/* orxonox - the future of 3D-vertical-scrollers Copyright (C) 2004 orx This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. ### File Specific: main-programmer: Benjamin Grauer co-programmer: ... */ #define DEBUG_SPECIAL_MODULE DEBUG_MODULE_GUI #include "glgui_box.h" #include #include #include "debug.h" #include "network_log.h" namespace OrxGui { ObjectListDefinition(GLGuiBox); /** * standard constructor */ GLGuiBox::GLGuiBox (OrxGui::Orientation orientation) { this->init(); this->setOrientation(orientation); } /** * standard deconstructor */ GLGuiBox::~GLGuiBox() { // unpack all the widgets. while(!this->_children.empty()) { /// not deleting children here. this->_children.front()->setParentWidget(NULL); this->_children.pop_front(); } } /** * initializes the GUI-element */ void GLGuiBox::init() { this->registerObject(this, GLGuiBox::_objectList); } void GLGuiBox::pack(GLGuiWidget* widget) { assert (widget != NULL); this->_children.push_back(widget); this->packing(widget); } void GLGuiBox::pack(GLGuiWidget* widget, std::list::iterator pos) { this->_children.insert(pos, widget); this->packing(widget); } void GLGuiBox::pack(GLGuiWidget* widget, unsigned int position) { if (this->_children.empty()) this->pack(widget); unsigned int pos = 0; std::list::iterator it = this->_children.begin(); for (; pos < position; ++pos) { if (this->_children.end() == ++it) { PRINTF(2)("Reached end of packing list, without getting to the designated position %d (i am at %d)\n", position, pos); this->pack(widget); } } this->_children.insert(it, widget); this->packing(widget); } void GLGuiBox::pack(GLGuiWidget* widget, const GLGuiWidget* widgetPointer) { assert (widget != NULL && widgetPointer != NULL); std::list::iterator it = this->_children.begin(); for (; it != this->_children.end(); ++it) { if (widgetPointer == *it) { this->_children.insert(it, widget); this->packing(widget); return; } } PRINTF(2)("WidgetPointer %p not found, inserting at the end\n", widgetPointer); this->pack(widget); } void GLGuiBox::packFront(GLGuiWidget* widget) { this->_children.push_front(widget); this->packing(widget); } void GLGuiBox::packBack(GLGuiWidget* widget) { this->pack(widget); } void GLGuiBox::packing(GLGuiWidget* widget) { widget->setParentWidget(this); this->resize(); } void GLGuiBox::unpack(GLGuiWidget* widget) { assert(widget != NULL); std::list::iterator delWidget = std::find(this->_children.begin(), this->_children.end(), widget); if (delWidget != this->_children.end()) { (*delWidget)->setParentWidget(NULL); this->_children.erase(delWidget); } this->resize(); } void GLGuiBox::clear() { this->_children.clear(); this->resize(); } void GLGuiBox::showAll() { std::list::iterator itC = this->_children.begin(); while (itC != this->_children.end()) { if ((*itC)->isA(GLGuiContainer::staticClassID())) static_cast(*itC)->showAll(); else (*itC)->show(); itC++; } this->show(); } void GLGuiBox::hideAll() { std::list::iterator itC = this->_children.begin(); while (itC != this->_children.end()) { if ((*itC)->isA(GLGuiContainer::staticClassID())) static_cast(*itC)->hideAll(); else (*itC)->hide(); itC++; } this->hide(); } void GLGuiBox::resize() { if (this->orientation() == OrxGui::Vertical) { float height = borderTop(); float width = 0.0f; std::list::iterator widget; // find out how big the Widgets are. for (widget = this->_children.begin(); widget != this->_children.end(); ++widget) { //float radDir = (*widget)->getAbsDir2D() * 2 * M_PI / 360; //float realSizeX = fabsf((*widget)->getSizeX2D() * cosf(radDir)) + fabsf((*widget)->getSizeY2D() * sinf(radDir)); //float realSizeY = fabsf((*widget)->getSizeX2D() * sinf(radDir)) + fabsf((*widget)->getSizeY2D() * cosf(radDir)); float realSizeX, realSizeY; // int angleAbs = (int)(*widget)->getAbsDir2D(); // int angleRel = (int)(*widget)->getRelDir2D(); //std::cout << "absangle: " << angleAbs << ", relangle: " << angleRel << '\n'; if ((*widget)->getAbsDir2D() == 0 || (*widget)->getAbsDir2D() == 180) { realSizeX = (*widget)->getSizeX2D(); realSizeY = (*widget)->getSizeY2D(); //std::cout<<"box vertical, widget 0or180"; } else if ((*widget)->getAbsDir2D() == 90 || (*widget)->getAbsDir2D() == 270) { realSizeX = (*widget)->getSizeY2D(); realSizeY = (*widget)->getSizeX2D(); //std::cout<<"box vertical, widget 90or270"; } (*widget)->setRelCoor2D(borderLeft(), height + borderTop()); height += realSizeY; width = fmax(width, realSizeX); } width += borderLeft() + borderRight(); height += borderBottom(); /* *2 done further up */ this->setSize2D(width, height); } else { float height = borderTop(); float width = borderLeft(); std::list::iterator widget; // find out how big the Widgets are. for (widget = this->_children.begin(); widget != this->_children.end(); ++widget) { //float radDir = (*widget)->getAbsDir2D() * 2 * M_PI / 360; //std::cout << "size X: " << (*widget)->getSizeX2D() << "size Y: " << (*widget)->getSizeY2D() << '\n'; //float realSizeX = fabsf((*widget)->getSizeX2D() * cosf(radDir)) + fabsf((*widget)->getSizeY2D() * sinf(radDir)); //float realSizeY = fabsf((*widget)->getSizeX2D() * sinf(radDir)) + fabsf((*widget)->getSizeY2D() * cosf(radDir)); float realSizeX, realSizeY; int angleAbs = (int)(*widget)->getAbsDir2D(); int angleRel = (int)(*widget)->getRelDir2D(); //std::cout << "absangle: " << angleAbs << ", relangle: " << angleRel << '\n'; if ((*widget)->getAbsDir2D() == 0 || (*widget)->getAbsDir2D() == 180) { realSizeX = (*widget)->getSizeX2D(); realSizeY = (*widget)->getSizeY2D(); //std::cout<<"box horicontal, widget 0or180"; } else if ((*widget)->getAbsDir2D() == 90 || (*widget)->getAbsDir2D() == 270) { realSizeX = (*widget)->getSizeY2D(); realSizeY = (*widget)->getSizeX2D(); //std::cout<<"box horicontal, widget 90or270"; } (*widget)->setRelCoor2D(width, borderTop()); height = fmax(height, realSizeY); width += realSizeX; } width += borderRight() ; height += borderBottom(); /* *2 done further up */ this->setSize2D(width, height); } GLGuiWidget::resize(); // resize everything. //for (widget = this->_children.begin(); widget != this->_children.end(); ++widget) //{} } /** * @brief draws the GLGuiBox */ void GLGuiBox::draw() const { this->beginDraw(); GLGuiWidget::draw(); this->endDraw(); } }