/* * ORXONOX - the hottest 3D action shooter ever to exist * > www.orxonox.net < * * * License notice: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Author: * Fabian 'x3n' Landau * Co-authors: * ... * */ #include "Pawn.h" #include #include "core/CoreIncludes.h" #include "core/GameMode.h" #include "core/XMLPort.h" #include "network/NetworkFunction.h" #include "PawnManager.h" #include "infos/PlayerInfo.h" #include "controllers/Controller.h" #include "gametypes/Gametype.h" #include "graphics/ParticleSpawner.h" #include "worldentities/ExplosionChunk.h" #include "worldentities/BigExplosion.h" #include "weaponsystem/WeaponSystem.h" #include "weaponsystem/WeaponSlot.h" #include "weaponsystem/WeaponPack.h" #include "weaponsystem/WeaponSet.h" namespace orxonox { CreateFactory(Pawn); Pawn::Pawn(BaseObject* creator) : ControllableEntity(creator) , RadarViewable(creator, static_cast(this)) { RegisterObject(Pawn); PawnManager::touch(); this->bAlive_ = true; this->bReload_ = false; this->health_ = 0; this->maxHealth_ = 0; this->initialHealth_ = 0; this->shieldHealth_ = 0; this->shieldAbsorption_ = 0.5; ////////////////////////me this->reloadRate_ = 0; this->reloadWaitTime_ = 1.0f; this->reloadWaitCountdown_ = 0; this->maxShieldHealth_ = 0; ////////////////////////end me this->lastHitOriginator_ = 0; this->spawnparticleduration_ = 3.0f; this->aimPosition_ = Vector3::ZERO; if (GameMode::isMaster()) { this->weaponSystem_ = new WeaponSystem(this); this->weaponSystem_->setPawn(this); } else this->weaponSystem_ = 0; this->setRadarObjectColour(ColourValue::Red); this->setRadarObjectShape(RadarViewable::Dot); this->registerVariables(); this->isHumanShip_ = this->hasLocalController(); } Pawn::~Pawn() { if (this->isInitialized()) { if (this->weaponSystem_) this->weaponSystem_->destroy(); } } void Pawn::XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode) { SUPER(Pawn, XMLPort, xmlelement, mode); XMLPortParam(Pawn, "health", setHealth, getHealth, xmlelement, mode).defaultValues(100); XMLPortParam(Pawn, "maxhealth", setMaxHealth, getMaxHealth, xmlelement, mode).defaultValues(200); XMLPortParam(Pawn, "initialhealth", setInitialHealth, getInitialHealth, xmlelement, mode).defaultValues(100); XMLPortParam(Pawn, "shieldhealth", setShieldHealth, getShieldHealth, xmlelement, mode).defaultValues(0); XMLPortParam(Pawn, "shieldabsorption", setShieldAbsorption, getShieldAbsorption, xmlelement, mode).defaultValues(0); XMLPortParam(Pawn, "spawnparticlesource", setSpawnParticleSource, getSpawnParticleSource, xmlelement, mode); XMLPortParam(Pawn, "spawnparticleduration", setSpawnParticleDuration, getSpawnParticleDuration, xmlelement, mode).defaultValues(3.0f); XMLPortParam(Pawn, "explosionchunks", setExplosionChunks, getExplosionChunks, xmlelement, mode).defaultValues(7); XMLPortObject(Pawn, WeaponSlot, "weaponslots", addWeaponSlot, getWeaponSlot, xmlelement, mode); XMLPortObject(Pawn, WeaponSet, "weaponsets", addWeaponSet, getWeaponSet, xmlelement, mode); XMLPortObject(Pawn, WeaponPack, "weapons", addWeaponPackXML, getWeaponPack, xmlelement, mode); /////// me XMLPortParam(Pawn, "reloadrate", setReloadRate, getReloadRate, xmlelement, mode).defaultValues(0); XMLPortParam(Pawn, "reloadwaittime", setReloadWaitTime, getReloadWaitTime, xmlelement, mode).defaultValues(1.0f); XMLPortParam(Pawn, "maxshieldhealth", setMaxShieldHealth, getMaxShieldHealth, xmlelement, mode).defaultValues(100); XMLPortParam(Pawn, "initialshieldhealth", setInitialShieldHealth, getInitialShieldHealth, xmlelement, mode).defaultValues(0); /////// end me //TODO: DEFINES fuer defaultwerte (hier und weiter oben dieselben) } void Pawn::registerVariables() { registerVariable(this->bAlive_, VariableDirection::ToClient); registerVariable(this->health_, VariableDirection::ToClient); registerVariable(this->initialHealth_, VariableDirection::ToClient); registerVariable(this->shieldHealth_, VariableDirection::ToClient); registerVariable(this->shieldAbsorption_, VariableDirection::ToClient); registerVariable(this->bReload_, VariableDirection::ToServer); registerVariable(this->aimPosition_, VariableDirection::ToServer); // For the moment this variable gets only transfered to the server } void Pawn::tick(float dt) { SUPER(Pawn, tick, dt); this->bReload_ = false; ////////me if(this->reloadWaitCountdown_ > 0) { this->decreaseReloadCountdownTime(dt); } else { this->addShieldHealth(this->getReloadRate() * dt); this->resetReloadCountdown(); } ////////end me if (GameMode::isMaster()) if (this->health_ <= 0 && bAlive_) { this->fireEvent(); // Event