/* * ORXONOX - the hottest 3D action shooter ever to exist * * * License notice: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Author: * Reto Grieder * Co-authors: * ... * */ #include "OgreVector3.h" #include "OgreStringConverter.h" #include "OgreRoot.h" #include "OgreSceneManager.h" #include "OgreSceneNode.h" #include "OgreCamera.h" #include "OgreViewport.h" #include "OgreRenderWindow.h" #include "OgreTextureManager.h" #include "OgreMaterialManager.h" #include "OgreLogManager.h" #include "OgreWindowEventUtilities.h" //Use this define to signify OIS will be used as a DLL //(so that dll import/export macros are in effect) #define OIS_DYNAMIC_LIB #include #include "ogre_control.h" #include "orxonox_scene.h" #include "orxonox_ship.h" #include "inertial_node.h" #include "weapon/bullet.h" #include "weapon/bullet_manager.h" #include "weapon/base_weapon.h" #include "hud/hud_overlay.h" #include "hud/test_overlay.h" #include "run_manager.h" namespace orxonox { using namespace Ogre; using namespace weapon; using namespace hud; /** * RunManager is the basic control object during the game. * * The RunManger class is designed to actually "run" the main part of the * game. The Idea is, that you could derive from the RunManager in order * to distinguish between a first person shooter or a space craft shooter. * RunManager loads and initialises everything in the scene (like the ship, * the enemies in the scene, any scripts, the physics, window events, * environment, HUD, etc.). * It also captures any input from keyboard, mous, joystick (optional) or * Ogre (window events). */ RunManager* RunManager::singletonPtr_s = NULL; /** * Contructor only needs the Root object. */ RunManager::RunManager() : ogre_(NULL), window_(NULL), screenShotCounter_(0), timeUntilNextToggle_(0), mouseSensitivity_(0.003), inputManager_(0), mouse_(0), keyboard_(0), joystick_(0), statsOn_(true) { } /** * @param ogre_ The OgreControl object holding the render window and the Root */ void RunManager::initialise(OgreControl *ogre) { ogre_ = ogre; window_ = ogre->getRenderWindow(); // SETTING UP THE SCENE // create one new SceneManger sceneMgr_ = ogre_->getRoot()->createSceneManager(ST_GENERIC, "Orxonox Scene"); // background scene (world objects, skybox, lights, etc.) backgroundScene_ = new OrxonoxScene(sceneMgr_); // BULLET LIST FOR THE TEST APPLICATION // create a bullet manager bulletManager_ = new BulletManager(sceneMgr_); // PLAYER SPACESHIP // Create a space ship object and its SceneNode. // It should also be considered, that the ship should provide another Node // for a camera to be attached (otherwise the spaceship in front of the // ship would be very static, never moving at all). // Construct a new spaceship and give it the node playerShip_ = new OrxonoxShip(sceneMgr_->getRootSceneNode() ->createChildSceneNode("ShipNode", Vector3(20, 20, 20))); // RESOURCE LOADING (using ResourceGroups if implemented) // load all resources and create the entities by calling the initialise() // methods for each object (no constructor initialisations!). backgroundScene_->initialise(); playerShip_->initialise(); // CAMERA AND VIEWPORT // create camera and viewport createCamera(); createViewports(); // create HUD hud_ = new hud::TestOverlay(window_); hud_->show(); // Set default mipmap level (NB some APIs ignore this) TextureManager::getSingleton().setDefaultNumMipmaps(5); // HUMAN INTERFACE using namespace OIS; LogManager::getSingletonPtr()->logMessage("*** Initializing OIS ***"); ParamList pl; size_t windowHnd = 0; std::ostringstream windowHndStr; window_->getCustomAttribute("WINDOW", &windowHnd); windowHndStr << windowHnd; pl.