickupInventory::getEquipmentCount() { Pawn* pawn = HumanController::getLocalControllerEntityAsPawn(); if(pawn) return pawn->getPickups().getEquipmentItems().size(); else return 0; } unsigned int PickupInventory::getUsableCount() { Pawn* pawn = HumanController::getLocalControllerEntityAsPawn(); if(pawn) return pawn->getPickups().getUsableItems().size(); else return 0; } unsigned int PickupInventory::getPassiveCount() { Pawn* pawn = HumanController::getLocalControllerEntityAsPawn(); if(pawn) return pawn->getPickups().getPassiveItems().size(); else return 0; } BaseItem* PickupInventory::getEquipmentItem(unsigned int i) { Pawn* pawn = HumanController::getLocalControllerEntityAsPawn(); if(pawn) { std::deque l = pawn->getPickups().getEquipmentItems(); if (i >= l.size()) { return NULL; } return l.at(i); } else return NULL; } BaseItem* PickupInventory::getUsableItem(unsigned int i) { Pawn* pawn = HumanController::getLocalControllerEntityAsPawn(); if(pawn) { std::deque l = pawn->getPickups().getUsableItems(); if (i >= l.size()) { return NULL; } return l.at(i); } else return NULL; } BaseItem* PickupInventory::getPassiveItem(unsigned int i) { Pawn* pawn = HumanController::getLocalControllerEntityAsPawn(); if(pawn) { std::deque l = pawn->getPickups().getPassiveItems(); if (i >= l.size()) { return NULL; } return l.at(i); } else return NULL; } std::string PickupInventory::getImageForItem(const BaseItem* item) { if(!item) return ""; std::string name = "pickup_" + item->getGUIImage(); if(!CEGUI::ImagesetManager::getSingletonPtr()->isImagesetPresent(name)) { CEGUI::ImagesetManager::getSingletonPtr()->createImagesetFromImageFile(name, item->getGUIImage(), ""); } return "set:" + name + " image:full_image"; } void PickupInventory::clearInventory(CEGUI::WindowManager* winMgr, CEGUI::Window* equipPane, CEGUI::Window* usablePane) { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < this->visibleEquipmentWindows_; i++) { std::ostringstream id; id << i; winMgr->getWindow("orxonox/Inventory/Frame/equ/" + id.str())->setVisible(false); winMgr->getWindow("orxonox/Inventory/Title/equ/" + id.str())->setVisible(false); winMgr->getWindow("orxonox/Inventory/Items/equ/" + id.str())->setVisible(false); /*equipPane->removeChildWindow("orxonox/Inventory/Frame/equ/" + id.str()); equipPane->removeChildWindow("orxonox/Inventory/Title/equ/" + id.str()); equipPane->removeChildWindow("orxonox/Inventory/Items/equ/" + id.str());*/ } for(unsigned int i = 0; i < this->visibleUsableWindows_; i++) { std::ostringstream id; id << i; winMgr->getWindow("orxonox/Inventory/Frame/use/" + id.str())->setVisible(false); winMgr->getWindow("orxonox/Inventory/Title/use/" + id.str())->setVisible(false); winMgr->getWindow("orxonox/Inventory/Items/use/" + id.str())->setVisible(false); /*usablePane->removeChildWindow("orxonox/Inventory/Frame/use/" + id.str()); usablePane->removeChildWindow("orxonox/Inventory/Title/use/" + id.str()); usablePane->removeChildWindow("orxonox/Inventory/Items/use/" + id.str());*/ } } void PickupInventory::updateTabs(CEGUI::WindowManager *winMgr, CEGUI::Window *equipWindow, CEGUI::Window *usableWindow) { this->updateEquipment(winMgr, equipWindow); this->updateUsable(winMgr, usableWindow); } void PickupInventory::updateEquipment(CEGUI::WindowManager* winMgr, CEGUI::Window* target) { Pawn* pawn; if((pawn = HumanController::getLocalControllerEntityAsPawn())) { std::deque items = pawn->getPickups().getEquipmentItems(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) { std::ostringstream