to notify anyone who wants to know about the death. this->death(); } } void Pawn::preDestroy() { // yay, multiple inheritance! this->ControllableEntity::preDestroy(); this->PickupCarrier::preDestroy(); } void Pawn::setPlayer(PlayerInfo* player) { ControllableEntity::setPlayer(player); if (this->getGametype()) this->getGametype()->playerStartsControllingPawn(player, this); } void Pawn::removePlayer() { if (this->getGametype()) this->getGametype()->playerStopsControllingPawn(this->getPlayer(), this); ControllableEntity::removePlayer(); } //////////////////me void Pawn::setReloadRate(float reloadrate) { this->reloadRate_ = reloadrate; COUT(2) << "RELOAD RATE SET TO " << this->reloadRate_ << endl; } void Pawn::setReloadWaitTime(float reloadwaittime) { this->reloadWaitTime_ = reloadwaittime; COUT(2) << "RELOAD WAIT TIME SET TO " << this->reloadWaitTime_ << endl; } void Pawn::decreaseReloadCountdownTime(float dt) { this->reloadWaitCountdown_ -= dt; } void Pawn::setMaxShieldHealth(float maxshieldhealth) { this->maxShieldHealth_ = maxshieldhealth; } void Pawn::setShieldHealth(float shieldHealth) { this->shieldHealth_ = std::min(shieldHealth, this->maxShieldHealth_); } ///////////////end me void Pawn::setHealth(float health) { this->health_ = std::min(health, this->maxHealth_); //Health can't be set to a value bigger than maxHealth, otherwise it will be reduced at first hit } //////////////////me edit void Pawn::damage(float damage, Pawn* originator) { if (this->getGametype() && this->getGametype()->allowPawnDamage(this, originator)) { //share the dealt damage to the shield and the Pawn. float shielddamage = damage*this->shieldAbsorption_; float healthdamage = damage*(1-this->shieldAbsorption_); // In case the shield can not take all the shield damage. if (shielddamage > this->getShieldHealth()) { healthdamage += shielddamage-this->getShieldHealth(); this->setShieldHealth(0); COUT(3) << "### SHIELD KAPUTT ###" << endl; } else { COUT(3) << "## SHIELD : " << this->getShieldHealth() << endl; } this->setHealth(this->health_ - healthdamage); if (this->getShieldHealth() > 0) { this->setShieldHealth(this->shieldHealth_ - shielddamage); } this->lastHitOriginator_ = originator; // play damage effect } } ////////////////////end edit /////////////////////me override void Pawn::damage(float damage, float healthdamage, float shielddamage, Pawn* originator) { if (this->getGametype() && this->getGametype()->allowPawnDamage(this, originator)) { if (shielddamage >= this->getShieldHealth()) { this->setShieldHealth(0); this->setHealth(this->health_ - (healthdamage + damage)); } else { this->setShieldHealth(this->shieldHealth_ - shielddamage); // remove remaining shieldAbsorpton-Part of damage from shield shielddamage = damage * this->shieldAbsorption_; shielddamage = std::min(this->getShieldHealth(),shielddamage); this->setShieldHealth(this->shieldHealth_ - shielddamage); // set remaining damage to health this->setHealth(this->health_ - (damage - shielddamage) - healthdamage); } this->lastHitOriginator_ = originator; // play damage effect } COUT(3) << "neue damage-Funktion wurde aufgerufen // " << "Shield:" << this->getShieldHealth() << endl; } /////////////end me /* HIT-Funktionen Die hit-Funktionen muessen auch in src/orxonox/controllers/Controller.h angepasst werden! */ void Pawn::hit(Pawn* originator, const Vector3& force, float damage) { if (this->getGametype() && this->getGametype()->allowPawnHit(this, originator) && (!this->getController() || !this->getController()->getGodMode()) ) { this->damage(damage, originator); this->setVelocity(this->getVelocity() + force); // play hit effect } } /////////////me override void Pawn::hit(Pawn* originator, const Vector3& force, float damage, float healthdamage, float shielddamage) { COUT(3) << "neue hit-Funktion wurde aufgerufen // " << std::flush; if (this->getGametype() && this->getGametype()->allowPawnHit(this, originator) && (!this->getController() || !this->getController()->getGodMode()) ) { this->damage(damage, healthdamage, shielddamage, originator); this->setVelocity(this->getVelocity() + force); // play hit effect } } /////////////end me void Pawn::hit(Pawn* originator, btManifoldPoint& contactpoint, float damage) { if (this->getGametype() && this->getGametype()->allowPawnHit(this, originator) && (!this->getController() || !this->getController()->getGodMode()) ) { this->damage(damage, originator); if ( this->getController() ) this->getController()->hit(originator, contactpoint, damage); // play hit effect } } /////////////me override void