# fortunebot.tcl -- # # Demo bot using the irc TCL client library. This is a VERY simple bot that # demonstrates some simple uses of the irc TCL library. # # The bot sits on any number of channels and networks. It periodically grabs # a fortune from a web site and sends the fortune with appropriate delays # between each line to all channels on all networks it is on. # Example use in Tcl: # # % source fortunebot.tcl # % set token [irc::connect ....] # % fortune::join $token #mychannel # % fortune::start 120 # # What this does: # * Loads the bot, which in turn will load the IRC library and HTTP. # * Connect to IRC # * Send the bot to join #mychannel # * Start the bot, with 120 seconds delay. Now it'll do its actions every # 120 seconds. # # To stop the bot: # # % fortune::stop # # Make him leave a channel: # # % fortune::leave $token #mychannel package require irk package require http namespace eval fortune { variable state array set state { linedelay 2000 fortuneurl http://www.earth.com/fortune } } # Bot control: proc ::fortune::start {{delay 60}} { variable state # Compute the delay in milliseconds: set state(delay) [expr $delay * 1000] # Schedule the bot to run each $delay milliseconds: set state(after) [after $state(delay) [list ::fortune::doquote]] } proc ::fortune::stop {} { variable state # Stop the bot if its running: if {[info exists state(after)]} { after cancel $state(after) unset state(after) } } # This is the actual body of the bot: # # Grab a quote from a web page and post it to all channels we're on: proc ::fortune::doquote {} { variable state # Grab the quote. The command callback does all the work: http::geturl $state(fortuneurl) -command ::fortune::httpdone # Finally reschedule ourselves, after events are one-shots set state(after) [after $state(delay) [list ::fortune::doquote]] } proc ::fortune::httpdone {http} { variable state upvar #0 $http response # Scrape the fortune off of the page: set fortune [grabfortune $response(body)] # Discard the HTTP array: unset response # Check if the quote is too long. If it is then punt. if {[llength $fortune] > 3} { return } # Say this quote on all channels on all connections we're on: foreach conn [irk::connections] { tell $fortune $conn } } # This procedure scrapes the quote off of an HTML page: proc ::fortune::grabfortune {body} { set body [split $body "\n"] set beg [lsearch $body
    set end [lsearch $body 
] return [lrange $body [expr $beg+1] [expr $end-1]] } # This procedure sends the quote to all channels we want the bot to be on: proc ::fortune::tell {fort conn} { variable state # Send the fortune to each channel we're on: foreach chan [irk::onchannels $conn] { tellchan $fort $conn $chan } } # Asynchronously send lines to the channel: proc ::fortune::tellchan {fort conn channel} { variable state # Check if we are still on the channel: if {![irk::onchannel $conn $channel]} { return } # OK we're still on this channel, so say the current line and schedule # the next line for later: if {[llength $fort] > 0} { irk::say $conn $channel [lindex $fort 0] after $state(linedelay) \ [list ::fortune::tellchan [lrange $fort 1 end] $conn $channel] } }