/* orxonox - the future of 3D-vertical-scrollers Copyright (C) 2004 orx This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. ### File Specific: main-programmer: christoph co-programmer: */ /* this is for debug output. It just says, that all calls to PRINT() belong to the DEBUG_MODULE_NETWORK module For more information refere to https://www.orxonox.net/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/wiki/DebugOutput */ #define DEBUG_MODULE_NETWORK #include "handshake.h" Handshake::Handshake( bool server, int clientId, int networkGameManagerId ) { /* set the class id for the base object */ this->setClassID(CL_HANDSHAKE, "Handshake"); this->setIsServer(server); this->clientId = clientId; this->networkGameManagerId = networkGameManagerId; this->state = 0; this->isOk = false; this->setOwner(0); PRINTF(5)("Handshake created clientId = %d\n", clientId); } void Handshake::writeBytes( const byte * data, int length ) { PRINTF(5)("Handshake::writeBytes states = %d %d %d %d (%d)\n", hasState( HS_RECVD_INIT ), hasState( HS_RECVD_VER ), hasState( HS_RECVD_HID ), hasState( HS_COMPLETED ), state); if ( hasState( HS_COMPLETED ) ) return; if ( !hasState( HS_RECVD_INIT ) ) { if ( length != _INITIAL_DATA_LENGTH ) { PRINTF(0)("initial packet has wrong size %d instead of %d\n", length, _INITIAL_DATA_LENGTH); setState( HS_COMPLETED ); return; } if ( strncmp((char*)data, _INITIAL_DATA, length) ) { PRINTF(0)("initial packed does not match\n"); setState( HS_COMPLETED ); return; } setState( HS_RECVD_INIT ); PRINTF(0)("got valid initial packet from client %d\n", clientId); return; } if ( hasState( HS_RECVD_INIT ) && !hasState( HS_RECVD_VER ) ) { if ( length != _ORXONOX_VERSION_LENGTH ) { PRINTF(0)("version number packet has wrong size %d instead of %d\n", length, _ORXONOX_VERSION_LENGTH); setState( HS_COMPLETED ); return; } if ( strncmp((char*)data, _ORXONOX_VERSION, length) ) { PRINTF(0)("versions do not match\n"); setState( HS_COMPLETED ); return; } setState( HS_RECVD_VER ); PRINTF(0)("client %d's version does match\n", clientId); return; } if ( !isServer() && hasState( HS_RECVD_VER ) && !hasState( HS_RECVD_HID ) ) { if ( length != 2 ) { PRINTF(0)("hostID packet has wrong size %d instead of %d\n", length, 1); setState( HS_COMPLETED ); return; } setState( HS_COMPLETED ); setState( HS_RECVD_HID ); this->isOk = true; this->newHostId = data[0]; this->newNetworkGameManagerId = data[1]; if ( newHostId == 0 ) { setState( HS_WAS_REJECT ); isOk = false; PRINTF(0)("Server did not accept handshake!\n"); } else { PRINTF(0)("got my hostID: %d and networkGameManagerId: %d\n", newHostId, newNetworkGameManagerId); } return; } } int Handshake::readBytes( byte * data, int maxLength, int * reciever ) { PRINTF(5)("Handshake::readBytes states = %d %d %d %d (%d)\n", hasState( HS_SENT_INIT ), hasState( HS_SENT_VER ), hasState( HS_SENT_HID ), hasState( HS_COMPLETED ), state); if ( hasState( HS_COMPLETED ) ) return 0; if ( !hasState( HS_SENT_INIT ) ) { if ( maxLength < _INITIAL_DATA_LENGTH ) { PRINTF(0)("buffer too small for _INITIAL_DATA"); setState( HS_COMPLETED ); return 0; } setState( HS_SENT_INIT ); memcpy(data, _INITIAL_DATA, _INITIAL_DATA_LENGTH); if ( this->isServer() ) *reciever = clientId; return _INITIAL_DATA_LENGTH; } if ( hasState( HS_RECVD_INIT ) && hasState( HS_SENT_INIT ) && !hasState( HS_SENT_VER ) ) { if ( maxLength < _ORXONOX_VERSION_LENGTH ) { PRINTF(0)("buffer too small for version number"); setState( HS_COMPLETED ); return 0; } setState( HS_SENT_VER ); memcpy(data, _ORXONOX_VERSION, _ORXONOX_VERSION_LENGTH); if ( this->isServer() ) *reciever = clientId; return _ORXONOX_VERSION_LENGTH; } if ( isServer() && hasState( HS_RECVD_VER) && hasState( HS_SENT_VER ) && !hasState( HS_SENT_HID ) ) { if ( maxLength < 2 ) { PRINTF(0)("buffer too small for ID"); setState( HS_COMPLETED ); return 0; } setState( HS_SENT_HID ); setState( HS_COMPLETED ); if ( hasState( HS_DO_REJECT ) ) { isOk = false; //memcpy(data, (byte*)0, 4); data[0] = 0; } else { isOk = true; //memcpy(data, &clientId, 4); data[0] = (byte)clientId; data[1] = (byte)networkGameManagerId; } *reciever = clientId; return 2; } return 0; } void Handshake::writeDebug( ) const { } void Handshake::readDebug( ) const { }