= Debian GNU/Linux = [[TOC(heading=Platforms, depth=1, WindowsMinGW, VisualStudio, LinuxGentoo, LinuxDebian, LinuxUbuntu, LinuxTardis)]] ''Edited: 15. Sep. 2008 by [wiki:FelixSchulthess Felix]''[[br]] ''Checked: 13. Feb. 2008 by [wiki:simonwenner Nowic] on Debian Lenny (Testing)'' Unfortunately there is no package available for Orxonox yet. We're eager to release one, though. Until then, you can get a copy of Orxonox' source code and build it on your own. If you experience problems, see [wiki:LinuxProblems this] page or contact us. == Dependencies == To install all tools and libraries Orxonox needs, use the following command {{{ user@debian:~> sudo aptitude install build-essential cmake libogre-dev libois-dev libboost-thread-dev libopenal-dev libalut-dev libenet-dev libfreeimage-dev libzzip-dev liblua5.1-0-dev tcl8.4-dev }}} == Building == Now proceed by following the steps described on the [wiki:LinuxSource building] page. == Development with KDevelop == If you would like to use KDevelop for coding, see [wiki:CMake#UsingCMakewithKDevelop this] page for further information.