# # ORXONOX - the hottest 3D action shooter ever to exist # > www.orxonox.net < # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # # Author: # Reto Grieder # INCLUDE(GetGCCCompilerFlags) MACRO(PRECOMPILED_HEADER_FILES_PRE_TARGET _target_name _header_file_arg _sourcefile_var) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(_pch_header_file ${_header_file_arg} ABSOLUTE) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(_pch_header_filename ${_pch_header_file} NAME) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(_pch_header_filename_we ${_pch_header_file} NAME_WE) IF(NOT EXISTS ${_pch_header_file}) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Specified precompiled headerfile '${_header_file_arg}' does not exist.") ENDIF() # Extract arguments from ARGN FOREACH(_arg ${ARGN}) IF(NOT "${_arg}" STREQUAL "EXCLUDE") IF(NOT _arg_second) # Source files with PCH support SET(_included_files ${_included_files} ${_arg}) ELSE() # Source files to be excluded from PCH support (easier syntax this way) SET(_excluded files ${_excluded_files} ${_arg}) ENDIF() ELSE() SET(_arg_second TRUE) ENDIF() ENDFOREACH(_arg) # Use ${_sourcefile_var} if no files were specified explicitely IF(NOT _included_files) SET(_source_files ${${_sourcefile_var}}) ELSE() SET(_source_files ${_included_files}) ENDIF() # Exclude files (if specified) FOREACH(_file ${_excluded_files}) LIST(FIND _source_files ${_file} _list_index) IF(_list_index GREATER -1) LIST(REMOVE_AT _source_files _list_index) ELSE() MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Could not exclude file ${_file} in target ${_target_name}") ENDIF() ENDFOREACH(_file) LIST(FIND ${_sourcefile_var} ${_pch_header_file} _list_index) IF(_list_index EQUAL -1) # Header file could already be included with GET_ALL_HEADER_FILES LIST(APPEND ${_sourcefile_var} ${_pch_header_file}) ENDIF() SOURCE_GROUP("PCH" FILES ${_pch_header_file}) IF(MSVC) # Write and add one source file, which generates the precompiled header file SET(_pch_source_file "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_pch_header_filename_we}.cc") IF(NOT EXISTS ${_pch_source_file}) FILE(WRITE ${_pch_source_file} "#include \"${_pch_header_file}\"\n") ENDIF() SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES(_pch_source_file PROPERTIES GENERATED TRUE) LIST(APPEND ${_sourcefile_var} ${_pch_source_file}) SOURCE_GROUP("PCH" FILES ${_pch_source_file}) SET(_pch_file "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}/${_pch_header_filename}.pch") # Set compile flags for generated source file SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES(${_pch_source_file} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "/c /Yc\"${_pch_header_file}\" /Fp\"${_pch_file}\"") # Set Compile flags for the other source files FOREACH(_file ${_source_files}) GET_SOURCE_FILE_PROPERTY(_is_header ${_file} HEADER_FILE_ONLY) IF(NOT _is_header) GET_SOURCE_FILE_PROPERTY(_old_flags ${_file} COMPILE_FLAGS) IF(NOT _old_flags) SET(_old_flags "") ENDIF() SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES(${_file} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "${_old_flags} /FI\"${_pch_header_file}\" /Yu\"${_pch_header_file}\" /Fp\"${_pch_file}\"") ENDIF(NOT _is_header) ENDFOREACH(_file) ELSEIF(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNU) SET(_pch_file "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_pch_header_filename}.gch") SET(_pch_dep_helper_file "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_target_name}_pch_dependency_helper.cc") # Append the gch-dir to make sure gcc finds the pch file INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) # Get compiler flags of the source files (target does not yet exist!) # This is just the best possible opportunity to address this dependency issue GET_GCC_COMPILER_FLAGS(${_target_name} _pch_gcc_flags) # Make sure we recompile the pch file even if only the flags change FILE(WRITE ${_pch_dep_helper_file} "/* ${_pch_gcc_flags} */") # Set Compile flags for the other source files FOREACH(_file ${_source_files}) GET_SOURCE_FILE_PROPERTY(_is_header ${_file} HEADER_FILE_ONLY) IF(NOT _is_header) GET_SOURCE_FILE_PROPERTY(_old_flags ${_file} COMPILE_FLAGS) IF(NOT _old_flags) SET(_old_flags "") ENDIF() SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES(${_file} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "${_old_flags} -include ${_pch_header_filename}" OBJECT_DEPENDS "${_pch_header_file};${_pch_file}" ) ENDIF(NOT _is_header) ENDFOREACH(_file) ENDIF() ENDMACRO(PRECOMPILED_HEADER_FILES_PRE_TARGET) FUNCTION(PRECOMPILED_HEADER_FILES_POST_TARGET _target_name) # This macro is only necessary for GCC IF(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNU) # Workaround for distcc IF(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ARG1) # remove leading space in compiler argument STRING(REGEX REPLACE "^ +" "" _pch_cmake_cxx_compiler_arg1 "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ARG1}") ENDIF() # Get compiler flags of the source files again (target exists this time) GET_GCC_COMPILER_FLAGS(${_target_name} _pch_gcc_flags) # Compile the header file ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND( OUTPUT ${_pch_file} COMMAND ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} ARGS ${pchsupport_compiler_cxx_arg1} ${_pch_gcc_flags} -c -x c++-header -o ${_pch_file} ${_pch_header_file} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} DEPENDS ${_pch_header_file} ${_pch_dep_helper_file} IMPLICIT_DEPENDS ${_pch_header_file} VERBATIM ) ENDIF(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNU) ENDFUNCTION(PRECOMPILED_HEADER_FILES_POST_TARGET) # TODO: Investigate what happens when we suddenly disable PCH for a library # TODO: C and CXX