-- QuestGUI.lua local P = createMenuSheet("QuestGUI") P.questManager = nil -- The QuestManager. P.showActive = true -- Whether the active or finished quest list is displayed. P.currentQuest = nil -- The quest that is currently displayed. P.player = nil -- The player the quests are displayed for. P.quests = {} P.subquests = {} -- design parameters P.scrollbarWidth = 13 P.frameHeigth = 18 P.borderSize = 5 P.titleHeight = 26 --TODO: -- Highlight whether we are currently looking at active or finished quests -- Distinguish completed from failed quests function P.onLoad() P.questManager = orxonox.QuestManager:getInstance() -- Store the pointer to the QuestManager as an internal variable to allow for faster access, end function P.onShow() -- Get the player. P.player = orxonox.GUIManager:getInstance():getPlayer(P.name) -- Load the list of quests to be displayed. P.loadQuestsList(P.currentQuest) end -- Loads the list of quests, depending on P.showActive, either the active (P.showActive == true) or the finished, i.e. inactive quests are loaded. -- selectQuest is a pointer to a quest that should be selected, if it is nil the first quest is selected. function P.loadQuestsList(selectQuest) local list = CEGUI.toListbox(winMgr:getWindow("orxonox/QuestGUI/QuestsList")) P.clearQuestList() local selectQuestId = nil if selectQuest ~= nil then selectQuestId = P.questManager:getId(selectQuest) end -- Iterate through all root-quests. local numRootQuests = P.questManager:getNumRootQuests(P.player) if numRootQuests > 0 then local i = 0 while i <= numRootQuests-1 do local quest = P.questManager:getRootQuest(P.player, i) -- Insert the current quest into the list. local item = P.insertQuest(list, quest) -- If the quest was inserted in the list and is has the same id as the selectQuest (thus it is the same quest) it is selected. if selectQuestId ~= nil and item ~= nil and selectQuestId == P.questManager:getId(quest) then list:setItemSelectState(item, true) end -- Insert all subquests of this rootquest. P.insertSubQuests(list, quest, selectQuestId) i = i+1 end -- If there were quests added to the list but there was no selectQuest specified (i.e. selectQuest was nil), the first item is selected. if list:getItemCount() > 0 then if selectQuestId == nil then list:setItemSelectState(list:getListboxItemFromIndex(0), true) -- Select first quest. end -- If there werent any quests added the standard "no quests" message is loaded. else P.loadQuest() end end end -- Helper function, recursively inserts all the (active or inactive, depending on P.showActive) subquests of the input quest. -- list is the list into which the subquests should be insterted. -- quest is the quest, whose subquests should be inserted. -- selectQuestId is the id of the quest that should be selected. function P.insertSubQuests(list, quest, selectQuestId) -- Iterate through all sub-quests. local numQuests = P.questManager:getNumSubQuests(quest, P.player) if numQuests > 0 then local i = 0 while i <= numQuests-1 do local subquest = P.questManager:getSubQuest(quest, P.player, i) -- Insert the current quest into the list. local item = P.insertQuest(list, subquest) -- If the quest was inserted in the list and is has the same id as the selectQuest (thus it is the same quest) it is selected. if selectQuestId ~= nil and item ~= nil and selectQuestId == P.questManager:getId(subquest) then list:setItemSelectState(item, true) end i = i+1 end end end -- Helper function, inserts a quest into the list (depending whether active or inactive quests are being shown). Returns