Pawn::hit(Pawn* originator, btManifoldPoint& contactpoint, float damage, float healthdamage, float shielddamage) { COUT(3) << "neue hit2-Funktion wurde aufgerufen // shielddamage: " << shielddamage << std::flush; if (this->getGametype() && this->getGametype()->allowPawnHit(this, originator) && (!this->getController() || !this->getController()->getGodMode()) ) { this->damage(damage, healthdamage, shielddamage, originator); if ( this->getController() ) this->getController()->hit(originator, contactpoint, shielddamage); // play hit effect } } /////////////end me void Pawn::kill() { this->damage(this->health_); this->death(); } void Pawn::spawneffect() { // play spawn effect if (!this->spawnparticlesource_.empty()) { ParticleSpawner* effect = new ParticleSpawner(this->getCreator()); effect->setPosition(this->getPosition()); effect->setOrientation(this->getOrientation()); effect->setDestroyAfterLife(true); effect->setSource(this->spawnparticlesource_); effect->setLifetime(this->spawnparticleduration_); } } void Pawn::death() { this->setHealth(1); if (this->getGametype() && this->getGametype()->allowPawnDeath(this, this->lastHitOriginator_)) { // Set bAlive_ to false and wait for PawnManager to do the destruction this->bAlive_ = false; this->setDestroyWhenPlayerLeft(false); if (this->getGametype()) this->getGametype()->pawnKilled(this, this->lastHitOriginator_); if (this->getPlayer() && this->getPlayer()->getControllableEntity() == this) this->getPlayer()->stopControl(); if (GameMode::isMaster()) { // this->deathEffect(); this->goWithStyle(); } } } void Pawn::goWithStyle() { this->bAlive_ = false; this->setDestroyWhenPlayerLeft(false); BigExplosion* chunk = new BigExplosion(this->getCreator()); chunk->setPosition(this->getPosition()); } void Pawn::deatheffect() { // play death effect { ParticleSpawner* effect = new ParticleSpawner(this->getCreator()); effect->setPosition(this->getPosition()); effect->setOrientation(this->getOrientation()); effect->setDestroyAfterLife(true); effect->setSource("Orxonox/explosion2b"); effect->setLifetime(4.0f); } { ParticleSpawner* effect = new ParticleSpawner(this->getCreator()); effect->setPosition(this->getPosition()); effect->setOrientation(this->getOrientation()); effect->setDestroyAfterLife(true); effect->setSource("Orxonox/smoke6"); effect->setLifetime(4.0f); } { ParticleSpawner* effect = new ParticleSpawner(this->getCreator()); effect->setPosition(this->getPosition()); effect->setOrientation(this->getOrientation()); effect->setDestroyAfterLife(true); effect->setSource("Orxonox/sparks"); effect->setLifetime(4.0f); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->numexplosionchunks_; ++i) { ExplosionChunk* chunk = new ExplosionChunk(this->getCreator()); chunk->setPosition(this->getPosition()); } } void Pawn::fired(unsigned int firemode) { if (this->weaponSystem_) this->weaponSystem_->fire(firemode); } void Pawn::reload() { this->bReload_ = true; } void Pawn::postSpawn() { this->setHealth(this->initialHealth_); if (GameMode::isMaster()) this->spawneffect(); } /* WeaponSystem: * functions load Slot, Set, Pack from XML and make sure all parent-pointers are set. * with setWeaponPack you can not just load a Pack from XML but if a Pack already exists anywhere, you can attach it. * --> e.g. Pickup-Items */ void Pawn::addWeaponSlot(WeaponSlot * wSlot) { this->attach(wSlot); if (this->weaponSystem_) this->weaponSystem_->addWeaponSlot(wSlot); } WeaponSlot * Pawn::getWeaponSlot(unsigned int index) const { if (this->weaponSystem_) return this->weaponSystem_->getWeaponSlot(index); else return 0; } void Pawn::addWeaponSet(WeaponSet * wSet) { if (this->weaponSystem_) this->weaponSystem_->addWeaponSet(wSet); } WeaponSet * Pawn::getWeaponSet(unsigned int index) const { if (this->weaponSystem_) return this->weaponSystem_->getWeaponSet(index); else return 0; } void Pawn::addWeaponPack(WeaponPack * wPack) { if (this->weaponSystem_) { this->weaponSystem_->addWeaponPack(wPack); this->addedWeaponPack(wPack); } } void Pawn::addWeaponPackXML(WeaponPack * wPack) { if (this->weaponSystem_) { if (!this->weaponSystem_->addWeaponPack(wPack)) wPack->destroy(); else this->addedWeaponPack(wPack); } } WeaponPack * Pawn::getWeaponPack(unsigned int index) const { if (this->weaponSystem_) return this->weaponSystem_->getWeaponPack(index); else return 0; } //Tell the Map (RadarViewable), if this is a playership void Pawn::startLocalHumanControl() { // SUPER(ControllableEntity, changedPlayer()); ControllableEntity::startLocalHumanControl(); this->isHumanShip_ = true; } }