= Mapping for Orxonox - The Tutorial = This tutorial explains you how to install and configure your GTK-Radiant and Orxonox files to build and implement BSP maps for Orxonox. == Preparation == Make sure, your data repository includes at least the following folders: {{{ data levels baseq3 · maps · scripts · textures }}} The "baseq3" folder is needed to access our files in GTK-Radiant.[[br]] The "textures" folder contains all textures you want to use in your map in several subfolders.[[br]] The "maps" folder contains all map- and bsp-files.[[br]] The "baseq3" folder must contain the "orxonox_common_textures.pk3" file ([https://dev.orxonox.net/wiki/MappingForOrxonox#common read more]). We need it to include the common-textures like caulk, nodraw or invisible into GTK-Radiant. == Installation == If you work on a tardis system, you can start GTK-Radiant simply by typing "radiant" into your console and advance to "Configuration".[[br]] If you work on your personal system, read the following instrucions. Get the newest version of GTK-Radiant from [http://www.qeradiant.com/ www.qeradiant.com] and start the installation. You can, if you want, uncheck all components except "Quake III Arena Support". We don't need them, we will just use the Q3A support. Start GTK-Radiant. If you get asked for which game you want to build maps, choose "Quake III Arena". You will be asked where the engine path is. Choose your ...orxonox/data/levels as path. GTK-Radiant should start now. Continue with the configuration. == Configuration == Open Edit->Preferences and make the following changes: {{{ Global Game: Disable "Startup: Show Global Preferences" Interface Layout: Choose the third option (four equal areas), disable "Detachable Menus" Display Entities: Enable "Show Light Radii" Settings Undo: Increase the Undo Queue Size to the maximum Paths: If you've chosen the wrong path, you can enter your ...orxonox/data/levels/ path here Camera: Disable "Discrete movement" Build: Enable "Build Process Monitoring" }}} Restart GTK-Radiant to make the changes take effect. Click on Textures and verify whether at least the "common" textures are available ([https://dev.orxonox.net/wiki/MappingForOrxonox#common read more]). == Implementation == Go to your data/levels folder an create "youprojectname.oxw". Open it and enter the following code: {{{ Your Project Name levels/baseq3/maps/yourmapname.bsp Player Y,Z,X models/creatures/droidika.md2, 10 droidika.png 1,1,1 0,0,0 1,1,1 }}} The name is your Project Name - it will be displayed in the levellist.[[br]] The BSPEntitys name is the path to your bsp model.[[br]] The FPSPlayer is your player in the game. You have to enter his start coordinates. Look into GTK-Radiant and search a nice place (it should be ~20 units over the ground). Enter the coordinates in the format Y,Z,X (that's because GTK-Radiant and Orxonox have two different coordinate systems).[[br]] After that, we add a light to the map, otherwise it would be really dark. Open data/levels/DefaultCampaign.oxc and enter the following code: {{{ # 0 Your Project Name levels/yourprojectname.oxw 1 }}} Instead of "#" on the second line you have to enter a unique identifier number (best you increment the last identifier in the file).[[br]] The name can be whatever you want.[[br]] The path leads to your oxw file, which you have created right before.[[br]] Start Orxonox, click on "Play" and search your map in the levellist (usually at the end, depends on the identifier) and start the game.[[br]] Have fun! :) {{{ #!html }}} == Common textures == The "orxonox_common_textures.pk3" package contains several common textures for GTK-Radiant. With them you can realize special things in your maps like invisible walls or cubes without collision. If you don't have "orxonox_common_textures.pk3" in your ...orxonox/data/levels/baseq3 folder, download it from [https://dev.orxonox.net/attachment/wiki/MappingForOrxonox/orxonox_common_textures.pk3?format=raw here].[[br]] If you got the package, but the textures dont't appear in GTK-Radiant, unzip the package (it's a zip folder) and move the textures to your ...orxonox/data/levels/baseq3/textures/common folder and the common.shader file into the scripts folder. Now they should be available in GTK-Radiant. If the texture are in the editor, but have no effect, you should export the common.shader file to the scripts folder.