= "ode" if (options["target"] == "vs6") then error("Visual Studio 6 is no longer supported; please upgrade to Visual Studio 2005 C++ Express.") end -- Define the build configurations. You can also use the flags -- `--enable-shared-only` and `--enable-static-only` if you want to -- call these packages from within your own Premake-enabled project. if (not options["enable-shared-only"] and not options["enable-static-only"]) then project.configs = { "DebugDLL", "ReleaseDLL", "DebugLib", "ReleaseLib" } end -- Project options addoption("with-doubles", "Use double instead of float as base numeric type") addoption("with-demos", "Builds the demo applications and DrawStuff library") addoption("with-tests", "Builds the unit test application") addoption("with-gimpact", "Use GIMPACT for trimesh collisions (experimental)") addoption("no-dif", "Exclude DIF (Dynamics Interchange Format) exports") addoption("no-trimesh", "Exclude trimesh collision geometry") addoption("no-alloca", "Use heap memory instead of the stack (experimental)") -- If the `--usetargetpath` flag is specified, each set of generated files -- be placed in a directory named for the target toolset. This flag is -- used by the `--makeall` command (see below). if (options["usetargetpath"]) then project.path = options["target"] end -- Set the output directories if (options["enable-shared-only"] or options["enable-static-only"]) then project.config["Debug"].bindir = "../lib/debug" project.config["Debug"].libdir = "../lib/debug" project.config["Release"].bindir = "../lib/release" project.config["Release"].bindir = "../lib/release" else project.config["DebugDLL"].bindir = "../lib/DebugDLL" project.config["DebugDLL"].libdir = "../lib/DebugDLL" project.config["ReleaseDLL"].bindir = "../lib/ReleaseDLL" project.config["ReleaseDLL"].libdir = "../lib/ReleaseDLL" project.config["DebugLib"].bindir = "../lib/DebugLib" project.config["DebugLib"].libdir = "../lib/DebugLib" project.config["ReleaseLib"].bindir = "../lib/ReleaseLib" project.config["ReleaseLib"].libdir = "../lib/ReleaseLib" end -- Build packages dopackage("ode.lua") if (options["with-demos"]) then dopackage("drawstuff.lua") dopackage("demos.lua") end if (options["with-tests"]) then dopackage("tests.lua") end -- Remove all intermediate files function doclean(cmd, arg) docommand(cmd, arg) if (options["target"] == "") then os.remove("../include/ode/config.h") end os.rmdir("custom") os.rmdir("../lib/debug") os.rmdir("../lib/release") os.rmdir("../lib/DebugDLL") os.rmdir("../lib/DebugLib") os.rmdir("../lib/ReleaseDLL") os.rmdir("../lib/ReleaseLib") os.rmdir("gnu/obj") os.rmdir("vs2002/obj") os.rmdir("vs2003/obj") os.rmdir("vs2005/obj") end -- Generate all toolsets in one go function domakeall(cmd, arg) os.execute("premake --usetargetpath --with-demos --with-tests --clean --target vs2002") os.execute("premake --usetargetpath --with-demos --with-tests --clean --target vs2003") os.execute("premake --usetargetpath --with-demos --with-tests --clean --target vs2005") os.execute("premake --usetargetpath --with-demos --with-tests --clean --target gnu") end