/* orxonox - the future of 3D-vertical-scrollers Copyright (C) 2004 orx This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. ### File Specific main-programmer: Patrick Boenzli co-programmer: Benjamin Grauer */ #define DEBUG_SPECIAL_MODULE DEBUG_MODULE_WEAPON #include "lbolt.h" #include "state.h" #include "model.h" #include "particles/dot_emitter.h" #include "particles/sprite_particles.h" #include #include "debug.h" #include "space_ships/space_ship.h" #include "class_id_DEPRECATED.h" ObjectListDefinition(LBolt); CREATE_FAST_FACTORY_STATIC(LBolt); /** * standard constructor */ LBolt::LBolt () : Projectile() { this->registerObject(this, LBolt::_objectList); this->loadModel("models/projectiles/lbolt.obj"); this->setMinEnergy(1); this->setHealthMax(0); this->lifeSpan = 5.0; this->emitter = new DotEmitter(100, 5, M_2_PI); this->emitter->setParent(this); this->emitter->setSpread(M_PI, M_PI); this->emitter->setEmissionRate(300.0); this->emitter->setEmissionVelocity(50.0); this->angle = 0; this->rotationSpeed = 130; this->halo = new Billboard(); this->halo->setSize(.35, .35); this->halo->setTexture("hbolt_halo.png"); } /** * standard deconstructor */ LBolt::~LBolt () { // delete this->emitter; /* this is normaly done by World.cc by deleting the ParticleEngine */ if (LBolt::explosionParticles != NULL && LBolt::objectList().size() <= 1) { //if (ClassList::exists(LBolt::explosionParticles, CL_PARTICLE_SYSTEM)) // delete LBolt::explosionParticles; PRINTF(1)("Deleting LBolt Particles\n"); LBolt::explosionParticles = NULL; } } SpriteParticles* LBolt::explosionParticles = NULL; void LBolt::activate() { if (unlikely(LBolt::explosionParticles == NULL)) { LBolt::explosionParticles = new SpriteParticles(1000); LBolt::explosionParticles->setName("BoltExplosionParticles"); LBolt::explosionParticles->setLifeSpan(.5, .3); LBolt::explosionParticles->setRadius(0.0, 10.0); LBolt::explosionParticles->setRadius(.5, 6.0); LBolt::explosionParticles->setRadius(1.0, 3.0); LBolt::explosionParticles->setColor(0.0, 1,1,0,.9); LBolt::explosionParticles->setColor(0.5, .8,.8,0,.5); LBolt::explosionParticles->setColor(1.0, .8,.8,.7,.0); } this->setDamage(5); this->setHealth(0); } void LBolt::deactivate() { assert (LBolt::explosionParticles != NULL); LBolt::explosionParticles->removeEmitter(this->emitter); this->lifeCycle = 0.0; this->toList(OM_NULL); this->removeNode(); LBolt::fastFactory->kill(this); } void LBolt::collidesWith(WorldEntity* entity, const Vector& location) { PRINTF(0)("Collision with LBolt\n"); if (this->hitEntity != entity && entity->isA(CL_NPC)) this->destroy( entity ); this->hitEntity = entity; dynamic_cast(entity)->damage(this->getDamage(),0); // this->deactivate(); } /** * signal tick, time dependent things will be handled here * @param dt time since last tick */ void LBolt::tick (float dt) { //Vector v = *this->flightDirection * ( this->speed * time * 1000 + 0.1); Vector v = this->velocity * dt; this->shiftCoor(v); if (this->tickLifeCycle(dt)) this->deactivate(); angle += rotationSpeed * dt; } /** * the function gets called, when the projectile is destroyed */ void LBolt::destroy (WorldEntity* killer) { Projectile::destroy( killer ); PRINTF(5)("DESTROY LBolt\n"); this->lifeCycle = .95; //!< @todo calculate this usefully. this->emitter->setSystem(LBolt::explosionParticles); } void LBolt::draw () const { glPushAttrib(GL_ENABLE_BIT); //glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPushMatrix(); float matrix[4][4]; glTranslatef (this->getAbsCoor ().x, this->getAbsCoor ().y, this->getAbsCoor ().z); glRotatef(angle, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0); this->getAbsDir().matrix (matrix); glMultMatrixf((float*)matrix); this->getModel()->draw(); this->halo->draw(); glPopMatrix(); glPopAttrib(); }