-- BasicGUI.lua local P = {} _G[_REQUIREDNAME or "BasicGUI"] = P -- useless, even wrong? P is the class, not the object.. P.overlay = nil -- constructor of the GUI function P:new(_filename, _gui, _visible) local newElement = { filename = _filename, gui = _gui, visible = _visible or false } or {} setmetatable(newElement, self) -- connects new element with class self.__index = self return newElement end -- Override this function if you need to function P:init() end -- Override this function if you want to change one of the three input parameters: -- showCursor = true, useKeyboard = true and blockJoyStick = false -- But don't forget to stick to the naming convention ("GUI_" .. self.filename) function P:createInputState() self.inputState = guiMgr:createInputState("GUI_" .. self.filename) end -- hide function for the GUI function P:hide() self.window:hide() self.visible = false end -- show function for the GUI function P:show() self.window:show() self.visible = true end function P:load() self.window = winMgr:loadWindowLayout(self.filename .. ".layout") self:createInputState() self:init() return self end return P