// // C++ Interface: ConnectionManager // // Description: The Class ConnectionManager manages the servers conenctions to the clients. // each connection is provided by a new process. communication between master process and // connection processes is provided by ... // // // Author: Oliver Scheuss // #include "network/ConnectionManager.h" namespace network{ boost::thread_group network_threads; void test(){ return; } ConnectionManager::ConnectionManager(){ quit=false; client=NULL; bindAddress.host = ENET_HOST_ANY; bindAddress.port = NETWORK_PORT; } ConnectionManager::ConnectionManager(int port, int address){ quit=false; client=NULL; bindAddress.host = address; bindAddress.port = NETWORK_PORT; } ENetPacket *ConnectionManager::getPacket(){ if(!buffer.isEmpty()) return buffer.pop(); else return NULL; } bool ConnectionManager::queueEmpty(){ return buffer.isEmpty(); } void ConnectionManager::createListener(){ network_threads.create_thread(boost::bind(boost::mem_fn(&ConnectionManager::receiverThread), this)); // boost::thread thr(boost::bind(boost::mem_fn(&ConnectionManager::receiverThread), this)); return; } bool ConnectionManager::quitListener(){ quit=true; network_threads.join_all(); return true; } bool ConnectionManager::addPacket(ENetPacket *packet, ENetPeer *peer){ if(client=NULL) return false; ClientList *temp=client; while(peer->host != temp->event->peer->host){ temp=temp->next; if(temp==NULL) return false; } if(enet_peer_send(temp->event->peer, temp->ID, packet)!=0) return false; return true; } bool ConnectionManager::addPacket(ENetPacket *packet, int ID){ if(client=NULL) return false; ClientList *temp=client; while(ID != temp->ID){ temp=temp->next; if(temp==NULL) return false; } if(enet_peer_send(temp->event->peer, temp->ID, packet)!=0) return false; else return true; } bool ConnectionManager::addPacketAll(ENetPacket *packet){ ClientList *temp=client; while(temp!=NULL){ if(enet_peer_send(temp->event->peer, temp->ID, packet)!=0) return false; } return true; } bool ConnectionManager::sendPackets(ENetEvent *event){ if(server==NULL) return false; if(enet_host_service(server, event, NETWORK_SEND_WAIT)>=0) return true; else return false; } void ConnectionManager::receiverThread(){ // what about some error-handling here ? enet_initialize(); atexit(enet_deinitialize); ENetEvent event; server = enet_host_create(&bindAddress, NETWORK_MAX_CONNECTIONS, 0, 0); if(server==NULL) // add some error handling here ========================== quit=true; while(!quit){ if(enet_host_service(server, &event, NETWORK_WAIT_TIMEOUT)<0){ // we should never reach this point quit=true; // add some error handling here ======================== } switch(event.type){ // log handling ================ case ENET_EVENT_TYPE_CONNECT: addClient(&event); break; case ENET_EVENT_TYPE_RECEIVE: std::cout << event.packet->data << std::endl; processData(&event); break; case ENET_EVENT_TYPE_DISCONNECT: // add some error/log handling here clientDisconnect(event.peer); break; } } // if we're finishied, destroy server enet_host_destroy(server); } bool ConnectionManager::processData(ENetEvent *event){ // just add packet to the buffer // this can be extended with some preprocessing return buffer.push(event->packet); } bool ConnectionManager::clientDisconnect(ENetPeer *peer){ ClientList *temp=client; // do we have to remove the first item ? if(temp->event->peer->host==peer->host){ if(temp->next==NULL){ client=NULL; } else{ client=temp->next; } delete temp; return true; } else { while(temp->next!=NULL){ if(temp->next->event->peer->host==peer->host){ // do a correct relink and delete the disconnected client ClientList *temp2=temp->next; temp->next=temp2->next; delete temp2; return true; } else //otherwise keep on searching ;) temp=temp->next; } } return false; } bool ConnectionManager::addClient(ENetEvent *event){ // first client? if(client==NULL){ client =new ClientList; client->ID=1; client->next=NULL; client->event = event; } else { // otherwise add a new element to clientlist ClientList *temp = client; int i=1; while(temp->next != NULL){ temp=temp->next; i++; } temp->next=new ClientList; temp=temp->next; temp->ID=i+1; temp->event=event; temp->next=NULL; } return true; } }