//**********************************************************************// // shaderlist.txt modified for Q3Radiant // // by Eutectic - 13 May 2000 // // // // Rev history: // // 08/11/2000 // TTimo - changed liquid to liquids and sky to skies for better // // consistency with the directories and actual shader names // // // // Added the names of the new shader files created as a result // // of the cleanup of the old shader files so Q3Radiant will read // // and display all the shaders in the texture window. // // // // SHADER FILE NAMES ADDED: // // base_door // // gothic_button // // gothic_door // //**********************************************************************// // this file lists all the separate shader files base_button base_door base_floor base_light base_object base_support base_trim base_wall common ctf //eerie //gfx //hell gothic_block gothic_button gothic_door gothic_floor gothic_light gothic_trim gothic_wall liquids //menu //models organics sfx skin skies