/** * File: OgreOdeDebugContact.h * * description: This create create a billboarding object that display a text. * derived from Movable Text * @author 2003 by cTh see gavocanov@rambler.ru * @update 2006 by barraq see nospam@barraquand.com */ #ifndef __include_OgreOdeDebugContact_H__ #define __include_OgreOdeDebugContact_H__ #include "OgreOdePreReqs.h" #include #include #include #include "OgreOdeDebugObject.h" namespace OgreOde { class DebugContact { public: DebugContact(const Ogre::String &name, World *world); ~DebugContact(); bool isEnabled () const; void setEnabled (bool enable); void update(Contact * const contact); private: DebugNormal *_normal; DebugContactText *_text; Ogre::Entity *_point; bool _enabled; Ogre::String _name; Ogre::SceneNode *_node; Ogre::SceneNode *_point_node; World *_world; }; class DebugNormal : public DebugLines { public: DebugNormal() : DebugLines(){}; ~DebugNormal(){}; void update (Contact * const contact); }; class DebugContactText : public Ogre::MovableObject, public Ogre::Renderable { public: enum HorizontalAlignment {H_LEFT, H_CENTER}; enum VerticalAlignment {V_BELOW, V_ABOVE}; /******************************** public methods ******************************/ public: DebugContactText(const Ogre::String &name, Ogre::SceneNode *node, const Ogre::String &caption = "", const Ogre::String &fontName = "BlueHighway", int charHeight = 32, const Ogre::ColourValue &color = Ogre::ColourValue::White); ~DebugContactText(); // Set settings void setPosition(const Ogre::Vector3 &pos); void setFontName(const Ogre::String &fontName); void setCaption(const Ogre::String &caption); void setColor(const Ogre::ColourValue &color); void setCharacterHeight(unsigned int height); void setSpaceWidth(unsigned int width); void setTextAlignment(const HorizontalAlignment& horizontalAlignment, const VerticalAlignment& verticalAlignment); void setAdditionalHeight( Ogre::Real height ); void showOnTop(bool show=true); // Get settings const Ogre::String &getFontName() const {return mFontName;} const Ogre::String &getCaption() const {return mCaption;} const Ogre::ColourValue &getColor() const {return mColor;} unsigned int getCharacterHeight() const {return mCharHeight;} unsigned int getSpaceWidth() const {return mSpaceWidth;} Ogre::Real getAdditionalHeight() const {return mAdditionalHeight;} bool getShowOnTop() const {return mOnTop;} Ogre::AxisAlignedBox GetAABB(void) { return mAABB; } #if OGRE_VERSION >= ((1 << 16) | (5 << 8)) virtual void visitRenderables(Ogre::Renderable::Visitor* visitor, bool debugRenderables = false){} #endif /******************************** protected methods and overload **************/ protected: // from OgreOdeDebugContact, create the object void _setupGeometry(); void _updateColors(); // from MovableObject void getWorldTransforms(Ogre::Matrix4 *xform) const; Ogre::Real getBoundingRadius(void) const {return mRadius;}; Ogre::Real getSquaredViewDepth(const Ogre::Camera *cam) const {return 0;}; #if OGRE_VERSION < ((1 << 16) | (5 << 8)) const Ogre::Quaternion &getWorldOrientation() const; const Ogre::Vector3 &getWorldPosition() const; #else const Ogre::Quaternion &_getDerivedOrientation(void) const; const Ogre::Vector3 &_getDerivedPosition(void) const; #endif const Ogre::AxisAlignedBox &getBoundingBox(void) const {return mAABB;}; const Ogre::String &getName(void) const {return mName;}; const Ogre::String &getMovableType(void) const {static Ogre::String movType = "MovableText"; return movType;}; void _notifyCurrentCamera(Ogre::Camera *cam); void _updateRenderQueue(Ogre::RenderQueue* queue); // from renderable void getRenderOperation(Ogre::RenderOperation &op); const Ogre::MaterialPtr &getMaterial(void) const {assert(!mpMaterial.isNull());return mpMaterial;}; const Ogre::LightList &getLights(void) const {return mLList;}; /******************************** OgreOdeDebugContact data ****************************/ protected: Ogre::String mFontName; Ogre::String mType; Ogre::String mName; Ogre::String mCaption; HorizontalAlignment mHorizontalAlignment; VerticalAlignment mVerticalAlignment; Ogre::ColourValue mColor; Ogre::RenderOperation mRenderOp; Ogre::AxisAlignedBox mAABB; Ogre::LightList mLList; unsigned int mCharHeight; unsigned int mSpaceWidth; bool mNeedUpdate; bool mUpdateColors; bool mOnTop; Ogre::Real mTimeUntilNextToggle; Ogre::Real mRadius; Ogre::Real mAdditionalHeight; Ogre::Camera *mpCam; Ogre::RenderWindow *mpWin; Ogre::Font *mpFont; Ogre::MaterialPtr mpMaterial; Ogre::MaterialPtr mpBackgroundMaterial; Ogre::SceneNode *mNode; }; } #endif