ENet host functions


ENetHostenet_host_create (const ENetAddress *address, size_t peerCount, enet_uint32 incomingBandwidth, enet_uint32 outgoingBandwidth)
 Creates a host for communicating to peers.
void enet_host_destroy (ENetHost *host)
 Destroys the host and all resources associated with it.
ENetPeerenet_host_connect (ENetHost *host, const ENetAddress *address, size_t channelCount)
 Initiates a connection to a foreign host.
void enet_host_broadcast (ENetHost *host, enet_uint8 channelID, ENetPacket *packet)
 Queues a packet to be sent to all peers associated with the host.
void enet_host_bandwidth_limit (ENetHost *host, enet_uint32 incomingBandwidth, enet_uint32 outgoingBandwidth)
 Adjusts the bandwidth limits of a host.
void enet_host_bandwidth_throttle (ENetHost *host)
void enet_host_flush (ENetHost *host)
 Sends any queued packets on the host specified to its designated peers.
int enet_host_service (ENetHost *host, ENetEvent *event, enet_uint32 timeout)
 Waits for events on the host specified and shuttles packets between the host and its peers.

Function Documentation

void enet_host_bandwidth_limit ( ENetHost host,
enet_uint32  incomingBandwidth,
enet_uint32  outgoingBandwidth 

host host to adjust
incomingBandwidth new incoming bandwidth
outgoingBandwidth new outgoing bandwidth
the incoming and outgoing bandwidth parameters are identical in function to those specified in enet_host_create().

void enet_host_broadcast ( ENetHost host,
enet_uint8  channelID,
ENetPacket packet 

host host on which to broadcast the packet
channelID channel on which to broadcast
packet packet to broadcast

ENetPeer* enet_host_connect ( ENetHost host,
const ENetAddress address,
size_t  channelCount 

host host seeking the connection
address destination for the connection
channelCount number of channels to allocate
a peer representing the foreign host on success, NULL on failure
The peer returned will have not completed the connection until enet_host_service() notifies of an ENET_EVENT_TYPE_CONNECT event for the peer.

ENetHost* enet_host_create ( const ENetAddress address,
size_t  peerCount,
enet_uint32  incomingBandwidth,
enet_uint32  outgoingBandwidth 

address the address at which other peers may connect to this host. If NULL, then no peers may connect to the host.
peerCount the maximum number of peers that should be allocated for the host.
incomingBandwidth downstream bandwidth of the host in bytes/second; if 0, ENet will assume unlimited bandwidth.
outgoingBandwidth upstream bandwidth of the host in bytes/second; if 0, ENet will assume unlimited bandwidth.
the host on success and NULL on failure
ENet will strategically drop packets on specific sides of a connection between hosts to ensure the host's bandwidth is not overwhelmed. The bandwidth parameters also determine the window size of a connection which limits the amount of reliable packets that may be in transit at any given time.

void enet_host_destroy ( ENetHost host  ) 

host pointer to the host to destroy

void enet_host_flush ( ENetHost host  ) 

host host to flush
this function need only be used in circumstances where one wishes to send queued packets earlier than in a call to enet_host_service().

int enet_host_service ( ENetHost host,
ENetEvent event,
enet_uint32  timeout 

host host to service
event an event structure where event details will be placed if one occurs if event == NULL then no events will be delivered
timeout number of milliseconds that ENet should wait for events
Return values:
> 0 if an event occurred within the specified time limit
0 if no event occurred
< 0 on failure
enet_host_service should be called fairly regularly for adequate performance

Generated on Wed Jun 6 14:33:50 2007 for enet by  doxygen 1.5.1