/* * ORXONOX - the hottest 3D action shooter ever to exist * > www.orxonox.net < * * * License notice: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Author: * Reto Grieder * Co-authors: * ... * */ #include "OrxonoxStableHeaders.h" #include "GSGraphics.h" #include #include #include #include #include "core/ConsoleCommand.h" #include "core/ConfigValueIncludes.h" #include "core/input/InputManager.h" #include "core/TclThreadManager.h" //#include "core/Core.h" #include "overlays/console/InGameConsole.h" #include "gui/GUIManager.h" #include "GraphicsEngine.h" namespace orxonox { GSGraphics::GSGraphics() : GameState("graphics") , timer_(0) , debugRefreshTime_(0.0f) , inputManager_(0) , console_(0) , guiManager_(0) { } GSGraphics::~GSGraphics() { } void GSGraphics::setConfigValues() { SetConfigValue(debugRefreshTime_, 0.2).description("Sets the time interval at which average fps, etc. get updated."); } void GSGraphics::enter() { this->graphicsEngine_ = GraphicsEngine::getInstancePtr(); graphicsEngine_->loadRenderer(); // creates the render window // TODO: Spread this so that this call only initialises things needed for the Console and GUI graphicsEngine_->initialiseResources(); // Calls the InputManager which sets up the input devices. // The render window width and height are used to set up the mouse movement. inputManager_ = new InputManager(); inputManager_->initialise(graphicsEngine_->getWindowHandle(), graphicsEngine_->getWindowWidth(), graphicsEngine_->getWindowHeight(), true); // Load the InGameConsole console_ = new InGameConsole(); console_->initialise(); // load the CEGUI interface guiManager_ = new GUIManager(); guiManager_->initialise(); // use the ogre timer class to measure time. timer_ = new Ogre::Timer(); } void GSGraphics::leave() { delete this->timer_; delete this->guiManager_; delete this->console_; delete this->inputManager_; // TODO: destroy render window } /** Main loop of the orxonox game. We use the Ogre::Timer to measure time since it uses the most precise method an a platform (however the windows timer lacks time when under heavy kernel load!). There is a simple mechanism to measure the average time spent in our ticks as it may indicate performance issues. A note about the Ogre::FrameListener: Even though we don't use them, they still get called. However, the delta times are not correct (except for timeSinceLastFrame, which is the most important). A little research as shown that there is probably only one FrameListener that doesn't even need the time. So we shouldn't run into problems. */ void GSGraphics::ticked(float dt) { // note: paramter 'dt' is of no meaning Ogre::Root& ogreRoot = Ogre::Root::getSingleton(); unsigned long frameCount = 0; const unsigned long refreshTime = (unsigned long)(debugRefreshTime_ * 1000000.0f); unsigned long refreshStartTime = 0; unsigned long tickTime = 0; unsigned long oldFrameCount = 0; unsigned long timeBeforeTick = 0; unsigned long timeBeforeTickOld = 0; unsigned long timeAfterTick = 0; // TODO: Update time in seconds every 7 seconds to avoid any overflow (7 secs is very tight) COUT(3) << "Orxonox: Starting the main loop." << std::endl; try { timer_->reset(); while (!this->hasScheduledTransition()) { // get current time timeBeforeTickOld = timeBeforeTick; timeBeforeTick = timer_->getMicroseconds(); float dt = (timeBeforeTick - timeBeforeTickOld) / 1000000.0; this->inputManager_->tick(dt); TclThreadManager::getInstance().tick(dt); this->tickChild(dt); // tick console this->console_->tick(dt); // get current time once again timeAfterTick = timer_->getMicroseconds(); tickTime += timeAfterTick - timeBeforeTick; if (timeAfterTick > refreshStartTime + refreshTime) { GraphicsEngine::getInstance().setAverageTickTime( (float)tickTime * 0.001 / (frameCount - oldFrameCount)); float avgFPS = (float)(frameCount - oldFrameCount) / (timeAfterTick - refreshStartTime) * 1000000.0; GraphicsEngine::getInstance().setAverageFramesPerSecond(avgFPS); oldFrameCount = frameCount; tickTime = 0; refreshStartTime = timeAfterTick; } // don't forget to call _fireFrameStarted in ogre to make sure // everything goes smoothly Ogre::FrameEvent evt; evt.timeSinceLastFrame = dt; evt.timeSinceLastEvent = dt; // note: same time, but shouldn't matter anyway ogreRoot._fireFrameStarted(evt); // Pump messages in all registered RenderWindows // This calls the WindowEventListener objects. Ogre::WindowEventUtilities::messagePump(); // make sure the window stays active even when not focused // (probably only necessary on windows) GraphicsEngine::getInstance().setWindowActivity(true); // render ogreRoot._updateAllRenderTargets(); // again, just to be sure ogre works fine ogreRoot._fireFrameEnded(evt); // note: uses the same time as _fireFrameStarted ++frameCount; } } catch (std::exception& ex) { // something went wrong. COUT(1) << ex.what() << std::endl; COUT(1) << "Main loop was stopped by an unhandled exception. Shutting down." << std::endl; } } }