nil if the quest was not inserted. -- list is the list into which the quets should be inserted. -- quest is the quest to be inserted. function P.insertQuest(list, quest) if P.showActive == quest:isActive(P.player) then local item = CEGUI.createListboxTextItem(P.questManager:getDescription(quest):getTitle()) item:setSelectionBrushImage(menuImageSet, "MultiListSelectionBrush") list:addItem(item) table.insert(P.quests, quest) return item end return nil end -- Loads the input quest. -- quest the quest to be loaded. function P.loadQuest(quest) P.clearQuest() -- Clear the old quest. if quest == nil then -- If quets is nil there is nothing to display. return else local offset = 0 -- Load title and description local description = P.questManager:getDescription(quest) local titleWindow = winMgr:getWindow("orxonox/QuestGUI/Quest/Title") titleWindow:setText(description:getTitle()) local descriptionWindow = winMgr:getWindow("orxonox/QuestGUI/Quest/Description") descriptionWindow:setText(description:getDescription()) descriptionWindow:setSize(CEGUI.UVector2(CEGUI.UDim(1, -P.borderSize), CEGUI.UDim(1, 0))) descriptionWindow:setPosition(CEGUI.UVector2(CEGUI.UDim(0, P.borderSize), CEGUI.UDim(0, P.borderSize))) local height = getStaticTextWindowHeight(descriptionWindow) descriptionWindow:setHeight(CEGUI.UDim(0, height)) offset = offset + height -- Load subquests local list = CEGUI.toListbox(winMgr:getWindow("orxonox/QuestGUI/Quest/SubquestsList")) local numQuests = P.questManager:getNumSubQuests(quest, P.player) local i = 0 while i <= numQuests-1 do local quest = P.questManager:getSubQuest(quest, P.player, i) local item = CEGUI.createListboxTextItem(P.questManager:getDescription(quest):getTitle()) item:setSelectionBrushImage(menuImageSet, "MultiListSelectionBrush") list:addItem(item) table.insert(P.subquests, quest) i = i+1 end height = list:getTotalItemsHeight() if height > 0 then height = height+P.frameHeigth end list:setSize(CEGUI.UVector2(CEGUI.UDim(1, -P.borderSize), CEGUI.UDim(0, height))) list:setPosition(CEGUI.UVector2(CEGUI.UDim(0, P.borderSize), CEGUI.UDim(0, offset))) offset = offset + height + P.borderSize -- Load hints local hintsWindow = winMgr:getWindow("orxonox/QuestGUI/Quest/Hints") hintsWindow:setPosition(CEGUI.UVector2(CEGUI.UDim(0, P.borderSize), CEGUI.UDim(0, offset))) hintsWindow:setSize(CEGUI.UVector2(CEGUI.UDim(1, -P.borderSize), CEGUI.UDim(0, 0))) height = P.titleHeight local numHints = P.questManager:getNumHints(quest, P.player) local i = 0 while i <= numHints-1 do local hint = P.questManager:getHints(quest, P.player, i) height = height + P.insertHint(hintsWindow, hint, i, height) i = i+1 end if numHints == 0 then height = 0 end hintsWindow:setHeight(CEGUI.UDim(0, height)) offset = offset + height -- Set the size of the wrapper local window = winMgr:getWindow("orxonox/QuestGUI/Quest/Wrapper") window:setSize(CEGUI.UVector2(CEGUI.UDim(1, -P.borderSize-P.scrollbarWidth), CEGUI.UDim(0,offset+P.borderSize))) end P.currentQuest = quest end -- Clear the currently displayed quest. function P.clearQuest() -- clear title local titleWindow = winMgr:getWindow("orxonox/QuestGUI/Quest/Title") titleWindow:setText("no Quests") -- clear description local descriptionWindow = winMgr:getWindow("orxonox/QuestGUI/Quest/Description") descriptionWindow:setText("There is currently no quest that can be displayed.") -- clear list fo subquests local list = CEGUI.toListbox(winMgr:getWindow("orxonox/QuestGUI/Quest/SubquestsList")) list:resetList() list:setHeight(CEGUI.UDim(0, 0)) P.subquests = {} -- clear