/* * ORXONOX - the hottest 3D action shooter ever to exist * > www.orxonox.net < * * * License notice: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * * This HUD is used for the implementation of the campaign map. * So far it can only be used to give names to an object planet. * * Author: * Nikola Bolt * Co-authors: * Claudio Fanconi */ // Header file of this cc file #include "StoryModeHUD.h" // Ogre stuff #include #include #include #include #include // Other stuff #include #include "util/Convert.h" #include "core/command/ConsoleCommandIncludes.h" #include "core/CoreIncludes.h" #include "core/XMLPort.h" #include "CameraManager.h" #include "graphics/Camera.h" #include "worldentities/pawns/Pawn.h" #include "worldentities/WorldEntity.h" #include "core/config/ConfigValueIncludes.h" #include "tools/TextureGenerator.h" #include "controllers/NewHumanController.h" #include "worldentities/NameableStaticEntity.h" namespace orxonox { RegisterClass ( StoryModeHUD ); // Constructor of the StoryMode HUD StoryModeHUD::StoryModeHUD(Context* context) : OrxonoxOverlay(context) { RegisterObject(StoryModeHUD); } // Destructor of the StoryMode HUD StoryModeHUD::~StoryModeHUD() { for(Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement* text : texts) delete text; } // Functions of the StoryMode HUD // XML Port for Level construction. void StoryModeHUD::XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode) { SUPER(StoryModeHUD, XMLPort, xmlelement, mode); XMLPortParam(StoryModeHUD, "font", setFont, getFont, xmlelement, mode); XMLPortParam(StoryModeHUD, "textSize", setTextSize, getTextSize, xmlelement, mode); } void StoryModeHUD::initialize(){ firstTick = false; // Scales used for dimensions and text size float xScale = this->getActualSize().x; float yScale = this->getActualSize().y; //Sets the Camera angle at 30 degrees above it, so levels can be seen better CameraManager::getInstance().getActiveCamera()->setOrientation(Vector3::UNIT_X, Degree(-30)); int i = 0; for(NameableStaticEntity* planet : ObjectList()){ Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement* text = static_cast( Ogre::OverlayManager::getSingleton() .createOverlayElement("TextArea", "StoryModeHUD_navText_" + getUniqueNumberString())); texts.push_back(text); texts[i]->setDimensions(xScale, yScale); //font name of the text needs to be set here, not in the xml setter function texts[i]->setFontName(this->fontName_); texts[i]->setCharHeight(this->textSize_ * yScale); //set text texts[i]->setCaption(planet->getLevelName()); texts[i]->hide(); this->background_->addChild(texts[i]); i++; } } // Set the Font of this HUD. void StoryModeHUD::setFont(const std::string& font) { const Ogre::ResourcePtr& fontPtr = Ogre::FontManager::getSingleton().getByName(font); if (fontPtr.isNull()) { this->fontName_ = "Monofur"; orxout(internal_warning) << "StoryModeHUD: Font '" << font << "' not found. Font has been set to Monofur." << endl; return; } this->fontName_ = font; } // Gets the Font of this HUD const std::string& StoryModeHUD::getFont() const { return this->fontName_; } // Set the size of the Text void StoryModeHUD::setTextSize(float size) { if (size <= 0.0f) { this->textSize_ = 0.05f; orxout(internal_warning) << "StoryModeHUD: Non positive font size not allowed. Font size has been set to 0.05" << endl; return; } this->textSize_ = size; } // returns the Size of the Text float StoryModeHUD::getTextSize() const { return this->textSize_; } // Tick: this is the most important function. It's recalled every frame and makes sure things happen on the screen. void StoryModeHUD::tick(float dt) { SUPER(StoryModeHUD, tick, dt); if(firstTick) this->initialize(); // cam is the pointer which represents your camera Camera* cam = CameraManager::getInstance().getActiveCamera(); if (cam == nullptr) return; // camTransform is a Matrix, which converts 3D world of the game into 2D on your screen const Matrix4& camTransform = cam->getOgreCamera()->getProjectionMatrix() * cam->getOgreCamera()->getViewMatrix(); int i = 0; for(NameableStaticEntity* planet : ObjectList()){ // Transform to screen coordinates Vector3 pos = camTransform * planet->getWorldPosition(); // If you fly passed the description, it gets out of sight if (!(pos.z > 1.0)){ // Position text texts[i]->setLeft((pos.x+1)/2); // The (0,0) Coordinate is in the upper left corner. texts[i]->setTop((-pos.y+1)/2); // With those two calculations we set the desired positions // Make sure the overlays are shown texts[i]->show(); } i++; } } }