#include "mouseapiexample.h" namespace orxonox { RegisterClass(MouseAPIExample); MouseAPIExample::MouseAPIExample(Context* context) : ControllableEntity(context) { RegisterObject(MouseAPIExample); } MouseAPIExample::~MouseAPIExample() { if(MouseAPI::isActive()) MouseAPI::getInstance().deactivate(); } // change the size of the cube by a random number between 0.5 and 5 by clicking on it void MouseAPIExample::changesizeonclick(MouseButtonCode::ByEnum mouse) { // generate random number between 0.5 and 5 float randomnumber = (rand()%10+1)/2.0; // scale of the cube with this random number this->setScale(randomnumber); // change the radius of the clickableElement to the new size MouseAPI::getInstance().changeRadiusOfClickableElement(cubeid,randomnumber*10); } // change the size of the sphere by scrolling on it void MouseAPIExample::changesizeonscroll(int abs,int rel,const IntVector2& mousePos) { // get current radius of the sphere float curRadius = MouseAPI::getInstance().getRadiusScroll(sphereid); // set factor to 120% or 80% of the current size, depending on increase or decrease float factor = curRadius/10*(1+rel/600.0); // return if factor is outside of range [0.5,5] (limit size) if(factor > 5 || factor < 0.5) return; //scale the sphere with this factor and change the radius this->setScale(factor); MouseAPI::getInstance().changeRadiusOfScrollableElement(sphereid,factor*10); } // scale the z-component up / down with left-mouse / right-mouse (max. factor 2, min. factor 1) void MouseAPIExample::clickleft(MouseButtonCode::ByEnum mouse) { // action after left-click if (mouse == MouseButtonCode::Left) { Vector3 scale = this->getScale3D(); if (scale.z <= 2) this->setScale3D(scale.x,scale.y,scale.z+0.1); } // action after right-click else if (mouse == MouseButtonCode::Right) { Vector3 scale = this->getScale3D(); if (scale.z > 1) this->setScale3D(scale.x,scale.y,scale.z-0.1); } } // scale the y-component up / down with left-mouse / right-mouse (max. factor 2, min. factor 1) void MouseAPIExample::clickright(MouseButtonCode::ByEnum mouse) { // action after left-click if (mouse == MouseButtonCode::Left) { Vector3 scale = this->getScale3D(); if (scale.y <= 2) this->setScale3D(scale.x,scale.y+0.1,scale.z); } // action after right-click else if (mouse == MouseButtonCode::Right) { Vector3 scale = this->getScale3D(); if (scale.y > 1) this->setScale3D(scale.x,scale.y-0.1,scale.z); } } // standard XML-Port void MouseAPIExample::XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode) { SUPER(MouseAPIExample, XMLPort, xmlelement, mode); // differentiate between several elements by an identifier "id" XMLPortParam(MouseAPIExample, "id", setId, getId, xmlelement, mode); if(this->getId() == 1) // id == 1; cube { // add the cube to the list with clickable elements, set the radius to 10, define the function changesizeonclick to be called after a left-click cubeid = MouseAPI::getInstance().addClickableElement(this->getWorldPosition(),10,std::list{MouseButtonCode::Left},[this](MouseButtonCode::ByEnum mouse){this->changesizeonclick(mouse);}); } else if(this->getId() == 2) // id == 2; sphere { // add the sphere to the list with scrollable Elements, set the radius to 10, define the function changesizeonscroll to be called while scrolling sphereid = MouseAPI::getInstance().addScrollElement(this->getWorldPosition(), 10, [this](int abs, int rel, const IntVector2& mousePos){this->changesizeonscroll(abs,rel,mousePos);}); } else if(this->getId() == 3) // id == 3; long block { // add the left and right part of the long block to the list with clickable Elements and define clickleft/clickright to be called // (Position (0,70,+/-70) is hardcoded) leftid = MouseAPI::getInstance().addClickableElement(Vector3(0,70,-70),20,std::list{MouseButtonCode::Left,MouseButtonCode::Right},[this](MouseButtonCode::ByEnum mouse){this->clickleft(mouse);}); rightid = MouseAPI::getInstance().addClickableElement(Vector3(0,70,70),20,std::list{MouseButtonCode::Left,MouseButtonCode::Right},[this](MouseButtonCode::ByEnum mouse){this->clickright(mouse);}); } // activate MouseAPI MouseAPI::getInstance().activate(); } }