# # ORXONOX - the hottest 3D action shooter ever to exist # > www.orxonox.net < # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # # Author: # Reto Grieder # Description: # Finds Lua 5.1 on the system. # Handles REQUIRED and QUIET arguments. # When the search was successful, the following variables are set: # LUA5.1_INCLUDE_DIR, LUA5.1_LIBRARY, LUA5.1_VERSION, LUA5.1_FOUND # INCLUDE(CompareVersionStrings) INCLUDE(FindPackageHandleAdvancedArgs) INCLUDE(HandleLibraryTypes) # Macro that determines Lua version. Should work for versions 2.2 and above (current release: 5.1.4) FUNCTION(DETERMINE_LUA_VERSION _file _varname) IF(EXISTS ${_file}) FILE(STRINGS ${_file} _file_content REGEX "LUA_VERSION|LUA_RELEASE") ELSE() SET(${_varname} "0" PARENT_SCOPE) RETURN() ENDIF() STRING(REGEX REPLACE "^.*LUA_RELEASE[ \t]+\"Lua[ \t]+([.0-9]+)\".*$" "\\1" ${_varname} "${_file_content}") IF(${_varname} STREQUAL "${_file_content}") # At most version 5.1.0 STRING(REGEX REPLACE "^.*LUA_VERSION[ \t]+\"Lua[ \t]+([.0-9]+)\".*$" "\\1" ${_varname} "${_file_content}") IF(${_varname} STREQUAL "${_file_content}") MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Could not determine Lua version which means this script has a bug") ENDIF() IF(${_varname} MATCHES "^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+$") SET(${_varname} "${${_varname}}.0") # E.g. "3.2" is "3.2.0" actually ENDIF() ENDIF() SET(${_varname} "${${_varname}}" PARENT_SCOPE) ENDFUNCTION(DETERMINE_LUA_VERSION) # Find include path FIND_PATH(LUA5.1_INCLUDE_DIR lua.h PATHS $ENV{LUA_DIR} PATH_SUFFIXES include/lua51 include/lua5.1 include/lua include ) # Check whether we really found Lua version 5.1 IF(LUA5.1_INCLUDE_DIR) DETERMINE_LUA_VERSION(${LUA5.1_INCLUDE_DIR}/lua.h LUA5.1_VERSION) COMPARE_VERSION_STRINGS("${LUA5.1_VERSION}" "5.1" _version_compare TRUE) IF(NOT _version_compare EQUAL 0) # Wrong version SET(LUA5.1_INCLUDE_DIR "LUA5.1_INCLUDE_DIR-NOTFOUND" CACHE PATH "" FORCE) ENDIF(NOT _version_compare EQUAL 0) ENDIF(LUA5.1_INCLUDE_DIR) # Find library FIND_LIBRARY(LUA5.1_LIBRARY_OPTIMIZED NAMES lua51 lua5.1 lua PATHS $ENV{LUA5.1_DIR} $ENV{LUA_DIR} PATH_SUFFIXES lib64 lib ) FIND_LIBRARY(LUA5.1_LIBRARY_DEBUG NAMES lua51d lua51_d lua5.1d lua5.1_d lua51D lua51_D lua5.1D lua5.1_D luad lua_d luad lua_D PATHS $ENV{LUA5.1_DIR} $ENV{LUA_DIR} PATH_SUFFIXES lib64 lib ) # Handle the REQUIRED argument and set LUA5.1_FOUND FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_ADVANCED_ARGS(Lua5.1 DEFAULT_MSG LUA5.1_LIBRARY LUA5.1_INCLUDE_DIR ) # Collect optimized and debug libraries HANDLE_LIBRARY_TYPES(LUA5.1) MARK_AS_ADVANCED( LUA5.1_INCLUDE_DIR LUA5.1_LIBRARY_OPTIMIZED LUA5.1_LIBRARY_DEBUG )