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("WINDOW"), windowHndStr.str())); inputManager_ = InputManager::createInputSystem( pl ); // Create all devices (We only catch joystick exceptions here, // as, most people have Key/Mouse) keyboard_ = static_cast(inputManager_ ->createInputObject( OISKeyboard, false )); mouse_ = static_cast(inputManager_ ->createInputObject( OISMouse, false )); try { joystick_ = static_cast(inputManager_ ->createInputObject( OISJoyStick, false )); } catch(...) { joystick_ = 0; } //Set initial mouse clipping size windowResized(window_); //showDebugOverlay(true); // REGISTER THIS OBJECT AS A WINDOW EVENT LISTENER IN OGRE // It will then receive events liek windowClosed, windowResized, etc. WindowEventUtilities::addWindowEventListener(window_, this); } /** * Standard destructor. * Removes this object as a window event listener and deletes all created * variables. */ RunManager::~RunManager() { //Remove ourself as a Window listener WindowEventUtilities::removeWindowEventListener(window_, this); windowClosed(window_); if (backgroundScene_) delete backgroundScene_; if (playerShip_) delete playerShip_; if (bulletManager_) delete bulletManager_; if (hud_) delete hud_; } /** * Method to compute anything between 2 frames. * * Everything that needs to be computed during the games happens right here. * The only exception are the listeners (which should only set variables, * not actually do something). * * @param time Absolute play time * @param deltaTime Time passed since last frame * @return Return false to end rendering */ bool RunManager::tick(unsigned long time, float deltaTime) { // synchronize with internal class timer totalTime_ = time; // Call tick() for every object // This could be done by registering (needs a factory..) backgroundScene_->tick(time, deltaTime); playerShip_->tick(time, deltaTime); // Update the HUD Ogre::String tempStr = " | Speed = " + StringConverter::toString(playerShip_->getSpeed()) + " | Left Ammo = " + StringConverter::toString(playerShip_ ->getMainWeapon()->getAmmoState()) + " | Ammo stock = " + StringConverter::toString(playerShip_->getAmmoStock()); hud_->setDebugText(tempStr); hud_->tick(time, deltaTime); // update the bullet positions bulletManager_->tick(time, deltaTime); // HUMAN INTERFACE using namespace OIS; if(window_->isClosed()) return false; //Need to capture/update each device keyboard_->capture(); mouse_->capture(); if( joystick_ ) joystick_->capture(); bool buffJ = (joystick_) ? joystick_->buffered() : true; //Check if one of the devices is not buffered if( !mouse_->buffered() || !keyboard_->buffered() || !buffJ ) { // one of the input modes is immediate, so setup what // is needed for immediate movement if (timeUntilNextToggle_ >= 0) timeUntilNextToggle_ -= deltaTime; } // handle HID devices if( processUnbufferedKeyInput() == false ) return false; if( processUnbufferedMouseInput() == false ) return false; // keep rendering return true; } SceneManager& RunManager::getSceneManager() { return *sceneMgr_; } SceneManager* RunManager::getSceneManagerPtr() { return sceneMgr_; } BulletManager* RunManager::getBulletManagerPtr() { return bulletManager_; } int RunManager::getAmmunitionID(const Ogre::String &ammoName) { Ogre::String ammoTypes[] = { "Energy Cell", "Barrel", "Lead Shot" }; int ammoTypesLength = 3; for (int i = 0; i < ammoTypesLength; i++) { if (ammoTypes[i] == ammoName) return i; } return -1; } int RunManager::getNumberOfAmmos() { return 3; } /** * Adjust mouse clipping area. * This method is called by Ogre without regards of tick()! * Avoid doing too much in this call. * @param rw render window */ void RunManager::windowResized(RenderWindow* rw) { unsigned int width, height, depth; int left, top; rw->getMetrics(width, height, depth, left, top); const OIS::MouseState &ms = mouse_->getMouseState(); ms.width = width; ms.height = height; } /** * Unattach OIS before window shutdown (very important under Linux). * Again, avoid computing a lot in this function. * @param rw Render Window */ void RunManager::windowClosed(RenderWindow* rw) { //Only close for window that created OIS (the main window in these demos) if( rw == window_ ) { if( inputManager_ ) { inputManager_->destroyInputObject( mouse_ ); inputManager_->destroyInputObject( keyboard_ ); inputManager_->destroyInputObject( joystick_ ); OIS::InputManager::destroyInputSystem(inputManager_); inputManager_ = 0; } } } /** * Processes the Keyboard input. * TODO: Use listeners to improve performance. * A lookup table should be implemented to bind any key to a specific action. * @return Return true to keep rendering */ bool RunManager::processUnbufferedKeyInput() { using namespace OIS; if(keyboard_->isKeyDown(KC_A) || keyboard_->isKeyDown(KC_LEFT)) playerShip_->setSideThrust(1); else if(keyboard_->isKeyDown(KC_D) || keyboard_->isKeyDown(KC_RIGHT)) playerShip_->setSideThrust(-1); else playerShip_->setSideThrust(0); if(keyboard_->isKeyDown(KC_UP) || keyboard_->isKeyDown(KC_W) ) playerShip_->setMainThrust(1); else if(keyboard_->isKeyDown(KC_DOWN) || keyboard_->isKeyDown(KC_S) ) playerShip_->setMainThrust(-1); else playerShip_->setMainThrust(0); if (keyboard_->isKeyDown(KC_C)) playerShip_->setYThrust(1); else if (keyboard_->isKeyDown(KC_SPACE)) playerShip_->setYThrust(-1); else playerShip_->setYThrust(0); if (keyboard_->isKeyDown(KC_G)) playerShip_->getMainWeapon()->addAction(BaseWeapon::RELOAD); if( keyboard_->isKeyDown(KC_ESCAPE) || keyboard_->isKeyDown(KC_Q) ) return false; if( keyboard_->isKeyDown(KC_F) && timeUntilNextToggle_ <= 0 ) { statsOn_ = !statsOn_; timeUntilNextToggle_ = 1; } if(keyboard_->isKeyDown(KC_SYSRQ) && timeUntilNextToggle_ <= 0) { std::ostringstream ss; ss << "screenshot_" << ++screenShotCounter_ << ".png"; window_->writeContentsToFile(ss.str()); timeUntilNextToggle_ = 0.5; } // Return true to continue rendering return true; } /** * Processes the Mouse input. * TODO: Use listeners to improve performance. * A lookup table should be implemented to bind ANY button or movement * to a specific action. * @return Return true to keep rendering */ bool RunManager::processUnbufferedMouseInput() { using namespace OIS; const MouseState &ms = mouse_->getMouseState(); if (ms.buttonDown(MB_Left)) playerShip_->getMainWeapon()->primaryFireRequest(); if (ms.buttonDown(MB_Right)) playerShip_->getMainWeapon()->secondaryFireRequest(); playerShip_->turnUpAndDown(Radian(ms.Y.rel * mouseSensitivity_)); playerShip_->turnLeftAndRight(Radian(ms.X.rel * mouseSensitivity_)); // keep rendering return true; } /** * Show an overlay desired. * @param show Whether or not to show the debug overlay */ void RunManager::showDebugOverlay(bool show) { if (hud_) { if (show) hud_->show(); else hud_->hide(); } } /** * Simple camera creator. * playerShip_Node->attachObject(camera_) should not be here! This is what * the camera manager is for. Right now, this method should do just fine, * setting the cam behind the ship. */ void RunManager::createCamera() { camera_ = sceneMgr_->createCamera("PlayerCam"); playerShip_->getRootNode()->getSceneNode()->attachObject(camera_); camera_->setNearClipDistance(5); camera_->setPosition(Vector3(0,10,500)); camera_->lookAt(Vector3(0,0,0)); } /** * Simple viewport creator. * For now the viewport uses the entire render window and is based on the one * camera created so far. */ void RunManager::createViewports() { // Create one viewport, entire window Viewport* vp = window_->addViewport(camera_); vp->setBackgroundColour(ColourValue(0,0,0)); // Alter the camera aspect ratio to match the viewport camera_->setAspectRatio( Real(vp->getActualWidth()) / Real(vp->getActualHeight())); } RunManager* RunManager::createSingleton() { if (singletonPtr_s) return NULL; singletonPtr_s = new RunManager(); return singletonPtr_s; } void RunManager::destroySingleton() { if (singletonPtr_s) delete singletonPtr_s; } RunManager& RunManager::getSingleton() { return *singletonPtr_s; } RunManager* RunManager::getSingletonPtr() { return singletonPtr_s; } }