#include "InputManager.h" InputManager *InputManager::mInputManager; InputManager::InputManager( void ) : mMouse( 0 ), mKeyboard( 0 ), mInputSystem( 0 ) {} InputManager::~InputManager( void ) { if( mInputSystem ) { if( mMouse ) { mInputSystem->destroyInputObject( mMouse ); mMouse = 0; } if( mKeyboard ) { mInputSystem->destroyInputObject( mKeyboard ); mKeyboard = 0; } if( mJoysticks.size() > 0 ) { itJoystick = mJoysticks.begin(); itJoystickEnd = mJoysticks.end(); for(; itJoystick != itJoystickEnd; ++itJoystick ) { mInputSystem->destroyInputObject( *itJoystick ); } mJoysticks.clear(); } // If you use OIS1.0RC1 or above, uncomment this line // and comment the line below it mInputSystem->destroyInputSystem( mInputSystem ); //mInputSystem->destroyInputSystem(); mInputSystem = 0; // Clear Listeners mKeyListeners.clear(); mMouseListeners.clear(); mJoystickListeners.clear(); } } void InputManager::initialise( Ogre::RenderWindow *renderWindow ) { if( !mInputSystem ) { // Setup basic variables OIS::ParamList paramList; size_t windowHnd = 0; std::ostringstream windowHndStr; // Get window handle renderWindow->getCustomAttribute( "WINDOW", &windowHnd ); // Fill parameter list windowHndStr << (unsigned int) windowHnd; paramList.insert( std::make_pair( std::string( "WINDOW" ), windowHndStr.str() ) ); // Create inputsystem mInputSystem = OIS::InputManager::createInputSystem( paramList ); // If possible create a buffered keyboard // (note: if below line doesn't compile, try: if (mInputSystem->getNumberOfDevices(OIS::OISKeyboard) > 0) { if( mInputSystem->numKeyboards() > 0 ) { // if (mInputSystem->getNumberOfDevices(OIS::OISKeyboard) > 0) { mKeyboard = static_cast( mInputSystem->createInputObject( OIS::OISKeyboard, true ) ); mKeyboard->setEventCallback( this ); } // If possible create a buffered mouse // (note: if below line doesn't compile, try: if (mInputSystem->getNumberOfDevices(OIS::OISMouse) > 0) { if( mInputSystem->numMice() > 0 ) { // if (mInputSystem->getNumberOfDevices(OIS::OISMouse) > 0) { mMouse = static_cast( mInputSystem->createInputObject( OIS::OISMouse, true ) ); mMouse->setEventCallback( this ); // Get window size unsigned int width, height, depth; int left, top; renderWindow->getMetrics( width, height, depth, left, top ); // Set mouse region this->setWindowExtents( width, height ); } // If possible create all joysticks in buffered mode // (note: if below line doesn't compile, try: if (mInputSystem->getNumberOfDevices(OIS::OISJoyStick) > 0) { if( mInputSystem->numJoySticks() > 0 ) { // if (mInputSystem->getNumberOfDevices(OIS::OISJoyStick) > 0) { mJoysticks.resize( mInputSystem->numJoySticks() ); // mJoysticks.resize( mInputSystem->getNumberOfDevices(OIS::OISJoyStick) ); itJoystick = mJoysticks.begin(); itJoystickEnd = mJoysticks.end(); for(; itJoystick != itJoystickEnd; ++itJoystick ) { (*itJoystick) = static_cast( mInputSystem->createInputObject( OIS::OISJoyStick, true ) ); (*itJoystick)->setEventCallback( this ); } } } } void InputManager::capture( void ) { // Need to capture / update each device every frame if( mMouse ) { mMouse->capture(); } if( mKeyboard ) { mKeyboard->capture(); } if( mJoysticks.size() > 0 ) { itJoystick = mJoysticks.begin(); itJoystickEnd = mJoysticks.end(); for(; itJoystick != itJoystickEnd; ++itJoystick ) { (*itJoystick)->capture(); } } } void InputManager::addKeyListener( OIS::KeyListener *keyListener, const std::string& instanceName ) { if( mKeyboard ) { // Check for duplicate items itKeyListener = mKeyListeners.find( instanceName ); if( itKeyListener == mKeyListeners.end() ) { mKeyListeners[ instanceName ] = keyListener; } else { // Duplicate Item } } } void InputManager::addMouseListener( OIS::MouseListener *mouseListener, const std::string& instanceName ) { if( mMouse ) { // Check for duplicate items itMouseListener = mMouseListeners.find( instanceName ); if( itMouseListener == mMouseListeners.end() ) { mMouseListeners[ instanceName ] = mouseListener; } else { // Duplicate Item } } } void InputManager::addJoystickListener( OIS::JoyStickListener *joystickListener, const std::string& instanceName ) { if( mJoysticks.size() > 0 ) { // Check for duplicate items itJoystickListener = mJoystickListeners.find( instanceName ); if( itJoystickListener == mJoystickListeners.end() ) { mJoystickListeners[ instanceName ] = joystickListener; } else { // Duplicate Item } } } void InputManager::removeKeyListener( const std::string& instanceName ) { // Check if item exists itKeyListener = mKeyListeners.find( instanceName ); if( itKeyListener != mKeyListeners.end() ) { mKeyListeners.erase( itKeyListener ); } else { // Doesn't Exist } } void InputManager::removeMouseListener( const std::string& instanceName ) { // Check if item exists itMouseListener = mMouseListeners.find( instanceName ); if( itMouseListener != mMouseListeners.end() ) { mMouseListeners.erase( itMouseListener ); } else { // Doesn't Exist } } void InputManager::removeJoystickListener( const std::string& instanceName ) { // Check if item exists itJoystickListener = mJoystickListeners.find( instanceName ); if( itJoystickListener != mJoystickListeners.end() ) { mJoystickListeners.erase( itJoystickListener ); } else { // Doesn't Exist } } void InputManager::removeKeyListener( OIS::KeyListener *keyListener ) { itKeyListener = mKeyListeners.begin(); itKeyListenerEnd = mKeyListeners.end(); for(; itKeyListener != itKeyListenerEnd; ++itKeyListener ) { if( itKeyListener->second == keyListener ) { mKeyListeners.erase( itKeyListener ); break; } } } void InputManager::removeMouseListener( OIS::MouseListener *mouseListener ) { itMouseListener = mMouseListeners.begin(); itMouseListenerEnd = mMouseListeners.end(); for(; itMouseListener != itMouseListenerEnd; ++itMouseListener ) { if( itMouseListener->second == mouseListener ) { mMouseListeners.erase( itMouseListener ); break; } } } void InputManager::removeJoystickListener( OIS::JoyStickListener *joystickListener ) { itJoystickListener = mJoystickListeners.begin(); itJoystickListenerEnd = mJoystickListeners.end(); for(; itJoystickListener != itJoystickListenerEnd; ++itJoystickListener ) { if( itJoystickListener->second == joystickListener ) { mJoystickListeners.erase( itJoystickListener ); break; } } } void InputManager::removeAllListeners( void ) { mKeyListeners.clear(); mMouseListeners.clear(); mJoystickListeners.clear(); } void InputManager::removeAllKeyListeners( void ) { mKeyListeners.clear(); } void InputManager::removeAllMouseListeners( void ) { mMouseListeners.clear(); } void InputManager::removeAllJoystickListeners( void ) { mJoystickListeners.clear(); } void InputManager::setWindowExtents( int width, int height ) { // Set mouse region (if window resizes, we should alter this to reflect as well) const OIS::MouseState &mouseState = mMouse->getMouseState(); mouseState.width = width; mouseState.height = height; } OIS::Mouse* InputManager::getMouse( void ) { return mMouse; } OIS::Keyboard* InputManager::getKeyboard( void ) { return mKeyboard; } OIS::JoyStick* InputManager::getJoystick( unsigned