hints local hints = winMgr:getWindow("orxonox/QuestGUI/Quest/Hints") local numChildren = hints:getChildCount()-2 -- TODO: HACK local i = 0 while i < numChildren do local hint = hints:getChild("orxonox/QuestGUI/Quest/Hints/" .. i) if hint ~= nil then hints:removeChildWindow(hint) winMgr:destroyWindow(hint) end i = i+1 end hints:setSize(CEGUI.UVector2(CEGUI.UDim(1, -P.scrollbarWidth-P.borderSize), CEGUI.UDim(0, 0))) P.currentQuest = nil end -- Clear the quests list function P.clearQuestList() local list = CEGUI.toListbox(winMgr:getWindow("orxonox/QuestGUI/QuestsList")) list:resetList() P.quests = {} end -- Select an input quest in the input list. -- list is the list in which the input quest is to be selected. -- quest is the quest to be selected. function P.selectQuest(list, quest) if quest == nil then -- If the input quest is nil, there is nothing to be selected, an error is output and the first quest is selected instead. orxout(orxonox.level.internal_error, "Error in QuestGUI: selectQuest(), input quest is nil. Selecting first.") list:setItemSelectState(list:getListboxItemFromIndex(0), true) -- Select first return end local questId = P.questManager:getId(quest) local found = false local index = 0 -- Iterate over all quests currently in the list. for k,v in pairs(P.quests) do -- If the id's are the same we have found the quest. if P.questManager:getId(v) == questId then found = true index = k-1 end end if found then -- If the quest was found it is selected. list:setItemSelectState(list:getListboxItemFromIndex(index), true) else -- If the quest isn't found an error is output and the first quest is selected instead. orxout(orxonox.level.internal_error, "Error in QuestGUI: selectQuest(), input quest is not in list. Selecting first.") list:setItemSelectState(list:getListboxItemFromIndex(0), true) -- Select first end end -- Helper function, insert the input hint into the input hintsWindow. Returns the height of the newly inserted hint. -- hintsWindow is the window in which the hint is to be inserted. -- hint is the hint to be inserted. -- index is the index of the hint. -- offset is the current offset in the hintsWindow. function P.insertHint(hintsWindow, hint, index, offset) -- Create the window for the hint. local window = winMgr:createWindow("MenuWidgets/StaticText", "orxonox/QuestGUI/Quest/Hints/" .. index) window:setProperty("HorzFormatting", "WordWrapLeftAligned") window:setProperty("VertFormatting", "TopAligned") window:setProperty("FrameEnabled", "false") window:setID(index) hintsWindow:addChildWindow(window) local description = P.questManager:getDescription(hint) window:setText(description:getDescription()) window:setSize(CEGUI.UVector2(CEGUI.UDim(1, -P.borderSize), CEGUI.UDim(1, 0))) local height = getStaticTextWindowHeight(window) window:setHeight(CEGUI.UDim(0, height)) window:setPosition(CEGUI.UVector2(CEGUI.UDim(0, P.borderSize), CEGUI.UDim(0, offset))) return height end -- Show the currently active quests in the quests list. function P.showActiveQuestsButton_clicked(e) if P.showActive == false then P.showActive = true P.loadQuestsList() end end -- Show the finished (i.e. inactive) quests in the quests list. function P.showFinishedQuestsButton_clicked(e) if P.showActive == true then P.showActive = false P.loadQuestsList() end end -- Change to a new quest. function P.changeQuest_clicked(e) local list = CEGUI.toListbox(winMgr:getWindow("orxonox/QuestGUI/QuestsList")) local choice = list:getFirstSelectedItem() if choice ~= nil then local index = list:getItemIndex(choice) local quest = P.quests[index+1] if quest ~= nil then P.loadQuest(quest) end end end -- Change to a new subquest. function P.changeToSubquest_clicked(e) local list = CEGUI.toListbox(winMgr:getWindow("orxonox/QuestGUI/Quest/SubquestsList")) local questsList = CEGUI.toListbox(winMgr:getWindow("orxonox/QuestGUI/QuestsList")) local choice = list:getFirstSelectedItem() if choice ~= nil then local index = list:getItemIndex(choice) local quest = P.subquests[index+1] if quest ~= nil then -- If the P.showActive must be changed to display the quest the quests list also has to be regenerated. if quest:isActive(P.player) == P.showActive then P.selectQuest(questsList, quest) else P.showActive = quest:isActive(P.player) P.loadQuestsList(quest) end else orxout(orxonox.level.internal_error, "Error in QuestGUI: changeToSubquest(), quest was nil. Ignoring...") end end end -- old: --[[ function P.createQuestGUI() local questManager = orxonox.QuestManager:getInstance() local depth = 0 local index = 0 local questWindow = winMgr:createWindow("MenuWidgets/ScrollablePane", "orxonox/QuestGUI/Quests") questWindow:setSize(CEGUI.UVector2(CEGUI.UDim(1, 0),CEGUI.UDim(1, 0))) -- Iterate through all root-quests. local numRootQuests = orxonox.QuestManager:getInstance():getNumRootQuests(P.player) local i = 0 while i <= numRootQuests-1 do local quest = orxonox.QuestManager:getInstance():getRootQuest(P.player, i) index = P.createQuestNodes(questWindow, quest, depth, index) i = i+1 end return questWindow end function P.createQuestNodes(root, parent, depth, index) local number = table.getn(P.quests)+1 local name = "orxonox/QuestGUI/Quests/" .. number local node = winMgr:createWindow("MenuWidgets/TabButton", name) node:setText(orxonox.QuestManager:getInstance():getDescription(parent):getTitle()) node:setPosition(CEGUI.UVector2(CEGUI.UDim(0, P.indentWidth*depth), CEGUI.UDim(0, P.buttonHeight*index))) node:setSize(CEGUI.UVector2(CEGUI.UDim(1, -P.indentWidth*depth-P.scrollbarWidth), CEGUI.UDim(0, P.buttonHeight))) orxonox.GUIManager:subscribeEventHelper(node, "Clicked", P.name .. ".openDetails_clicked") root:addChildWindow(node) table.insert(P.quests, parent) index = index+1 -- Iterate through all sub-quests. local numQuests = orxonox.QuestManager:getInstance():getNumSubQuests(parent, P.player) local i = 0 while i <= numQuests-1 do local quest = orxonox.QuestManager:getInstance():getSubQuest(parent, P.player, i) index = P.createQuestNodes(root, quest, depth+1, index) i = i+1 end return index end function P.cleanup() winMgr:destroyWindow(P.rootWindow) for k,v in pairs(P.detailsWindows) do if v ~= nil then winMgr:destroyWindow(v) P.detailsWindows[k] = nil end end P.detailsWindows = {} P.quests = {} P.hints = {} P.player = nil winMgr:destroyWindow(P.rootWindow) P.rootWindow = nil end function P.openDetails_clicked(e) --Get some numbers from the window local we = CEGUI.toWindowEventArgs(e) local name = we.window:getName() local match = string.gmatch(name, "%d+") local questNr = tonumber(match()) name = name .. "/Details" .. P.getNewDetailNumber() quest = P.quests[questNr] local details = winMgr:createWindow("MenuWidgets/FrameWindow", name) details:setSize(CEGUI.UVector2(CEGUI.UDim(0.7, 0), CEGUI.UDim(0.7, 0))) details:setPosition(CEGUI.UVector2(CEGUI.UDim(0.1, 0), CEGUI.UDim(0.1, 0))) details:setText(orxonox.QuestManager:getInstance():getDescription(quest):getTitle()) details:setProperty("Alpha", 1.0) details:setProperty("InheritsAlpha", "setFalse") orxonox.GUIManager:subscribeEventHelper(details, "CloseClicked", P.name .. ".closeDetails_clicked") table.insert(P.detailsWindows, details) name = name .. "/Scrollable" local window = winMgr:createWindow("MenuWidgets/ScrollablePane", name) window:setSize(CEGUI.UVector2(CEGUI.UDim(1.0, -2*P.borderWidth),CEGUI.UDim(1.0, -P.titleHeight))) window:setPosition(CEGUI.UVector2(CEGUI.UDim(0, P.borderWidth), CEGUI.UDim(0, P.titleHeight))) details:addChildWindow(window) local offset = 0 local status = winMgr:createWindow("MenuWidgets/StaticText", name .. "/Status") window:addChildWindow(status) status:setProperty("HorzFormatting", "WordWrapLeftAligned") status:setProperty("VertFormatting", "TopAligned") if quest:isActive(P.player) then status:setText("This quest is active.") elseif quest:isCompleted(P.player) then status:setText("This quest was completed.") elseif quest:isFailed(P.player) then status:setText("This quest was failed.") end status:setPosition(CEGUI.UVector2(CEGUI.UDim(0, 0), CEGUI.UDim(0, offset))) status:setSize(CEGUI.UVector2(CEGUI.UDim(1.0, -P.scrollbarWidth), CEGUI.UDim(1.0, 0))) local height = getStaticTextWindowHeight(status) status:setHeight(CEGUI.UDim(0, height)) offset = offset + height local descriptionTitle = winMgr:createWindow("MenuWidgets/StaticText", name .. "/Description/Title") window:addChildWindow(descriptionTitle) descriptionTitle:setProperty("HorzFormatting", "HorzCentred") descriptionTitle:setProperty("VertFormatting", "TopAligned") descriptionTitle:setText("Description:") descriptionTitle:setPosition(CEGUI.UVector2(CEGUI.UDim(0, 0), CEGUI.UDim(0, offset))) descriptionTitle:setSize(CEGUI.UVector2(CEGUI.UDim(1.0, -P.scrollbarWidth), CEGUI.UDim(1.0, 0))) height = getStaticTextWindowHeight(descriptionTitle) descriptionTitle:setHeight(CEGUI.UDim(0, height)) offset = offset + height local description = winMgr:createWindow("MenuWidgets/StaticText", name .. "/Description") window:addChildWindow(description) description:setProperty("HorzFormatting", "WordWrapLeftAligned") description:setProperty("VertFormatting", "TopAligned") description:setText(orxonox.QuestManager:getInstance():getDescription(quest):getDescription()) description:setPosition(CEGUI.UVector2(CEGUI.UDim(0, 0), CEGUI.UDim(0, offset))) description:setSize(CEGUI.UVector2(CEGUI.UDim(1.0, -P.scrollbarWidth), CEGUI.UDim(1.0, 0))) height = getStaticTextWindowHeight(description) description:setHeight(CEGUI.UDim(0, height)) offset = offset + height -- Display the hints of this quest local numHints = orxonox.QuestManager:getInstance():getNumHints(quest, P.player) if numHints > 0 then local hintsTitle = winMgr:createWindow("MenuWidgets/StaticText", name .. "/Hints/Title") window:addChildWindow(hintsTitle) hintsTitle:setProperty("HorzFormatting", "HorzCentred") hintsTitle:setProperty("VertFormatting", "TopAligned") hintsTitle:setText("Hints:") hintsTitle:setPosition(CEGUI.UVector2(CEGUI.UDim(0, 0), CEGUI.UDim(0, offset))) hintsTitle:setSize(CEGUI.UVector2(CEGUI.UDim(1.0, -P.scrollbarWidth), CEGUI.UDim(1.0, 0))) height = getStaticTextWindowHeight(hintsTitle) hintsTitle:setHeight(CEGUI.UDim(0, height)) offset = offset + height end local i = 0 while i <= numHints-1 do local hint = orxonox.QuestManager:getInstance():getHints(quest, P.player, i) table.insert(P.hints, hint) local number = table.getn(P.hints) local node = winMgr:createWindow("MenuWidgets/TabButton", name .. "/Hints" .. number) node:setText(orxonox.QuestManager:getInstance():getDescription(hint):getTitle()) node:setPosition(CEGUI.UVector2(CEGUI.UDim(0, 0), CEGUI.UDim(0, offset))) node:setSize(CEGUI.UVector2(CEGUI.UDim(1, -P.scrollbarWidth), CEGUI.UDim(0, P.buttonHeight))) window:addChildWindow(node) offset = offset + P.buttonHeight orxonox.GUIManager:subscribeEventHelper(node, "Clicked", P.name .. ".openHintDetails_clicked") i = i+1 end local window = winMgr:getWindow("orxonox/QuestGUI/Background") window:addChildWindow(details) end function P.getNewDetailNumber() local number = table.getn(P.detailsWindows) for k,v in pairs(P.detailsWindows) do if v == nil then number = k-1 end end return number+1 end function P.closeDetails_clicked(e) local we = CEGUI.toWindowEventArgs(e) local name = we.window:getName() local match = string.gmatch(name, "%d+") match() local detailsNr = tonumber(match()) winMgr:destroyWindow(P.detailsWindows[detailsNr]) P.detailsWindows[detailsNr] = nil end function P.openHintDetails_clicked(e) --Get some numbers from the window local we = CEGUI.toWindowEventArgs(e) local name = we.window:getName() local match = string.gmatch(name, "%d+") match() match() local hintNr = tonumber(match()) name = name .. "/Details" .. P.getNewDetailNumber() hint = P.hints[hintNr] local details = winMgr:createWindow("MenuWidgets/FrameWindow", name) details:setSize(CEGUI.UVector2(CEGUI.UDim(0.7, 0), CEGUI.UDim(0.7, 0))) details:setPosition(CEGUI.UVector2(CEGUI.UDim(0.1, 0), CEGUI.UDim(0.1, 0))) details:setText(orxonox.QuestManager:getInstance():getDescription(hint):getTitle()) details:setProperty("Alpha", 1.0) details:setProperty("InheritsAlpha", "setFalse") orxonox.GUIManager:subscribeEventHelper(details, "CloseClicked", P.name .. ".closeHintDetails_clicked") table.insert(P.detailsWindows, details) name = name .. "/Scrollable" local window = winMgr:createWindow("MenuWidgets/ScrollablePane", name) window:setSize(CEGUI.UVector2(CEGUI.UDim(1.0, -2*P.borderWidth),CEGUI.UDim(1.0, -P.titleHeight))) window:setPosition(CEGUI.UVector2(CEGUI.UDim(0, P.borderWidth), CEGUI.UDim(0, P.titleHeight))) details:addChildWindow(window) local offset = 0 local descriptionTitle = winMgr:createWindow("MenuWidgets/StaticText", name .. "/Description/Title") window:addChildWindow(descriptionTitle) descriptionTitle:setProperty("HorzFormatting", "HorzCentred") descriptionTitle:setProperty("VertFormatting", "TopAligned") descriptionTitle:setText("Description:") descriptionTitle:setPosition(CEGUI.UVector2(CEGUI.UDim(0, 0), CEGUI.UDim(0, offset))) descriptionTitle:setSize(CEGUI.UVector2(CEGUI.UDim(1.0, -P.scrollbarWidth), CEGUI.UDim(1.0, 0))) height = getStaticTextWindowHeight(descriptionTitle) descriptionTitle:setHeight(CEGUI.UDim(0, height)) offset = offset + height local description = winMgr:createWindow("MenuWidgets/StaticText", name .. "/Description") window:addChildWindow(description) description:setProperty("HorzFormatting", "WordWrapLeftAligned") description:setProperty("VertFormatting", "TopAligned") description:setText(orxonox.QuestManager:getInstance():getDescription(hint):getDescription()) description:setPosition(CEGUI.UVector2(CEGUI.UDim(0, 0), CEGUI.UDim(0, offset))) description:setSize(CEGUI.UVector2(CEGUI.UDim(1.0, -P.scrollbarWidth), CEGUI.UDim(1.0, 0))) height = getStaticTextWindowHeight(description) description:setHeight(CEGUI.UDim(0, height)) local window = winMgr:getWindow("orxonox/QuestGUI/Background") window:addChildWindow(details) end function P.closeHintDetails_clicked(e) local we = CEGUI.toWindowEventArgs(e) local name = we.window:getName() local match = string.gmatch(name, "%d+") match() match() match() local detailsNr = tonumber(match()) winMgr:destroyWindow(P.detailsWindows[detailsNr]) P.detailsWindows[detailsNr] = nil end --]] return P