#include "PacmanCyan.h" //#include "Pacman.h" #include "core/CoreIncludes.h" #include "BulletDynamics/Dynamics/btRigidBody.h" namespace orxonox{ RegisterClass(PacmanCyan); PacmanCyan::PacmanCyan(Context* context) : PacmanGhost(context){ RegisterObject(PacmanCyan); this->target_x=0; this->target_z=15; this->setPosition(Vector3(0,10,15)); this->lastPlayerPassedPoint=Vector3(70,10,-135); this->isPatrolling = false; } /** @brief Method for creating a ghost through XML. */ void PacmanCyan::XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode) { SUPER(PacmanCyan, XMLPort, xmlelement, mode); } void PacmanCyan::tick(float dt) { SUPER(PacmanGhost, tick, dt); this->actuelposition = this->getPosition(); //Stop, if target arrived if((abs(this->actuelposition.x - this->target_x)<0.5) && (abs(this->actuelposition.z - this->target_z)<0.5)){ this->ismoving = false; } //Move, if ghost hasn't arrived yet if(this->ismoving){ if(!(abs(this->actuelposition.z-target_z)<0.5)) { velocity = Vector3(0,0,-sgn(this->actuelposition.z-this->target_z)); move(dt, actuelposition, velocity); } if(!(abs(this->actuelposition.x-target_x)<0.5)){ velocity = Vector3(-sgn(this->actuelposition.x-this->target_x),0,0); move(dt, actuelposition, velocity); } } //Check on which position the ghost has arrived and set new target else{ std::cout<actuelposition<passedByStart<passedByGoal<target_x, 10, this->target_z); if(this->isPatrolling==false){ //we are not patrolling anymore, choose new patrol this->nextPatrol(); } else if/*((!findpos(cyanPos, startPatrol))&&*/(this->passedByStart==false)/*)*/{ //we have not even reached our startPatrol point if(findpos(cyanPos, startPatrol)){ this->passedByStart=true; } else{ nextMove(cyanPos, startPatrol); } } else if/*((!findpos(cyanPos, goalPatrol))&&*/(this->passedByGoal==false)/*)*/{ //we have reached our startPatrol point, now we go to goalPoint if(findpos(cyanPos, goalPatrol)){ this->passedByGoal=true; } else{ nextMove(cyanPos, goalPatrol); } } else if(!findpos(cyanPos, this->startPatrol)){ //we reached our goal, now we return to start nextMove(cyanPos, startPatrol); } else /*if(findpos(cyanPos, this->startPatrol))*/{ //we reached startPoint again. Either we change patrol //or redo same patrol int redoORNot = rand()%2; if(redoORNot==1){ this->isPatrolling=false; //we will change patrol region } else { this->passedByGoal=false; //repeat patrol region } } lockmove=false; //NEVER FORGET THIS ONE !!!!!!! } } void PacmanCyan::nextPatrol(){ int indexRand1=rand()%67; while(indexRand1==44){ //new try if index is that of the position in the middle indexRand1=rand()%67; } int indexRand2=rand()%67; while((indexRand2==44)||(indexRand2==indexRand1)){ //new try if 2nd index is same as first one or is index // of position in the middle indexRand2=rand()%67; } this->startPatrol = possibleposition[indexRand1]; this->goalPatrol = possibleposition[indexRand2]; /*PatrolPosition startPatPol = PatrolPosition(startPatrol); PatrolPosition goalPatrol = PatrolPosition(goalPatrol);*/ this->passedByStart=false; this->passedByGoal=false; this->isPatrolling=true; } void PacmanCyan::nextMove( Vector3 cyanPosP, Vector3 playerPos){ Vector3 nextTarget = getShortestPath(cyanPosP, playerPos); setNewTargetGhost(nextTarget); } /*struct PacmanCyan::PatrolPosition{ //we need to check if PacmanCyan already passed the goal resp. start patrol point public: Vector3 position; bool visitedPoint; PatrolPosition(Vector3 positionP){ this->position=positionP; visitedPoint=false; } };*/ }