-- Generate binding code -- Written by Waldemar Celes -- TeCGraf/PUC-Rio -- Jul 1998 -- Last update: Apr 2003 -- $Id: $ -- This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it. -- The software provided hereunder is on an "as is" basis, and -- the author has no obligation to provide maintenance, support, updates, -- enhancements, or modifications. function parse_extra() for k,v in ipairs(_extra_parameters or {}) do local b,e,name,value = string.find(v, "^([^=])=(.*)$") if b then _extra_parameters[name] = value else _extra_parameters[v] = true end end end function doit () -- define package name, if not provided if not flags.n then if flags.f then flags.n = gsub(flags.f,"%..*$","") _,_,flags.n = string.find(flags.n, "([^/\\]*)$") else error("#no package name nor input file provided") end end -- parse table with extra paramters parse_extra() -- get potential working directory if not flags.w then flags.w = '' end -- do this after setting the package name if flags.L then if string.sub(flags.L, 1, 1) == '/' or string.sub(flags.L, 1, 1) == '\\' then dofile(flags.L) else dofile(flags.w..'/'..flags.L) end end -- add cppstring if not flags.S then _basic['string'] = 'cppstring' _basic['std::string'] = 'cppstring' _basic_ctype.cppstring = 'const char*' end -- proccess package local file if flags.f then if string.sub(flags.f, 1, 1) == '/' or string.sub(flags.f, 1, 1) == '\\' then file = flags.f else file = flags.w..'/'..flags.f end else file = flags.f end local p = Package(flags.n, file) if flags.p then return -- only parse end if flags.o then local file if string.sub(flags.o, 1, 1) == '/' or string.sub(flags.o, 1, 1) == '\\' then file = flags.o else file = flags.w..'/'..flags.o end local st,msg = writeto(file) if not st then error('#'..msg) end end p:decltype() if flags.P then p:print() else p:preamble() p:supcode() p:register() push(p) post_output_hook(p) pop() end if flags.o then writeto() end -- write header file if not flags.P then if flags.H then local file if string.sub(flags.H, 1, 1) == '/' or string.sub(flags.H, 1, 1) == '\\' then file = flags.H else file = flags.w..'/'..flags.H end local st,msg = writeto(file) if not st then error('#'..msg) end p:header() writeto() end end end