/* * ORXONOX - the hottest 3D action shooter ever to exist * * * License notice: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Author: * Yuning Chai * Co-authors: * ... * */ #include "RadarOverlayElement.h" namespace orxonox { //ConsoleCommand(RadarOverlayElement, cycleFocus, AccessLevel::User, true); using namespace Ogre; RadarOverlayElement* RadarOverlayElement::instance_s = NULL; RadarOverlayElement::RadarOverlayElement(const String& name):Ogre::PanelOverlayElement(name){ RadarOverlayElement::instance_s = this; } RadarOverlayElement::~RadarOverlayElement(){ } void RadarOverlayElement::init(Real leftRel, Real topRel, Real dimRel, Ogre::OverlayContainer* container){ // some initial data om = &Ogre::OverlayManager::getSingleton(); dimRel_ = dimRel; leftRel_ = leftRel; topRel_ = topRel; container_ = container; firstRadarObject_ = NULL; lastRadarObject_ = NULL; focus_ = NULL; // create nav marker ... navMarker_ = static_cast(om->createOverlayElement("Panel", "NavMarker")); navMarker_->setMetricsMode(Ogre::GMM_PIXELS); navMarker_->setMaterialName("Orxonox/NavMarker"); navMarker_->setDimensions(16,16); navMarker_->setPosition(0,386); navMarker_->hide(); container_->addChild(navMarker_); // these have to fit the data in the level shipPos_ = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); initialDir_ = Vector3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); currentDir_ = initialDir_; initialOrth_ = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); currentOrth_ = initialOrth_; plane = Plane(currentDir_, shipPos_); setMetricsMode(Ogre::GMM_PIXELS); setMaterialName("Orxonox/Radar"); resize(); container_->addChild(this); } void RadarOverlayElement::resize() { // if window is resized, we must adapt these... windowW_ = GraphicsEngine::getSingleton().getWindowWidth(); windowH_ = GraphicsEngine::getSingleton().getWindowHeight(); dim_ = (int) (dimRel_*windowH_); left_ = (int) (leftRel_*windowW_-dim_/2); top_ = (int) (topRel_*windowH_-dim_/2); setPosition(left_, top_); setDimensions(dim_,dim_); } void RadarOverlayElement::update() { shipPos_ = SpaceShip::instance_s->getPosition(); currentDir_ = SpaceShip::instance_s->getOrientation()*initialDir_; // according to beni.... currentOrth_ = SpaceShip::instance_s->getOrientation()*initialOrth_; plane = Plane(currentDir_, shipPos_); RadarObject* ro = firstRadarObject_; // iterate through all RadarObjects while(ro != NULL){ // calc position on radar... ro->radius_ = calcRadius(ro); ro->phi_ = calcPhi(ro); ro->right_ = calcRight(ro); // set size to fit distance... float d = (ro->pos_-shipPos_).length(); if(d<4000) ro->panel_->setDimensions(4,4); else if(d<8000) ro->panel_->setDimensions(3,3); else if(d<16000) ro->panel_->setDimensions(2,2); else ro->panel_->setDimensions(1,1); if (ro->right_){ ro->panel_->setPosition(sin(ro->phi_)*ro->radius_/ 3.5*dim_/2+dim_/2+left_-2,-cos(ro->phi_)*ro->radius_/3.5*dim_/2+dim_/2+top_-2); } else { ro->panel_->setPosition(-sin(ro->phi_)*ro->radius_/ 3.5*dim_/2+dim_/2+left_-2,-cos(ro->phi_)*ro->radius_/3.5*dim_/2+dim_/2+top_-2); } ro = ro->next; } updateNavMarker(); } void RadarOverlayElement::updateNavMarker(){ if(focus_ == NULL) return; // from the angle we find out where to draw the marker // and which of the four arrows to take float r1 = 0.97;//atan(windowW_/windowH_); // doesn't work correctly yet float phi = focus_->phi_; if(focus_->right_){ if(phisetPosition(tan(phi)*windowH_/2+windowW_/2, 0); navMarker_->setUV(0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5); } else if(phi>3.14-r1){ navMarker_->setPosition(-tan(phi)*windowH_/2+windowW_/2, windowH_-16); navMarker_->setUV(0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0); } else { navMarker_->setPosition(windowW_-16, -tan((3.14-2*phi)/2)*windowW_/2+windowH_/2); navMarker_->setUV(0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0); } } else{ if(phisetPosition(-tan(phi)*windowH_/2+windowW_/2, 0); navMarker_->setUV(0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5); } else if(phi>3.14-r1) { navMarker_->setPosition(tan(phi)*windowH_/2+windowW_/2, windowH_-16); navMarker_->setUV(0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0); } else { navMarker_->setPosition(0, -tan((3.14-2*phi)/2)*windowW_/2+windowH_/2); navMarker_->setUV(0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5); } } } void RadarOverlayElement::addObject(Vector3 pos){ if(firstRadarObject_ == NULL){ firstRadarObject_ = new RadarObject(container_, pos); lastRadarObject_ = firstRadarObject_; } else{ lastRadarObject_->next = new RadarObject(container_, pos); lastRadarObject_ = lastRadarObject_->next; } } void RadarOverlayElement::listObjects(){ int i = 0; RadarObject* ro = firstRadarObject_; COUT(3) << "List of RadarObjects:\n"; // iterate through all Radar Objects while(ro != NULL) { COUT(3) << i++ << ": " << ro->pos_ << std::endl; ro = ro->next; } } float RadarOverlayElement::calcRadius(RadarObject* obj){ return(acos((currentDir_.dotProduct(obj->pos_ - shipPos_))/ ((obj->pos_ - shipPos_).length()*currentDir_.length()))); } float RadarOverlayElement::calcPhi(RadarObject* obj){ // project difference vector on our plane... Ogre::Vector3 proj = plane.projectVector(obj->pos_ - shipPos_); // ...and find out the angle return(acos((currentOrth_.dotProduct(proj))/ (currentOrth_.length()*proj.length()))); } bool RadarOverlayElement::calcRight(RadarObject* obj){ if((currentDir_.crossProduct(currentOrth_)).dotProduct(obj->pos_ - shipPos_) > 0) return true; else return false; } /*static*/void RadarOverlayElement::cycleFocus(){ if(RadarOverlayElement::instance_s == NULL) return; if(RadarOverlayElement::instance_s->focus_ == NULL){ RadarOverlayElement::instance_s->focus_ = RadarOverlayElement::instance_s->firstRadarObject_; } else{ RadarOverlayElement::instance_s->focus_->panel_->setMaterialName("Orxonox/RedDot"); RadarOverlayElement::instance_s->focus_ = RadarOverlayElement::instance_s->focus_->next; } if(RadarOverlayElement::instance_s->focus_ == NULL){ RadarOverlayElement::instance_s->navMarker_->hide(); } else{ RadarOverlayElement::instance_s->navMarker_->show(); RadarOverlayElement::instance_s->focus_->panel_->setMaterialName("Orxonox/WhiteDot"); } } } /* my local clipboard... COUT(3) << "WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW\n"; COUT(3) << firstRadarObject_->radius_ << " " << firstRadarObject_->phi_ << std::endl; COUT(3) << "WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW\n"; */