#ifndef Flocking_Class #define Flocking_Class #include #include #include #include #endif using namespace std; using namespace Ogre; class AIPilot { /* TASKS: Requirements: - Change actual Speed to required Speed - Speed as Vector3 , spaceship(?) -> pilot attached to it or vice versa (?) - Open fire, if allowed - Status of the fleet commander -> allowed to fire , fly etc. - differ friend, ally and enemy - Lists of ships + who controls them - report ship status to fleet commander - Call own ship status -> ammo, damage etc. */ public: Vector3 speed; //default constructor AIPilot() { speed = (1,0,0); } Vector3 steer(Vector3 reqSpeed) { Quaternion sRotation = speed.getRotationTo(reqSpeed); Radian rollarc = sRotation.getRoll(); Radian pitcharc = sRotation.getPitch(); Radian yawarc = sRotation.getYaw(); return Vector3((float)rollarc.valueRadians(), (float)pitcharc.valueRadians(), (float)yawarc.valueRadians()); } }; class AIFleetCommander : public AIPilot { /* TASKS: Requirements: - Same tasks as AI_Pilot (only if shipcontrol) - Same as AI_Pilot - Calculate required Speed for any ship in Fleet - Knows all calculation functions - Request fleet status and report to commander - Better list of all ships -> more data for fleet ships */ public: //default constructor AIFleetCommander() { } }; class AICommander : public AIFleetCommander { /* TASKS: Requirements: - Decide on general tactics - List of general fleet status + all possible information on enemies - Save and load tactical data (?) - files with tactical data, e.g. success of strategy etc. */ //default constructor AICommander() { } };