int index ) { // Make sure it's a valid index if( index < mJoysticks.size() ) { return mJoysticks[ index ]; } return 0; } int InputManager::getNumOfJoysticks( void ) { // Cast to keep compiler happy ^^ return (int) mJoysticks.size(); } bool InputManager::keyPressed( const OIS::KeyEvent &e ) { itKeyListener = mKeyListeners.begin(); itKeyListenerEnd = mKeyListeners.end(); for(; itKeyListener != itKeyListenerEnd; ++itKeyListener ) { if(!itKeyListener->second->keyPressed( e )) break; } return true; } bool InputManager::keyReleased( const OIS::KeyEvent &e ) { itKeyListener = mKeyListeners.begin(); itKeyListenerEnd = mKeyListeners.end(); for(; itKeyListener != itKeyListenerEnd; ++itKeyListener ) { if(!itKeyListener->second->keyReleased( e )) break; } return true; } bool InputManager::mouseMoved( const OIS::MouseEvent &e ) { itMouseListener = mMouseListeners.begin(); itMouseListenerEnd = mMouseListeners.end(); for(; itMouseListener != itMouseListenerEnd; ++itMouseListener ) { if(!itMouseListener->second->mouseMoved( e )) break; } return true; } bool InputManager::mousePressed( const OIS::MouseEvent &e, OIS::MouseButtonID id ) { itMouseListener = mMouseListeners.begin(); itMouseListenerEnd = mMouseListeners.end(); for(; itMouseListener != itMouseListenerEnd; ++itMouseListener ) { if(!itMouseListener->second->mousePressed( e, id )) break; } return true; } bool InputManager::mouseReleased( const OIS::MouseEvent &e, OIS::MouseButtonID id ) { itMouseListener = mMouseListeners.begin(); itMouseListenerEnd = mMouseListeners.end(); for(; itMouseListener != itMouseListenerEnd; ++itMouseListener ) { if(!itMouseListener->second->mouseReleased( e, id )) break; } return true; } bool InputManager::povMoved( const OIS::JoyStickEvent &e, int pov ) { itJoystickListener = mJoystickListeners.begin(); itJoystickListenerEnd = mJoystickListeners.end(); for(; itJoystickListener != itJoystickListenerEnd; ++itJoystickListener ) { if(!itJoystickListener->second->povMoved( e, pov )) break; } return true; } bool InputManager::axisMoved( const OIS::JoyStickEvent &e, int axis ) { itJoystickListener = mJoystickListeners.begin(); itJoystickListenerEnd = mJoystickListeners.end(); for(; itJoystickListener != itJoystickListenerEnd; ++itJoystickListener ) { if(!itJoystickListener->second->axisMoved( e, axis )) break; } return true; } bool InputManager::sliderMoved( const OIS::JoyStickEvent &e, int sliderID ) { itJoystickListener = mJoystickListeners.begin(); itJoystickListenerEnd = mJoystickListeners.end(); for(; itJoystickListener != itJoystickListenerEnd; ++itJoystickListener ) { if(!itJoystickListener->second->sliderMoved( e, sliderID )) break; } return true; } bool InputManager::buttonPressed( const OIS::JoyStickEvent &e, int button ) { itJoystickListener = mJoystickListeners.begin(); itJoystickListenerEnd = mJoystickListeners.end(); for(; itJoystickListener != itJoystickListenerEnd; ++itJoystickListener ) { if(!itJoystickListener->second->buttonPressed( e, button )) break; } return true; } bool InputManager::buttonReleased( const OIS::JoyStickEvent &e, int button ) { itJoystickListener = mJoystickListeners.begin(); itJoystickListenerEnd = mJoystickListeners.end(); for(; itJoystickListener != itJoystickListenerEnd; ++itJoystickListener ) { if(!itJoystickListener->second->buttonReleased( e, button )) break; } return true; } InputManager* InputManager::getSingletonPtr( void ) { if( !mInputManager ) { mInputManager = new InputManager(); } return mInputManager; }