id; id << "equ/" << i; EquipmentItem* item = items.at(i); if(this->createdEquipmentWindows_ <= i) { PickupInventory::createItemWindows(winMgr, id.str(), i % 5, i / 5); this->createdEquipmentWindows_++; } PickupInventory::setWindowProperties(winMgr, target, id.str(), item, "FFFFFFFF"); } this->visibleEquipmentWindows_ = items.size(); } } void PickupInventory::updateUsable(CEGUI::WindowManager* winMgr, CEGUI::Window* target) { Pawn* pawn; if((pawn = HumanController::getLocalControllerEntityAsPawn())) { std::deque items = pawn->getPickups().getUsableItems(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) { std::ostringstream id; id << "use/" << i; UsableItem* item = items.at(i); std::string colour; if(PickupInventory::isCurrentUsable(item)) colour = "FFFF5555"; else colour = "FFFFFFFF"; if(this->createdUsableWindows_ <= i) { PickupInventory::createItemWindows(winMgr, id.str(), i % 5, i / 5); this->createdUsableWindows_++; } PickupInventory::setWindowProperties(winMgr, target, id.str(), item, colour); } this->visibleUsableWindows_ = items.size(); } } void PickupInventory::createItemWindows(CEGUI::WindowManager* winMgr, const std::string& id, int x, int y) { if(!winMgr) { return; } CEGUI::Window* frame = winMgr->createWindow("TaharezLook/StaticImage", "orxonox/Inventory/Frame/" + id); frame->setPosition(CEGUI::UVector2(CEGUI::UDim(0, 5 + x * 70), CEGUI::UDim(0, 5 + y * 90))); frame->setSize(CEGUI::UVector2(CEGUI::UDim(0, 65), CEGUI::UDim(0, 65))); frame->setRiseOnClickEnabled(false); frame->setVisible(false); CEGUI::Window* text = winMgr->createWindow("TaharezLook/StaticText", "orxonox/Inventory/Title/" + id); text->setPosition(CEGUI::UVector2(CEGUI::UDim(0, 5 + x * 70), CEGUI::UDim(0, 70 + y * 90))); text->setSize(CEGUI::UVector2(CEGUI::UDim(0, 65), CEGUI::UDim(0, 20))); text->setProperty("FrameEnabled", "False"); text->setProperty("BackgroundEnabled", "False"); text->setProperty("HorzFormatting", "HorzCentred"); text->setProperty("VertFormatting", "VertCentred"); text->setProperty("TextColours", "tl:FFFFFFFF tr:FFFFFFFF bl:FFFFFFFF br:FFFFFFFF"); text->setVisible(false); CEGUI::Window* btn = winMgr->createWindow("TaharezLook/Button", "orxonox/Inventory/Items/" + id); btn->setPosition(CEGUI::UVector2(CEGUI::UDim(0, 8 + x * 70), CEGUI::UDim(0, 8 + y * 90))); btn->setSize(CEGUI::UVector2(CEGUI::UDim(0, 59), CEGUI::UDim(0, 59))); btn->subscribeScriptedEvent("Clicked", "PickupInventory.itemClicked"); btn->setVisible(false); } void PickupInventory::setWindowProperties(CEGUI::WindowManager* winMgr, CEGUI::Window* target, const std::string& id, const BaseItem* item, const std::string& textColour) { CEGUI::Window* txt = winMgr->getWindow("orxonox/Inventory/Title/" + id); CEGUI::Window* btn = winMgr->getWindow("orxonox/Inventory/Items/" + id); CEGUI::Window* frm = winMgr->getWindow("orxonox/Inventory/Frame/" + id); frm->setVisible(true); txt->setVisible(true); txt->setProperty("Text", item->getGUIText()); txt->setProperty("TextColours", "tl:" + textColour + " tr:" + textColour + " bl:" + textColour + " br:" + textColour + ""); std::string image = PickupInventory::getImageForItem(item); btn->setVisible(true); btn->setProperty("NormalImage", image); btn->setProperty("HoverImage", image); btn->setProperty("PushedImage", image); btn->setProperty("DisabledImage", image); btn->setProperty("Tooltip", item->getGUIText()); target->addChildWindow(frm); target->addChildWindow(txt); target->addChildWindow(btn); } }